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Original Byrd Man

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Everything posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. I for one would love for that microscope to reveal a gem in the rough just waiting for some polish. And no that was not a "Ron Jaworski" reference!
  2. For all you Jackson fans I'd like to offer some actual numbers as opposed to people's perception's. Career stats: Fred: 425 carries for a 4.5 avg, 5 rushing TD's, 105 receptions for an 8.5 avg, 2 rec TD's, 5 fumbles, 3 lost, 1 TD pass Marshawn: 650 carries for a 4.0 Avg, 17 rushing TD's, 93 receptions for an 8.6 avg 1 rec TD, 7 fumbles, 3 lost, 1 TD pass Fred had 530 touches Vs Marchawns 743. Clearly Lynch has been the more productive back beacuse this game is all about TD's 8 VS 19 just doesn't cut it.
  3. I say get both of them. We need right and left tackles.
  4. First of all. the Ravens were reportedly willing to take a 2nd for him and no one stepped up. Why would we offer more? And why the strong desire to dump Lynch? He admittedly had a down year last season but is still a quality back. As for his off-field stufm, it is fairly minor considering some others. The guy is a kid that grew up in the Hood and now has had a financial wind fall. He has made some poor choices but seriously! Think back to when you were his age, now give youself several millions to play with. Only a nun would be able to resist.
  5. OJ has an olympic gold medal in the 4X100 meter relay. Not to down play Spiller, as he may be a little shiftier, but OJ was a combination of speed, power and ellusiveness. He was poetry in cleats and the NFL's Golden boy before his world imploded. I do love the addition of CJ as he is also a game changer.
  6. I think a number of Brohm's dissenters see him as a possible threat to Edwards job.
  7. Did you notice Lee Evans disappeared when Trent took over. I guess it's his fault Trent can't throw the ball that far. HMMMM!
  8. Finally! A voice of reason. Lynch has had a couple off season issues but he is still an impact player.
  9. This draft is being panned by the masses, but I believe it was very well thought out. There were no elite QB's or LT's in the draft this year, so why reach? Let the cards fall where they may. We should be in good position to grab a topshelf QB candidate next draft and they will have a better feeling if Bell has the potential to be an LT in this league. Good things come to those who wait!
  10. I don't think everyone believes he will be good for a couple/game. But his speed and versatility will open doors for others to make plays. I believe the QB position will be de-emphasized with a pound it out thunder and lightening ground attack. The Dolphins of the 70's had a run game that put a mediocre QB(Bob Greise) in the HOF.
  11. Yea I know what you mean! Kiper, Gruden and Jaws love this guy, why would we want the 1st franchise QB this team has seen since Jimbo?????? This kid is smart, tough, and has the ability to take a team on his back. ND had no "D". also he has a strong enough arm to handle the weather at the Ralph. Sounds like someone we definately should avoid, NOT! I will do cart wheels if we take him.
  12. I felt your pain as well. I guess a tie is better than a lump of coal! 3 months before the draft I told my friends Orakpo was my choice hands down. I only hope this turns out well. Just read a clip on Eric Flowers. Ouch!!!
  13. If a difference making QB is there I say grab him. If not pull a belicheck. More is better, maybe this year, more than many others. Lots of bodies improves you chances of finding that diamond in the rough. When panning for gold you don't grab and hope, you need volume to sort through.
  14. Your logic is flawed. Having a probowl, or elite LT is not a requirement for success. I'm not saying it doesn't help, but teams have done well with out one. Just take a look at the last couple of SB rosters. I originally thought the same as you, but after some research I've changed my mind. And there are many questions about this years LT class. I will be pissed if they take one just to fill a hole. Solve the QB issue and all things will sort themselves out. Mark my words.
  15. Sorry if this was posted previously but I never seem to get the search to work. Is anyone attending the field house draft party? I have been contemplating going but it isn't for round one, so I don't know if I want to make the trek for 2&3.
  16. I would take Clausen over Bradford. The one knock on JC is a supposed persona problem. Do you remember some one named Kelly???? The kid produces on a sucky football team. And as for Mallet, there is so much more to the position than arm strength. Brees doesn't have a strong arm, Montana didn't, Warner doesn't, Brady doesn't! Are you picking up on this. Yea I get it, it's windy at times at the Ralph but there are other options available for the QB.
  17. I would be happy with Clausen or Dan Williams. I believe both are talented enough to have long productive careers here. And each addresses a major need. While I would love a stud LT I think the last couple of SB's have proved you don't need a 1st round stud LT to be successful. It's all about the system. Arizona almost won with one of our cast offs ( Gandy) at LT. While a part of me would like to see what Brohm has to offer, with the benefit of OTA's and training camp, if Clausen is there, how do you pass on him?
  18. If you're at all familiar with the 3-4 D the main function of the NT is to occupy 2-3 O lineman to let the backers make the plays. Ted Washington was a monster and look up his stats. He doesn't appear on highlight reels. He was the immovable force that forces all run plays wider allowing for support from his teammates.
  19. I tend to agree, although Kurt Warner was 1 errant throw away from winning a SB with our cast-off Mike Gandy at LT! How does that happen? It's all about having the right people in the right situations. There is no secret formula. Trent Dilfer won a SB with the Ravens and they cut him the next year, the Ravens haven't won one since. It's all about timing. We lost 4 SB's to 1 very good and 3 great teams in the 90's. If we had played any of the Pats opponents I feel we would have won several rings as well. "On any given day"
  20. I think most of you would agree that Peyton is considered "the" elite QB in the league. He has won only 1 SB win, and has struggled frequently in the playoffs. While Trent Dilfer won his only SB appearance. I'm not saying I don't want a feature QB but if you look at successful teams in the league 2 things are evident, a great Defence and a solid run game. Fix these things and it make the QB job a little less significant. So I guess my point is, we don't need to address the QB position in the draft this year as we have so many other holes to fill.
  21. I'm not ready to give up on Trent yet but his fragility is a major concern (that's why he was available in the 3rd), and I'm not sure he can overcome his "deer in the headlights" tendencies. Also I wouldn't rule out Brohm for the future. He doesn't have much experience but has had a very limited opportunities. Poster's and coulmnist's both panned his effort in the Atlanta game but his play was on a par with both Trent and Fitz, while not having the benefit of OTA's, training camp and most of the season. I'm sure it helped his cause that the Birds had little or no film on him so didn't know what to expect but he could emerge from all of this as the guy. The one knock on him and on TE is the lack of atheleticism, which Chan seems to prefer. Fitz has it but not all the QB skills desired. I just hope it all works out.
  22. Yea! Look at the top shelf LB's we have had the past seveeral years. There a dime a dozen.
  23. I second that emotion! Listening to the D staff, a Big NT is nice but not necessary. I see Kyle Williams on a crash wt gain program to bulk up to 220-230 and filling the bill so to speak. Would love to see a difference maker LB like Ray Lewis fall into our laps. QB can waite for a re-e v a l by the new staff, and a LT a little later in the draft.
  24. Actually I feel this team has been scrappy but the let down comes in the 4th quarter because of no O and the D on the field to long. Look at TOP game after game. For the lack of all around talent on this team they have been competetive.
  25. Do you seriuosly believe a truck with studded tires would perform better on Turf as opposed to the dry concrete where the clip was shot??? Those tires would have dug a hole instantly.
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