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Everything posted by Juice_32

  1. Watch the zombie apocalypse happen before that though. Hows your blood pressure there chief? Guess the Bills better go 10-6 huh?
  2. my buddy who is a dolphins fan just asked me this question. he said hes pulling for injuries and a draw. for a dolphins fan hes pretty smart.
  3. I totally agree. If you go into a shell and do exactly what they expect you to do, you might minimize the damage. Spit in their eye and take the fight to them or what's the point?
  4. Just curious, what kind of truck does he drive? He doesn't strike me as a truck guy. Either way it's nice to hear that he's in there working. I am not worried at all about his production. I just hope he can stay healthy.
  5. We can only hope it works out for him. Free the Juice! He's not guilty...again!
  6. Thanks for posting! I had been wondering, but not had time to check. It feels like the rookie camp is a little later than normal doesn't it? Maybe I just haven't been this excited in a while.
  7. I understand both sides of the argument here, but I think we can all agree that all of these names are better than Pelicans. Seriously New Orleans? Pelicans?
  8. I'll say Maybin simply because Flowers never (to my knowledge) made a rap song about how awesome he was. Maybin has to be the worst pick ever.
  9. Pillaging is seriously underrated. You got to try it.
  10. I'm a quarter Viking and it offends the hell out of me.
  11. This is incredible. Are these really our Buffalo Bills? These guys aren’t messing around. Whether or not this pays off in the long run is obviously yet to be seen, but at least they are being proactive. Is this really the same team that started Keith Ellison a few years back?!?!
  12. I get it. This is so easy to mock it's almost impossible not to. But that's also why it's not that funny when you do. Dont get me wrong, it's slightly funny, but not that funny. If you genuinely know this guy to the point where he'd tell you straight if Marrone was a d-bag in the eyes of his players or not. I'll take this as a positive. Thanks for posting.
  13. maybe he makes trick shot beer pong videos in his spare time?
  14. i feel a lot better after seeing where he will shower. pretty nice pad. http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/790-Lebrun-Rd-Amherst-NY-14226/30262889_zpid/
  15. How many tackles do you want him to have? It's not about tackles for these run stuffing DT's. Just because you don't get a tackle doesn't mean you didn't make a play. Go check Sam Adam's career stats..
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