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Big Hurt

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Everything posted by Big Hurt

  1. Rueben Brown said it on a TV show that the Bills linemen have bad technique. That confirm my thinking that the OL coach needs to be fired. Otherwise, I cannot explain why with the heaviest line in the league you cannot run the ball. It is not Marshawn. It is the blocking. The OL played with no intensity. They also communicated poorly. How did they drop down to pass protect on a running play? Why are you guys keep blaming Marshawn? Did you not watch the games?
  2. Nobody wants to play for the Bills. So if they want to sign big free agents they have to over pay them. My second point, Dockery, Tripplet, Spencer Johnson are all second string back up type players. You don't see the teams that lost them suffer any. Dockery plays very soft. He got his big ass pushed back on most of the plays. And he is the highest paid player on the line. That goes to show you Russ Brandon is in it way over his head. He need a real GM, not this GM by commity stuff. The bottom line is Ralph is too old to take risk and went with the safe choice. Levy quit on the team and should have stay to finish the job. Now the team has no leadership and no identity. A real GM would go after Cowher and make him the next coach. Our GM will stick with Jauron because he is a yes man.
  3. That is tough choice. Royal, Dockery, Dick Jauron, Ralph Wilson... IDK.
  4. I was going to vote for Rodney Dangerfield but then I realize that he is already dead. So I will go with Peewee too. What the hell!
  5. I think this is how it will go. The Bills was impressive at start and got the fans involved. They were leading by 10 points going in the 4th quarter when they start turning the ball over. The coaches start to make stupid calls. Refs start to give all the calls to the Browns. Quinn will start playing better and chew up 11 minutes of the clock. They will finally score with 2 minutes left. After Cleveland recovered an onside kick because the officials screw up the call and the booth won't review it. Cleveland scored a TD with 2 seconds left and won the game. This is how it happens every time. Final score Browns 14 Bills 10.
  6. On one play, Trend Edwards check out of a passing play into a running play to the left. I think it was a 3rd and 3 or something. Marshall ran to the left and got trip over by Jason Peters. It was later discovered that Peters and Dockery was dropping back to pass block. So who's fault was it on that one? I don't know.
  7. I have watched Barry Sanders and Lynch is not Barry Sanders. First of all, Barry Sanders was great. He could fake tacklers out of their shoes. Go to Youtube and search for clips of his games and be amazed. However, he had a lot of runs that went for negative yards. Barry would never have the career he had if his offensive coordinator stopped calling running plays because he had those negative plays. Lynch is a victim of Turk and Dick. He needs to touch the ball more than 12 times a game. Then he will be fine. In the 4th quarter of the New England game, Lynch got the ball three times and he turned that into 20 yards. Then Turk started calling passing plays and never went back to the run. How many yards can a running back gain if the QB never gave him the ball? Maybe Lynch should tackle Edwards after the snap and rip the ball away from him, then run down field with it. I think that is what you expect him to do.
  8. Turk is simply not qualify for the job. He had some good ideas but soon the bag of tricks is now empty. Now he doesn't know what to do.
  9. Bill Cowher is still available if someone want to give him a call.
  10. I don't have the answer, but I know who loves losing, Dick Jauron. He went out of his way to try to lose every week.
  11. Turk is finding out that the job of an offensive coordinator is not much fun. He is working to get himself fired.
  12. I don't know how you can make that prediction. He is a big back that runs like Marion Barber and Jones Drew. Give him the same offensive line as the dallas and Jacksonville, we will see how many games he can break a 100 yards. Tell me how he is supposed to run when the opposing defense constantly playing on his side of the LOS? Of course he had to dance around, he was trying to dodge his offense linemen when they were falling backwards. Watching the game today I thought he did well especially late in the game. Somehow the coaches did not stick with him. That's not his problem.
  13. Good team build their OL and DL from the draft. Patriots spent three 1st round pick on defense tackles. These players are still playing for them and dominating the competition. Next year's first round pick should definitely be a defensive tackle if you want to have any hope to stop the run consistently. Next draft pick has to be a offensive tackle. Basically, I think the Bills should pick an offensive lineman in the first day of every draft until they have a good line. With the FA market being so expensive, the "build from the draft" model has became a much sexier idea. Meanwhile, DB and LB are always needed because they get injured so easily. As for DE, draft them if a good one is available. Unless there is a Terrell Sugg or Julius Pepper there, I usually don't get too exciting about drafting DE. By the way, we should starting looking for a new offensive line coach so that our line can run block eventually.
  14. If they don't take an OL, I will blow a gasket!! They also need a better OL coach.
  15. The problem is Jason Peters, Derrick Dockery, Duke Preston/Nalvin Fowler, Brad Butler/Jason Whittle, Lanston Walker, and Dick Jauron. The big money they spent last year on the OL seems to be down the toilet now! Did Macus Stroud just use up all the gas in his tank? Where is the pressure? Do they really miss Schobel that much?
  16. I guess now I know why Trend didn't throw the ball to Hardy all day.
  17. The rule book seems to be written just to screw us.
  18. I wonder if Whitner still think we can make the playoff. We will be seeing eight more games of dink and dunk.
  19. IDK about 8-8. Who are they going to beat with the way play they.
  20. I am pretty convinced that the Jets will run out the clock here. Our DL really really sucks.
  21. How did they win all those games at the beginning of the year? I cannot believe it.
  22. They are going to run the ball all the way now! Need a fumble!
  23. Farve is going to throw another pick now!
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