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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. He should be less boring and cliche based...Like the consensus greatest coach ever, Bill Belichick. All the best coaches are entertaining and honest and provide great sound bites. What is Rex Ryan doing these days? He was great in a press conference.
  2. Does anyone else find stories that are completely based on anonymous quotes really annoying? You can say anything that you want, and simply state that you have sources that didn't want to be named.
  3. So, some anonymous people at the combine are saying that there is a normal amount of friction between McDermott and staff. If it is not unusual, why is it a story?
  4. The state spends billions paying for housing for people that could fund it themselves too. (of course not all, but many find ways to afford plenty of luxuries) It is all about working the system, from the guy working off the books so he can get public assistance and cheap housing, to the billionaire trying to get a new stadium. Those that actually need the government assistance are too frequently overlooked. I know that is heading way off topic, so I'll end the rant here.
  5. I would be willing to bet that at least 75% of my taxes are distributed to pay for things that I do not use or care about. I am OK with less than 1% of those taxes going to a new Bills stadium. But I do get your point that it is yet another horrible use of tax money when you look at the big picture.
  6. Siran Neal, Matt Milano, and Tommy Doyle say hi from the 5th round....
  7. I would be extremely disappointed to see the Bills use anything higher than a 6th round pick on a punter. There were multiple games where the Bills punter only got on the field to hold for FGs.
  8. Who said I want to keep the coin flip? I just don't agree with your idea to replace it.
  9. Sorry, I still don't agree. The team with the ball at the end of regulation gets a huge advantage over the other team. They get more time to win the game than the other team.
  10. At the end of regulation in a tied game, The head coaches go to mid field and arm wrestle. The winner's team gets the ball first and he gets to punch the loser in the nuts.
  11. Team A ties the game with 1 second left. They kick off, Team B fields the ball and time runs out. Instead of a 50/50 chance at getting an advantage, Team B automatically gets the ball and a big advantage. Team A is driving with time running out in the 4th quarter. They are tied and at the 40 yard line with 3 seconds left. Instead of having to attempt a 57 yard FG, they can simply run their normal offense because they do not have to worry about the quarter ending. They automatically win the toss (and get to start at the opponent's 40 yard line) and get a big advantage. Both teams had the same amount of time to score points during regiulation, but Team A is essentially given as much time as they need for their final drive.
  12. So if a team has the ball with a tie score at the end of the game, they simply get to continue playing? That is a much bigger advantage than winning a coin flip.
  13. TBD in 1906....There is no need to allow throwing the football! Play better run offense!
  14. What kind of A hole wouldn't want to cheer for a guy that repeatedly tortured pets to death and financed a dog fighting ring! After all, he appologized after going to jail and running out of money! Bunch of snowflakes I tell ya!
  15. Wow! What a self absorbed douche. Even if those are your thoughts, why would you think that sending this out into the social mediaverse would endear your client to the fans or the team.
  16. Dawkins was outstanding for the second half of the season. I don’t see anyone forcing him inside.
  17. I think Spencer Brown is fully capable of being the enforcer on the line. He seems to enjoy mixing it up at times.
  18. This team does not punt enough to waste a 3rd ,4th, or even 5th round pick on a punter.
  19. They should just flip a coin and award the win to whoever wins the toss. Nobody cares about this pointless game anymore.
  20. Who cares about the 2922 Superbowl. I just want to know if Beef Supreme is still undefeated on Monday Night Rehabilitation at that point!
  21. I say we all donate in $0.18 increments to the Twitter Douchebag Rehab Center to honor the 18 point lead that Mahomes and the chiefs blew. Mahomes’ brother, girlfriend, and mother can all be befit from that.
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