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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. I think you hit on right point here. The main issue with this coaching staff (Jauron) is this nonsesne of remaining in control and no real highs or no real lows. that is crazy thinking in a sport that is violent and requires players to risk theri own health and safety every day. Bobby April seems to have a great deal of energy and his people on ST sure show it. When they talk about participating on ST players show passion When they talk about Jauron's offense they give standard answers and reaction. Our offense in particular never punches anyone in the mouth, and that is Jaurons fault. IMHO
  2. If you do not thinkwe are out coached I will give you concrete examples 1) last season, Pats at Bills, just before halftime...Pats create confusion which results in no time out by the Bills and no filed goal attempt and Jauron not even getting upset with the Refs... 2) Jauron is so intent on keeping this team on an even keel, even Jim Kelly says you cannot tell the difference on Mondays whether the team has won or lost on Sunday. That is not the attitude a good coach instills..
  3. Draft...good idea Mary...have Dick or Russ pour me a Bud draft...
  4. so 2009 People who we do not know who they are investigating people who they think they know who they are in a fantasy world of facebook. Sounds like the Bills Bills have been living in a fantasy world for many years
  5. good post but we will never see the passion at OBD until we have a passionate coach. I did not buy my season tickets this year, first since 1991 because I can no longer take the organizations lack of desire to win. Best example was Patriots game, at home last year with that play just before half when the ref did not stop the clock, or place the ball on the spot because Belicheck's boyes created that little disturbance. Jauron showed no anger, no passion, and the fans booed him, not the refs , not the Pats. Jauron does't get it. He is a .500 coach for a reason...that day I decided I cannot show more passion than the organization any longer. If jauron had thrown his clip board, if he had done anything to represent the anger and passion of the fans that day he could have held the balance of power. He did nothing. So, I told the Bills I will do nothing, I will show the same passion as Dick Jauron.
  6. I think Moulds also said he saw George Seffert at the airport to.
  7. Ageed If he can stop being a jerk and be a competitor he will force all the Bills to show up each week...something that many did not last year because Jauron is too soft. Thw biggest problem will be for the coaches...Phillips could not handle him so how can Jauron. At least other teams will have to game plan for hi, (although that is not too hard these days)
  8. What planet are you on...Oline will be fine? impossible...no matter who they bring in. What about all the claims that it takes trust and timing.
  9. Exactly we have needs at WR, LB, DB, DE and this super intelligent group cut and release 3 members of the oline creating a hole that did not need to be created today. At least what we had was serviceable and we have cap space to wait for these decisions to be made AFTER you solve other bigger problems. Now good offensive FA's will not come here to play for another crappy Oline. Taylor or Coles cannot spend the time watching this coaching staff waste another yr
  10. There can be no reason in all of football that a team who spent 2 or 3 years rebuilding an oline and then make the declaration that 3 of the players (Preston, Fowler & Dochery) are not capable, and that their declared best (Peters) is so unhappy that he doesn't play. Brandon the gutless leader has to fire either the coach who cannot get the best from the great players he was given or fire the people Modrak and Guy, that said these were the greatest players. These mistakes by definition cost the Bills 3 years of more losses, and will force the fans to sit through at least 1 more year of poor offensive play. Why would a good free agent running back like Taylor or receiver like Coles come to a team and waste at least 1 year of their last 2 or 3 before they can expect to see an offensive that will not have 5 or 6 penalties each game for movement and count jumping. I can see another year of excuses..."it takes time for an oline to gain the trust of each other etc etc etc". Crap, Crap Crap. More jail breaks. Fitzpatrick will start 8 games because our QB is injured again. Anyone want to buy my season tickets...this year is already a waste.
  11. I think # 3 could be very real. Silence by an ageent is so unusual in these circumstances, perhaps he does not want to lie publically, for his cred. Silence does not allow you to bargain a new agreement. If it was all money their would be a great deal more diloque with the agent. While I agree that a new contract is in line...the silence is not allowing that to happen and therefore the real issue is being hidden....must be substance, or pain killers or mental issues...it is not money IMHO
  12. Bring back the Tiny Tot of the Kilowatt...Arty baby
  13. only a mile from my house. Cablelady...do you need a place to stay???? :-)
  14. Loveable....ditch those terrible Donahoe uniforms and bring back the real colors and add the red endzones to the Ralph and then they will be loveable.
  15. Hey, Lonnie is going to have a break out game this year....
  16. Has anyone looked into tickets for HOF in august to see TT be inducted. I am looking for 4 tickets. go Bills
  17. I actually sent an e mail to Marv after he was hired and asked him to return the red endzones...that bright red was wonderful sight every time you ealked through the tunnels to your seat...
  18. This was not just about JP. or the O line or McGee, it was about 2 specific issues that shows our Bills were not ready to play. After 2 disasters against the Bearsd and Lions, the D was not ready to start this game and on the first O play Willis, after an easy 8 yards runs out of bounds rather than take on a 180 pound DB. No one on this team wants to play the game of football. All of them want to let someone else sacrifice themselves. Character...be dammed I want players who are willing tt hurt the other team, fairly not after the play (see Kelsay). I want players who care as much as I do...I hate NE, I hate the Dolfags, I hate the Lions, I hate the Jets, I hate every team that comes to the Ralph. It seems that Jauron and his pansies do not. I will not miss a game, and I will hate the visitors, but I do not like the home team anymore until they show some guts. ps...while I appreciate and support the efforts to cure breast cancer (I lost my mother to the awful illness) there is no way that PINK should be part of a football scene where anger and violence are part of the successful mix for victory. Pre game is not about weeping...pre game is not about reflective thought, pre game is about wanting to kick a?? The Bills organization has GOT to develop a passion for the game.
  19. 5 04 here and I am packing the collers and will be leaving @ 6 am
  20. on his long touchdown.... Little Zacky Baby the over hyped, pint sized, Dolfag... He was washed up 3 years ago and should be a Patsy now along with Jr. Makes my heart feel good to see that these TV guys can't turn him into a god just because he is such a little cutey..
  21. And if pre season game 2 Holcomb also starts then as I mentioned at the beginning of this thread...you may as well cut Losman. (aside from the cap issues) If Losman does not have the mental ability to beat out Holcomb now, he never will... it is not about physical ability....we all know who wins that one. the only reason Losman is not playing is because he cannot think...and Holcomb is no rocket scientist... I want Losman to win this battle and most of us would say find out if he can play. Well, if you cannot let him start and play most of the preseason game when the hell will you let him play. Why would a coaching staff waste a season game when they will not even waste a preseason game.... Jauron calls this a scrimmage...then let Losman play, unless you are getting Holcomb ready to play the season and in such case this battle is over. I say if he is not the clear leader by this time next week then it is time to move on. The coaches are back doing what MM did... either commit to him or not
  22. Do they play Quarterback???????.....Marv may sign them if they can throw the ball more than 5 yards seriously, this is terrific and I can see why you would be so proud...
  23. It has been 3 official team workouts, many optional workouts, and 2 weeks of officil training camp and JP cannot distinquish himself as superior to Holcomb. To me that equals trouble. IMHO if Holcomb is the QB at this point we had better begin to panic. I understand that the coaches need to satisfy the competitive spirit of the other 52 rooster players, but since we all know that winning with KH is near impossible then unless someone can surpass him easily I am afraid we are in for a Gary Marangi type year. I belief that the Bills should cut Losman if he cannot beat out Holcomb by the second preseason game. We are wasting our time. I equate this batttle to any running back who cannot beat out Shaud Williams by the 2nd preseason game also should be cut because we all know that if Williams is your second choice for a back (after Willis) then you may as well mail in the season. IMHO
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