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Big Hurt

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Everything posted by Big Hurt

  1. Trent is not getting the point. People critized him for his performance, not where he is from. Why was he bothered by Jimbo's comment about not drafting another California QB? He should worry about doing his job. When is he going to explain why he played so horribly? Nice change of subject , Trent. I bet he learn that from his former coach.
  2. Newsome is a great negoiator. If Nix is not up to par, he will be eaten alive. I cannot imagine Nix think bad enough of our current roster to give up the house for this injured right tackle. Or other team will line up in front of One Bills Drive to trade with us. Hopefully he is not a sucker!
  3. I noticed that a lot of people on this board hate our own players and love the other teams' rejects. They would love to get rid of Lynch, Evans, Schobel but would glad to take Joey Porters, Brandon Marshall, and pay them millions. Let me tell you this. A lot of team would be interested in Lynch, including the Bills. He is a north south runner and can break tackles. He is a beast and cannot be brought down with one tackler. The problem he had was that he danced too much. That can be corrected. I don't think the Bills should trade him away when there are so many holes to fill. If you trade him away for a second round pick, can you replace him with that pick and make an improvement. No way. Keep him as a backup and concentrate on other positions like LT, NT, and QB.
  4. I agree with what you said except I thought Spike and Milloy were pretty good players. We had one of the best defense when they were playing here. Looking back at the Donahoe era, he was a lot better than Marv Levy and Russ Brandon in terms of FA he was able to find. I am a true believer that a team needs to have a strong GM to get better. I don't want to throw Nix under the bus already, but he would not be my choice for GM.
  5. If Bryan Bulaga is there at #9, I would pick him instead of Cody for sure. Fat guys are dime a dozen. That doesn't mean they could play nose tackle. Otherwise, we could have converted Mike Williams to a nose tackle and did not have to cut him.
  6. Uh Oh!!! All over again! Pain!!!!
  7. I laughed when I heard that. I always thought his biggest mistake was to let Jimmy Johnson walk. Jones is a egotistical jerk. I certainly would not take him seriously. Did you heard what Donald Trump said about USFL?
  8. I would offer a 5th round pick for him. Maybe with Chan Gailey's coaching, there is still hope for him.
  9. They all like to think that those players were only bad because they were on a bad team. And they all think their own teams were not that bad. Like Buddy Nix said, "we are closer than you may think to be a good team." The problem is, every bad team think the same way.
  10. I am ok with the cuts. Fine, I thought did a decent job when he was healthy. But he only looked ok because our other TE also suck and under ultilized under dickhead. This goes to show you how bad we have been drafting. It really doesn't matter who we cut as long as we continue to blow the drafts. We will never be a better team.
  11. If Schobel doesn't come back, can we count on Maybin to step in or should we start worrying and draft a DE?
  12. NO!!!!! Their first is almost like our second. We gave them Marshawn for nothing. I would only trade Marshawn for their 1st. If they don't want to do it, then they can go fly a kite. We don't need to get rid of Marshawn that badly. We have an option, which is to keep Marshawn here!
  13. I agree about why the Colts lost is because of the defense couldn't get off the field. Mannings' ill advised pass sealed the deal. Also don't forget about the onside kick. If Mannings and the Colts offense played more aggressively and put points on the board early, it would change the way the Saints defense played against him. Maybe more blitzes and that mean more one-on-one. The outcome of the game could be different. I think Gregg Wiliams got into Mannings' head. His defense baited him all day with deep coverage and hooked him at the end. I blame the Colts' coaches for not preparing his players for the game. Their players were not playing with emotion. The Colts with their conservative game plan going in, losing that game was the only logical conclusion. As of drafting OL or QB, I think you grab the best player. If you see a Peyton Manning on the board, grab him regardless if you need an LT. They don't come by every year. But if all being equal, draft an OL. It takes five people to form a line but only one QB can play at a time. So you will need more good linemen. The Bills are bad in all phases in offense so we cannot get picky. If there is no franchise QB available, take the best LT available. If that is not available, pick a nose tackle. Too many holes, too few first round picks.
  14. Dudes, I think we need a nose tackle if we are switching to 3-4. Strouds cannot play every down and even if he can, I don't see how he is going to take up two blockers.
  15. Trading Lynch for a late second round pick? If the Bills front office is interested in this kind of deals, then here is my suggestion: From now on, for every draft, trade all their first round picks away and get into second or third round. Don't even look at who is on the draft board. That's because whoever we drafted, you guys seem to want to trade them away for lower round picks in a few years. So why not just trade the picks right the way. You will get more second, third round picks out of it. I agree that Lynch is a pain in the butt. But you always need to develop your players. I think Lynch will be successful if he is coached correctly. The team need to get him in a position to be successful. Get him the right coach. Game plan to take advantage of his strength. Improve the blocking in front of him so that he is not hit behind the line. His off field problem is easy to address. At least he is not a hardcore criminal. Some of you are willing to bring in Mike Vick but want to trade Lynch away? I just don't get that.
  16. By the way, I don't like Sam Bradford as our first round pick because his name rhyme with Trent Edwards. Bad memory.
  17. That's because they don't have Trend Edwards. If we can get McNabb for a 2nd round pick, it is a no brainner. You guys seems to think the Bills know what to do with their draft picks. How was JP Losman, Lynch, Whitner, Mike Williams? And how come we could not draft a good QB in the past 10 years? McNabb maybe on the down side of his career, he is still 100x better than what we have now. About what TO said regarding McNabb, all of a sudden TO has become a voice of reason? Get real. McNabb still took the team to Superbowl and has been to playoff how many times?? The Bledsoe comparison is almost true but McNabb has been to a lot more big games than Bledsoe. He also proved that he can win games for you. I personally do not see how we can lose on this deal. Given the Bills' track record in drafting, I don't value the picks as much as some of you do.
  18. You got up at 2AM to post this? Now that's funny. Well, now what? It is 1/16/2010.
  19. What if he is not the answer? What if he gets injured? Go back to Jonathan Scott? Are you willing to bet another year on that? Ralph Wilson at 91 years old does not have too many betting hands before his time runs out.
  20. It's all come down to this, the Bills ignore the needs at OT. After drafting fat ass Mike Williams and failed, they are staying away from spending first round picks on that position. (Thank god, finally, they took two guards last year. They needed a couple more.) The failure of the Bills has everything to do with leadership in the front office. If you ask a teenager, how would you build a football team, they would tell you from the OL and DL. But not the Bills. I think it is safe to say that, the Bills and the Raiders are the two teams that have no clue when it comes to drafting players. They both happened to have a control freak owner. I predict that it is going to be all the same going forward.
  21. So far, no one good want to come. It isn't the money. It is the working environment. I have no idea how we ahve come this far. Now Ralph is waving a check of millions of dollars at Cowher, Shanahan, even Grimm and Riveria, and they all said no thank you. How sad is that?
  22. No. He is a good player. We need more good players in the league so we can enjoy higher level of plays in the NFL. Otherwise, you should just watch UFL. Just because the Bills get torched by good players doesn't mean we should get any enjoyment out of seeing those players get hurt. We should hope for the Bills to get to their level so that they are competitive.
  23. What real world fake world? His high picks were mostly reaches. Some how he valued a safety over a dominating DT was a stupid idea. I love Donte Whitner. But I am sure that I would love Ngata even more. Levy was a rookie GM and it showed on draft days. The only great pick he made was Kyle Williams, but I think he got lucky. It did take a new DL coach to get him to produce. How can you be calling Ko Simpson, Brad Butler, and even Trend Edwards decent picks? They are still playing only because they play for the Bills. Marv the GM was a joke all the way. Time has proved that he was terrible at it.
  24. I would like to be in charge of the spy cam. But if that job is taken, can I be in charge of the Jills? Now I think about it, forget about the spy cam.
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