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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. At this point Larry Fitzgerald should only be getting compared to Jerry Rice, not Steve Freakin Johnson With that said, Steve could in fact turn out to be a productive diamond in the rough late round steal for us...but c'mon comparing him to a once in a generation talent like Fitzgerald?? I feel like the IQ level of messageboards get lower as each day passes during the offseason.
  2. I love Bruce, but lets be honest with ourselves here, LT easily wins this debate. And its not because his team won a Super Bowl, or because he played in a bigger tv market, or that he had more help from his defense or that he played in a better scheme...it was because he was a MONSTER and one of the best and most ferocious football players in NFL history. For those of you who don't understand(never saw LT play) here's some NFL history 101 that will help get you up to date: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO-ZZsz4itc...feature=related
  3. Only bar in Buffalo that I actually go to is Pearl Street Brewery and I try to make it up to Cozumel for their Cinco De Mayo party
  4. Svedka is great vodka, and half the price of grey goose and all that pricey sh--
  5. 20 some years later and were still getting outdrafted by Pittsburgh *NOTE* I was a big Shane Conlan fan though
  6. $100 square in the 3rd quarter $50 Arizona covering the spread
  7. Now that the season is officially over I really wanna get football off my mind for a bit. It will be hard because I'm a football addict, but this season really took alot more out of me than usual. I just feel totally burnt out after this season and I'm looking forward to investing my free time elsewhere.
  8. 85 Bears...their attitude was on the complete opposite spectrum of Dickless Jauron and company. That defense was mean, nasty, vicious and charasmatic. Also like our Super Bowl teams, I hear they were a wild bunch off the field as well. The name Junkyard Dogs fit them perfectly.
  9. The Cowboys learned that signing a bunch of ignorant, loudmouth, selfish pricks doesn't bring championships so they are adopting a new philosophy on the completely opposite end of the spectrum, signing lunch pail, high motor white guys...if they only knew that doesn't work either
  10. Welcome to the board *offers The Dude a White Russian*
  11. When I first heard about this movie, I immediately thought about the life of Jake "The Snake" Roberts. For anybody thats familiar with his situation, just really depressing.
  12. This is definately a movie I want to see, there's just so many out there right now and I don't have time to go to the movies.
  13. Absolutely, I was reading an article alittle while ago(wish I could find it again) where former 49ers players were talking about the immediate impact Ronnie Lott made and how he held everybody on that field accountable and he could back it up with his extremely high level of play. That is exactly what we are missing, its great that Donte Whitner has taken up a leadership role on the team but it lacks substance because he hasn't always backed it up on the field. We really need one or two players like that(Ray is definately that type of player but I don't want him because he's on his way towards past prime years) that other guys have 100% respect for and to a degree fear of not performing well.
  14. I have to disagree, I think thats my favorite all-time ending of a television series.
  15. What's up Coach Jauron? How's your offseason going so so far?
  16. More quotes from yesterdays sideline incident: "That's a normal thing that happens," Whisenhunt said Monday. "It happened in the first quarter with Todd and Kurt on the sidelines. It happened with a couple of our defensive players and our defensive coaches. It's an emotional game. Yesterday was one of the most emotional you'll play in." In the locker room, Haley dismissed their sideline interaction as part of the game. Haley described himself as emotional. "Just the emotions of the game," he said. "We're emotional guys. Like I said, I wear my heart on my sleeve and that's the way I go about business and I have to deal with that on a full-time basis."
  17. To all the people saying, if the Cards woulda lost everyone woulda been flipping out over them argueing on the sidelines. I disagree, because we saw it so many times in Buffalo in our glory days. I think some people have forgotten how Kelly and Reed used to go at it, and with coaches, etc. well sometimes stuff like that would happen in the first half of the game, and then Kelly would throw 3 td's to Reed in the second half and we would win the game. I have no problems seeing players with a heartbeat out there, I get so aggravated when the Bills are getting their asses handed to them and then you see our guys sitting on the bench, not talking to each other, just staring off into space like they don't even wanna be there. Winning football games is about attitude and so many times the Bills take the defeatist approach once the going gets rough.
  18. Baltimore's offense doesn't belong in an AFC championship game, thats the problem
  19. Thats like saying should the Ravens put less emphasis on Defense or should the Colts put less emphasis on offense?
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