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Original Byrd Man

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Everything posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. I don't see Maybin as having the same intensity as Paup. He was a pitbull, cut up and bleeding and lovin every minute of it. I see Maybin more in the mold of Biscuit but with out the bulk. Hopefully he can find his place on the field. It could be worse he could be Vernon Golston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all the bashing Williams took at least he played until he borrowed the "Fridges" diet plan.
  2. In a 3/4 D the NT doesn't usually make a lot of tackles as he is double or triple teamed by the OL. Look at the LB tackles to see how effective he is, as it is their job to flow to the point of attack.
  3. I'll give you Mc kinnie as he has started his whole career for minnie, but he is marginal a best, talent wise. Williams seems to have resurected his career in Washington. Losman had potential but was mismanaged then cast out by the next regime. McCargo is a bust. Flowers was Butler parting shot before leaving for SD. The jury is still out on "Mclovin", and "Maybe" although I would have loved DRC and Arakpo. There were many who questioned Oher's ability to play LT. Obviously he proved them wrong. But lets not forget Levitre, Wood, Nelson and lastly buy certainly not least Byrd! You win some and you lose some.
  4. Never been a big Cowher fan. He was with the steelers 15 years and went to 2 SB's. He did manage to win one but how is he that much better than Schotty? Lots of similarities but Marty gets only grief. I would be happier with Harbaugh, or an NFL OC that can turn this O around but that would take a miracle worker until they get more talent on the O line.
  5. I knew changes were coming but was surprised April got the axe. Hopefully he is on our new coaches radar screen. This years ST has been down but I think alot of it had to do with a large turnover of players in the system then the injuries started.
  6. I've never been a Cowher fan, but he would be an improvement over Our last batch of HC's. I have always a big fan of Marty though and have hoped from the beginning he would be the choice for our next HC.
  7. If you recall the presser after the selection, CC went on about the strong ties he had with Ginn Sr. and the whole Ginn family. It seemed to me that selection was all Cam's.
  8. I'd rather see a sign that said Sorry Bill but we signed Marty, as he was our real first choice. You should have grabbed the bone when it was offered. Better luck next time!!!!! Marty Ball Onward and Upward. Now wouldn't that be Ironic?
  9. I think people are bailing on this kid way to early. I actually think he acquitted him self fairly well when you consider the O he had to work with and the very limited time he had to practice. People compared his game on par with TE and RF who had the entire OTA's and camp. I think that is quite impressive.
  10. Right on! I doubt Okung falls to us, but if he does I would jump on it, if not McClain would be the logical choice, although he doesn't have the speed of a Willis, he would be more physical. And to all you posters mocking all the DB picks of the past, does any one want to return Byrd for a refund????? I thought not! Congrats to the kid, and to the FO for actually bringing in a probowler.
  11. There are many vocal "Chicken Littles" on this board. They obviously felt Brohm should walk on water with only the bare minimum of prep time. I thought he maintained his composure under duress and made a few plays. What more can you ask? Oh! A run game might have helped. I think it's way to early to evaluate this kid's potential.
  12. Merry Christmas to you as well. I hope you find somewhere nice to hang your picture. I got a collectable wall display of the 1988 Bills from my nieces. It was very cool. Had Biscuits Topps rookie card, along with Kelly, Talley, Bruce and several others.
  13. A lot has been posted about this scenario. MW was a bust. no doubt about it, but did any one watch the Carolina/Vikes game? BM was benched in it. He was completely manhandled by Peppers. Was he injured coming into the game???? Just wondering?
  14. Amen to that! We need help on both lines and a stud LB before we worry about a QB. Peyton Manning would suck behind this line. The Ravens won a SB with Trent Dilfer at QB. Build an awsome OL and DL and the wins will begin to pile up.
  15. I feel the same way as you. Just because this group are the best QB's in the draft doesn't guarantee they will have any success at the pro level.
  16. I was surprised when he slid during the draft 2 years ago. He put up very good numbers at Louisville. Hopefully he can regain his competetive edge.
  17. This is a team that practices indoors. No wonder these girls have a hard time winning in the fall/winter. Our weather should be our advantage, but I recall a comment by Kelsay about the Miami game in TO last year when he admitted the Bills were no more used to the winters here than Miami was because the Bills don't like playing in the snow.
  18. TE would never have threaded that laser into Evans for the TD. Not unless both DB's fell down and Evans was wide open. not to mention the bomb to LE. TE is a Eunuch. He should join the campfire girls.
  19. I guess he is a stud. For several plays he was fastened to TO jersey for fear of letting him go. Or he could be a tie tack, if you don't think he is a stud. TO probably was wondering what the extra appendage was. Revis gets more credit than he is due because he plays in NY IMHO. Not saying he is not good but I don't see him as elite.
  20. Well said! Whether you pat them on the head or bust them in it makes no difference on the outcome of a game it's all about how you handle the game. Ryan used a T/O to come up with the idea to try to draw us offside on 4th down! Come on. Thats a terrible waste of a T/O. And then there was the challenge on FJ stepping out a whole 6 yards before he was brought down. Seriously? Even DJ is not that bad. Buddy never really made it as HC, maybe Rex will follow his footsteps. For what it's worth I'd take Jeff Fisher over either of these guys. I don't think he is a screamer.
  21. I'm so sick of this huddle/no huddle BS. Watch the games and the game clock. We did not run a hurry up O, we just didn't huddle. We used the same amount of time between plays each way. We controlled the TOP for one reason. We made plays on Offence and Defense. Okay that was two reasons, but the issue here is we completed more plays on O and either let the jets run the lenght of the field on a single play or stopped them on the D.
  22. Don't completely agree with your analogy, as some of your "luck" decisions had solid and respectable backgrounds. Even Ole Hank was a pretty good D C. It just turned out he wasn't HC material. And GW would have had much better results if TD hadn't gutted the team shortly after hiring him. I read somewhere GW claimed he wanted Breese but was shot down. Said if he had gotten his wish things might have turned out differently. Interesting!
  23. I would like to see him get a fair shot at starting. The media are all writing him off as a career back up but I liked what I saw against the Jets. He needs to improve on his accuracy. If that can happen I see him as a viable option. I just don't see a future for Trent here. He is shell shocked in the pocket and this O line is a couple of years away from giving him the comfort zone he needs to regain his pre-concussion form, and by that time I believe Trent will be gone.
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