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Everything posted by MDH

  1. Has Lamar completed more than 2 balls that weren’t screen passes or balls within 4 yards of the LoS?
  2. Defense played as well as I hoped they could. They kept giving the O the ball back. Offense was just pathetic
  3. Yet the halftime highlights made it look like Lamar was having another great game
  4. I like to think it means they’re a bunch or doormats that we’ll walk right over.
  5. To be fair, Carr knows more about shaky QB play than almost anybody on the planet.
  6. I compare Lamar as a passer to an elite wrestler’s standup in MMA. A great wrestler can compete with, and even get the better of, a great striker on their feet because the striker is so worried about the takedown. He keeps his hands low and is quick to react to a shot but slow to react to a punch. That’s how Jackson is an efficient passer. Teams are so worried about the run game that they are willing to give Jackson parts of the field and if he can beat them, so be it. To Lamar’s credit he has beaten them, and regularly. Yet, if he had to drop straight back with no RPO or play action, or teams stacking the box, how successful would he be? Personally, I think he’d struggle but we will never know because he doesn’t have to do that as he’s the greatest runner we’ve ever seen at the QB position running the greatest running offense the NFL has seen in...maybe forever.
  7. He signed a one year deal with them. I doubt he’s that bothered. Its not like Cole who played his entire career for the Cowboys.
  8. A large part of the Bills struggles vs. the run is scheme based. They bring an 8th and 9th man into the box less than any other team in the league. While they’re not happy to give up those runs they’ll take them over big plays in the passing game. That said, I think they bring extra men into the box this week and dare Lamar to beat them deep. I’d rather give the Ravens the deep outside with Tre in single coverage than let them hammer the D in the run game.
  9. Bit if he did it on computer or tablet how is he supposed to know it doesn’t line up on your phone?
  10. I don't know where he rates for the entire season but I did see a line at the bottom of NFL network that said the Ravens blitz more than any other team in the league and hold opposing QBs to a passer rating of 65 (or right around there) which is also best in the league. Allen, it said, had a passer rating of over 100 vs. the blitz in his last 7 games.
  11. I don’t think Garret is making it to week 15.
  12. This is almost a carbon copy of the Bills’ game.
  13. The Browns didn’t just give up money/cap space. They had to trade for OBJ. Makes it even worse. They gave up 1st and 3rd round picks and Peppers.
  14. A 2-3 loss Niners or Seahawks team is going to have to travel to Dallas for a playoff game too. Division winters automatically getting a home game is a joke.
  15. Yeah, the way this is going the line to the Bills/Ravens game is going to jump up to 7 after this game.
  16. I hate that Im rooting for the Cowboys so the Bills win looks better.
  17. I'm going to guess that he leads this stat because he frequently breaks away from of the first pass rusher (which takes place 5-7 yards behind the LoS) and ends up running for 7-20 yards. It's not like he's lowering his shoulder and trucking guys down field.
  18. It would be even better if it was the Bills' D who forced him into that day by confusing him in the passing game and hemming him in in the run game.
  19. This is how I feel. I think Balt will win this one and it might not be close, but I also like the Bills to run the table the rest of the way.
  20. He was suspended for calling a player “King Kong.” And while, on the surface, this might appear to be an innocuous comment, when one considers the history in this country of black people being called “monkeys” or “gorillas” one might understand why a group of people might be sensitive to that sort of depiction.
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