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Everything posted by Juice_32

  1. wait, wait , wait... you can spiral out of control before actually losing a game? man...
  2. maybe watching the Bills this year is a zero sum game? if you are brave enough to make promises in August let me ask you this...are you even going to watch the games this year? why not just catch up on work around the house? you take your stance and ill take mine. thanks for confirming 2 of my points for me. i actually feel better about the Bills chances than i did 10 minutes ago!
  3. run D, sammy, infusion of talent on o-line, EJ has a full off season under his belt, etc...
  4. I was very skeptical of him early on, but I agree. There is definitely a different "feel" to this team under Marrone. Time will tell if he can turn them into a winner, but I am liking him more and more everyday. The more he comes off as an a-hole, the more I like him.
  5. I love Eric Wood. Who hasn't said this a few times in their life? This team could use a little "murderous rage" if you ask me.
  6. great point, its almost like a hedged bet on CK. even if CK ends up a bust, this draft still looks like a winner.
  7. I know its early...REALLY EARLY. But, this draft class looks like it could pan out pretty well. I almost forgot about Cockrell.
  8. Ok.....I've been patient. I've tried to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but this last tweet is the straw that broke the camels back. No clicks for you!
  9. I totally agree on the current TE situation. Every holding penalty Lee Smith commits causes me to lose a few more hairs. I can't believe the guy is still on the team.
  10. Spikes went form one of my least favorite human beings to one of my favorite very quickly. Be careful Wood...he ain't Maybin.
  11. This guy is a gigantic waste. He is lazy and dumber than a box of rocks with an entitled attitude. I live in Greenville, NC (he played for ECU) and know this guy way too well. I thought it was funny when belicheat* picked him up. He actually made it longer than I expected.
  12. EJ said something to the affect of ... "I'd like to go play action at the goal line but that's what Nate called". Maybe they are saving it for the regular season, but it looked eerily familiar to last seasons goal line issues.
  13. I have re-watched the Hogan pass 10 times in slow motion. EJ started his throwing motion WAY before Hogan was open. It was a really great throw.
  14. My initial though is that there is no way they trade him. But the more I think about it, the more I could see them trading him and I think I'd be OK with it. We know they love Bryce Brown and had their eye on him for a while. He has a lot of the same qualities as Spiller, but offers more size and power. Brown is the key to the whole thing. If this rumor is true, then I'm glad they waited to see what they had in Brown and Dixon before pulling the trigger. If they want to be a power run team, it makes sense.
  15. All things being equal and fandom aside...this guy would be an idiot if he doesn't hold out for cash.
  16. Fair enough. I still think that 99% of Bills fans have a touch of defeatism built in. It is refreshing to know that not everyone is ready to jump off a building because our second year QB has thrown INT's in camp. EJ is nowhere near a finished product. But I get it, patience is a tough sell to Bills fans. The season can not start soon enough!
  17. Well then you are the perfect person to ask this question: What do you think of EJ?
  18. You are a better man than most or you are in denial. I thought for sure Lindell was going to miss that 38 yarder to finally beat the pats* 3 years ago. The thought never crossed your mind? I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it or that it is any of our faults. Its kind of like a losers PTSD. I'm pretty sure you have a touch of it somewhere deep down...
  19. There is a fundamental, psychological flaw with anyone who is a true Bills fan. This flaw is inherent even in "homers" and "fan boys" just to a lesser extent and often times manifested in different ways. We are defeatists. We simply expect failure. We expect it because its what we know. Even the Bills greatest accomplishment (making the Superbowl 4 years in a row) is saddled with the caveat that they lost all 4 too. Remember a year ago when we drafted a DEVELOPMENTAL quarterback, who was supposed to sit behind a vet, learn and develop? Are we seriously going to crucify the guy already? Just stop and think about it. Defeatists...
  20. ^^^ This is about as well as you can say it with one sentence.
  21. WITN will have it live here in Greenville. I know they cover most of Eastern NC. I love the OBX, beautiful place.
  22. I love this place. I watched the Baltimore game there last year while in Charlotte for business. The whole place was rocking for that game.
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