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Original Byrd Man

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Everything posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. I to have respect for the job he has done so far. A lot of fans want a quick fix to get to the playoffs, but the teams that go have done so by paying their dues by building slowly through the draft, then adding a player or two when their positioned for a move to the SB.
  2. I would be curious to see what he is capable of, after participating in "the Bills" training camp and having more than a couple of weeks to study the playbook. And the fact that Trent has proven time and again that he is afraid to play the game. He starts off well, then takes a shot, and the wheels come off. Not a good scenario for winning football.
  3. Don't have NFL network so I watched on local station with Tasker and Bentley. So glad I missed the irrelevant drivel of Theisman.
  4. I'm also hoping he gets plenty of PT. If you look at Bruce's early years he didn't exactly tear it up, and he was an Outland trophy winner, 1st over all pick. There is hope for the kid.
  5. I guess I should have found a QB, but is was talking on terms of great performance at a small school that didn't translate to the pro's.
  6. I know it's a stretch, but wouldn't it be ironic if he turns into the franchise QB everyone has been praying for? He was very profficient at Troy state, has very good athletic ability. I was impressed by the stat of 265 passes attempted with out an INT., 62% completion rate and a very good TD/INT ratio. Has a 7th rd QB ever become an NFL starter? Kurt Warner was an undrafted free agent. Tom Brady a 6th round draft choice. Miracles do happen. Maybe he will shine tonight. Go Bills!
  7. Right on! Neither has established anything performance wise. The expectation is for their careers to blossom based of their draft positions, but there is absolutely no guarantee that that will happen. Only time will tell who was right and who was wrong.
  8. In many embezzlement cases not only do the perps not do time, they continue employmentwith the organization to repay the lost funds.
  9. Lou definately marched to the beat of his own drum but he was one heck of a coach. In my opinion he was the best coach the Bills ever had. I don't mean to discredit Marv, but Saban accomplished so much with far less talent. I only hope Chan is the next coming of Trader Lou. And to BillsPhan,I remember. I had seasons tickets back in the old rockpile that cost me $36.00. I also remember that if you bought a beer they gave you the bottle. Not a good idea!
  10. I seem to recall some one named Sanders on a horrible Lions team have a fair amount of success.
  11. Just starting a rookie QB in 2011 does not eliminate you from playoff contention. Several teams have accomplished deep runs into the playoff's with rookie QB's. You need a strong D and a very good run game, with some smart play from your QB. Avoid the turn overs!
  12. I agree McKelvin has great speed but don't know for sure at this point in his career how much McGee has left. Also he has struggled with man coverage assignments in the past and has been frequently injured. I was mostly refering to our backups speed if and when they are called on.
  13. It's the lack of speed in most of our corners that worries me. These guys can play but are they better suited for a zone Defense? I hope I'm pleasantly surprised this season.
  14. First off I'm optimistic on the direction of the "New Buffalo Bills", just for the fact they seem to have direction. It remains to be seen, but I think Nix and Gailey will turn out to be good hires. I think the move to 3-4 will be a very good move, with the key word "will be". Unlike many on the board I see our defensive backfield as a question mark, rather than a strength, as there isn't enough speed at the corner's to play man consistantly. Mc Gee has had injury problems and seems to be best in zone coverage. Drayton is solid and was a good addition, but Mc Lovin while showing promise, is coming off an injury. Can Byrd continue his success from last year while having a greater impact in run support? Will there be solid play from the OLB position's? Now on Offense, where do I start? Will our OL be a revolving door again this year? I think there is potential there but it needs a chance to develope. Will C J Spiller play more like Johnson, or Bush? It's ironic that Johnson was dismissed as not being to handle a full work load and Bush was the heir apparrent to the "Greatest Running Back throne" and look where that has gone. Will we find a legitimate #2 wide out? And finally will one of the heads of our three headed monster at QB step up? Again unlike many on this board I believe ML is still a strong option, if he returns to his form of two seasons ago but wonder if he will be long term. If he is moved perhaps a deal could be worked out with the Raiders as they have been looking to move Asomugha. That would certainly answer one question on D. Sorry if I rambled on. Just looking for some thoughts.
  15. I was at 25 and 27. 25 was a heart breaker, Sat next to a red neck cowboys fan for 27. Not much fun there!
  16. He has been on record stating that he does not want to be traded, as he wants to retire as a BILL, and that if he were to be traded, the Texans would be his only destination because of it's proximity to his home. I seriously believe it is all about his family, and not football. He may show up come seasons start, and be allowed to jet home on Monday, but with a major position change happening for him how effective would he be??? I say make a statement and step away if that's what you want. Either way good luck to him.
  17. John as I said, you have a right to your opinion, I'm just glad I don't live in your world. Awful black and white, so to speak. PS you might want to check on the definition of condescending. My attitude toward ML has been anything but condescending.
  18. I don't know what kind of neighborhood he grew up in. I don't know any of his friends he hangs with. But I do know he is a young man with a lot of money who admitted he made some mistakes. I don't know how old you,are or if you did anything stupid as a young man. But I think many people have done something they have regretted in their life. I try to make it a habit not to cast stones at others as no one knows what that person is dealing with. I don't disagree he has done some immature things. He should have come forward about the incident with the car but he was directed to an attorney who set the ground rules for his behavior afterward. And if I remember correctly the woman walked into the side of his SUV and was struck by the mirror and the front fender. He is obviously not the same type of individual that Fred is and probably never will be, but that doesn't mean he will not mature. You have every right to express your opinion as you have. I'm just trying to understand why all the malice displayed toward this kid.
  19. I can only assume from your comments that you have known Marshawn personally for quite some time. Or you just blowing smoke like many of the other bashers on this site? Just curious!
  20. So you're saying he can't grasp the fans prospective, because he is a player? You just keep blowing that ole TE horn. I find it ironic that he was offended about the California comment but not about Jimbo's insinuation that he sucks, and the team needs to move on. I'm glad he can count on your support, but I'm with Kelly. Also even though Brown is considered "rough", I wouldn't be surprised to see him start, as he is the type of QB Chan seems to prefer.
  21. It's easy to look at won/losses to evaluate a QB but it's not always the real picture. Fergy was a pretty decent QB but played on several teams with horrible D's. I remember many games lost in shootouts 37-42 or 48-50. You can't lay that on the QB. I also remember Flutie being pretty bad the year he was benched for Johnson but had a good record thanks to the D and special teams.
  22. Have you forgotten that Lynch also has a TD pass in his stats?
  23. How thoughtful. Why look at a larger body of work as a better indicater? Because it wouldn't prove your point, thats why. Jackson had a couple of big games to start the season and one when he was force fed to a less than interested Indy team but in between his stats were no better than or perhaps worse than Lynch's. I keep reading how Lynch got the touches near the goal line instead of Jackson. thats why he has so many more TD's I wonder why that is???? I'll tell you, it's because the staff felt Lynch had a much better chance to score, and as I said before stats and moving the chain's don't mean squat if you don't capitolize on your opportunities.
  24. This thread was not meant to demean Jackson's contributions, but to rebut all the negativism directed at Lynch. I believe all 3 have a place on the team, but I do agree if Spiller is the real deal his talents duplicate Jackson's with much more speed.
  25. How about 2 TD's each with lynch getting only 1/2 as many carries. Seriously you clowns need to get a grip. He had one down year and a couple of juvenile incidents, but he is with out a doubt a better prospect than Jackson will ever be.
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