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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. worst analogy ever. so what? we beat the phins who beat the broncos who beat kansas city and san diego who are darn good. one step further using your anology; the phins beat the panthers who beat the pats. c'mon. every week is different in the nfl. lets go bills.
  2. Ya see what a good offensive line can do for your QB? Wish we had one.
  3. you guys blow. stand up for your city can't wait to see mcgahee run through taylor AGAIN.
  4. according to some sources jason peters will be our starting QB this week.
  5. If Kelly H. pulled off a victory this Sunday it would further delay JP's progress because KH would be our new starter until we lost bad. JP would lose out on a ton of reps (and game experience, of course) and at this time he needs as much as he can get. Cincy or the Gmen didn't bench their guys last year. The sad thing is, I can see it happening (KH coming in this weekend and us beating the Phins) and then all this controversy is started. ACCEPT IT MEDIA PEOPLE - We have to play JP all season! There is no other option. We aren't this playoff team that everyone is hyping us up to be. We are 1-3. We have to live and die with JP Losman this season. End of story
  6. I overheard a fellow co-worker at the water cooler saying "Did you see that game last night? Carolina knows what they are doing with their offense. They run, run, and run and don't let up. When they absolutely have to pass, they'll take their shots but for the most part they aren't shy about their run game." I agreed from a distance. It's also noteable that the Panthers are capable of doing this because of having an excellent 1-2 punch in Davis and Foster. I thought that's what TD wanted all along. Shaud Williams provides a different spark than Willis. He's faster than hades and always manages to get yards. Just my take on it.
  7. Let us know if Gus Ferrotte is taking the most snaps with your 1st team. Oh wait he IS your starter. Just teasing you. Gus has done a good job so far. Better than anyone expected thus far! BUT WAIT - the inevitable is going to happen soon. The Dolphins will start to lose. Gus won't continue this. Ditto for the whole team. It starts THIS WEEKEND when we stomp you guys. Sorry, you just hit us at a bad time.
  8. Today's article got me excited and frustrated at the same time. I'm tired of buying the hype. After I read it I thought we have a chance at bouncing back. I'm holding out hope that JP has his break out game with 2... count em.. 2 touchdowns against the Fins. We HAVE to beat the Fins. We can't lose to them at home. This is our last chance to bounce back and compete for the division. I'm not saying we'll win the division, I'm just pointing out this could be a good place to start competing for it considering we got the Jets next week. "Like he did after last year's 0-4 start, Mularkey had the entire team watch film of Sunday's loss to the New Orleans Saints on Monday. He wanted to show the players what they're doing wrong and the things they are doing right. He wanted the offense and defense to watch each other to see how the other half lives. The players said the film session was positive from a team bonding standpoint and because it let them know they are not far from a breakthrough. As they learned last year, doing the little things mean a lot. " Argh. It takes watching a bad game to form some team bonding? And we're not far from breaking through? Yeah that's if JP gets real comfortable and real good, and the playcalling stops sucking and the Defense gets off the field on 3rd downs. Those aren't 3 easy things to overcome. Regardless I still think MM's techniques can be effective. We'll see this week if they still work or this team is just not believing anymore. Mularkey said the offense will come together as Losman matures. But how long will that take? According to Losman, the time is now. "I'm preparing, I'm progressing slowly. But it's time to get over the hump," he said. "So the next couple of days I'm going to look at myself and find out exactly what I want to do to change. What are you going to do to make this team better? What are you going to do to make this offense roll? What are you going to do personally as a quarterback to get this thing rolling, J.P.? Look at your mistakes. Don't make them again." I like that this kid is at least realizing he's progressing slowly and needs to re-assess himself. I just wonder how long it'll be when this offense starts to click. It all starts with the O-line giving JP enough time to make good decisions. But when JP's given the time, he's just made bad throws. I hope that is correctable and we can at least show some real progress on offense. If not, we will get blown out by some of the offensive juggernauts we play soon (SD, KC). I guess the point of this thread is to ask, is it so wrong of me to still get somewhat excited about the Bills? I was about as down as anyone could be on the Bills after this Saints game but I still hold out hope that we will look like a legitimate team soon. I'm not implying a legitimate playoff team. Just a real NFL squad that competes against the upper-tier of the league. All I ask for is progress on JP's behalf and I think we'll get rolling.
  9. I don't think ANYONE would disagree after this past week's coaching performance. Also, it doesn't hurt having the best back in football, LT and one of the real upcoming QB's, in Drew Brees. AJ Smith has done a wonderful job putting together one of the better teams in the AFC. Solid offense, solid defense and good drafting. Can't beat that. I called it all last week, telling my buddies that the Chargers were going to beat the Pats just because I was convinced after watching LT on Sunday Night football. That was unreal. That team had picked itself back up from 2 CLOSE losses that they couldve easily won. They were a confident team going into New England. Plus, the Pats just don't appear to be the same team with all of these injuries. They barely beat the Steelers who looked awful in their own stadium. I think the Chargers stand a good chance to beat the Steelers next Monday the way they are playing.
  10. holy... that picture is amazing. no disrespect to the guy who got hurt. not even watching the game. that picture is AMAZING.
  11. thats hilarious stuff. the quoted paragraph, that is. you may get ripped for the other stuff but the whole cardinal nation stuff had me rolling.
  12. what conclusion can you make of this comparison? what are you suggesting? don't go there.
  13. what a way to show off your product by putting on your 2 most boring teams. sloppy and boring.
  14. i agree 100%. he was pretty hyped up. all the hard work, endless hours, meetings with wyche, frequent downtown appearances... how could you NOT like the kid? fooled me. sure did help sell some season tickets though.
  15. while it was true last year i just don't think anyone in football thought the afc east was still the toughest division in football considering all of the following; 1) buffalo was practically starting a rookie qb 2) n.e. lost both coordinators and star linebacker 3) miami had to be considered rebuilding with a new coach and gus ferotte as their starting qb. gus f'n ferotte. 4) the question marks surrounding penningtons arm. without him, the jets suddenly stink.
  16. haha. where do these guys come from? every game is won by strictly passing the ball in the 4th quarter? what a joke.
  17. maybe he can call andy reid for some more advice or something.
  18. errrr...... beginning of 4th quarter is when holcomb came in. it was over then? laughable. way to send a message to your team; "you suck so we'll just punt and lose respectfully"
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