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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. Like I said he is starting to lose me. Let's not do the 'how long ive been watching football for' crap. I've been watching long enough to know that he's incompetent as a QB RIGHT NOW. When he gets accurate, call me pal.
  2. Anyone happen to be listening to WGR55 for the post game press conferences? JP sounded in denial, and was stumbling over anything he was trying to say. Sounded about as lost as he looked in today's game. He said he was his own worst critic, but didn't bother mentioning his awful accuracy today. He was going on and on about his hesitation and how he's got to correct that but at the same time giving the class a lesson about how to be a good quarterback. I was a pretty big JP fan at first, but he's starting to lose me. Leo Roth asked a few questions that didn't make MM happy so he stormed out of his press conference. That's very unlike MM. Must've been pretty po'd. MM said something to the effect of "Well you know more than me so you tell me the answer to that", ok I dont know exactly what he said but something of that nature.
  3. No doubt. A win is the important thing. McGahee running through people for well over 100 yards would be a really cool thing too.
  4. Considering all of the media shots that have been taken by the coach and others, this is shaping up to be a make or break game for the Bills. It's definitely early to be saying that but this game will either help us build up some serious momentum or could stick around as a key loss in the season considering it's a home game. We play a lot of really good teams (carolina, jets x2, pats x2, kansas city, san diego and cincinatti!), so we need to win these home games. If we win, all is forgotten and JP/McGAHEE are okay afterall. If we lose, things could erupt. We need a solid performance from McGahee and the Defense. JP needs to show improvement. A lot of things need to happen this weekend for the Bills to remain on track as a playoff team. Are we a playoff team? This week will help determine that. It isn't an impossible game by any means but it's a game we should win if we are to be taken serious. I think we pull it off. McGahee will have a monster game, JP will regain his composure from week 1, the D will swarm. GO BILLS!!!
  5. our offense can't get much worse, man. it'll improve as the season goes on. they'll get their receptions. it's just a matter of how many they'll get and when it happens.
  6. No chance Reed makes the pro bowl. Evans and Moulds will get their receptions. Patience folks.
  7. lol. this guy is f'n hilarious. doesn't know much about football if he's calling washington the absolute worst team in the nfl. that's humorous.
  8. So you take back that statement about him choking in this game, right? Washington's offense stinks, by the way. This is Gibbs' last season and it will be a losing one.
  9. Drew hasn't looked bad. We've all seen the prime time choke jobs from him before, this certainly isn't one of them. As much as people won't like to hear it, that was a nice throw. We ran that same exact play a few times last year.
  10. If we win like I think we will and should, I think some of our credibility will be restored. I honestly believe that the national media thinks we're pretenders because we destroy the teams we should but lose most big games. And from their perspective, how can you disagree? I do think we will bounce back and the 12th man will be rocking the Ralph. EDIT: I also want to add that you are correct, if we do win with Vick there we will hear from all the cynics that he wasn't 100% and same deal if he doesn't play, people will say we beat a team with a backup QB in there. I don't care how we do it, I just want a win and I want JP to get back on track. Whatever it takes.
  11. jp seemed way too confident going into this game. remember the quote from last game "it was too easy today" or something of that nature. it was certainly a humbling experience for him. his post game quotes are proof of that. seems like jp will be a streaky qb until he becomes comfortable. he'll probably fair well at home and be a bit shaky on the road. he did play better after being benched in favor of holcomb. lets hope he continues that. i think he'll bounce back despite playing another tough defense this week.
  12. tom c. definitely needs to do a better job. playcalling was awful today. i don't remember 2 consecutive run plays. it would always be pass on 1st, run on 2nd, and 3rd and long pass. eh, i dont think anything wouldve helped us today the way JP was playing.
  13. i wonder why we stopped blitzing completely after it had worked on that 3rd play where lawyer sacked griese. it was working pretty well and they just stopped using it completely. makes no sense to me. were they too worried about cadillac breaking a big one on a blitz? because he broke a few on non blitzing plays.
  14. oh look he's back in the game. so much for that.
  15. experts are never right. if they were we'd all be rich because we could just bet whatever they said every single week. these so called experts are lucky to be right 60% of the time. guarantee one of these offensives explodes tomorrow. dont know who but chances are it won't be 6-3 and if it is, i guess i'll just start betting whatever the experts say. my prediction: lindell only has to make one field goal. bills 24- tampa - 17
  16. Unfortunately that would never happen so soon. Takes the NFL a long time to modify a rule, even as silly as this one. I agree about our throwbacks looking great but there's no chance we'll be wearing them more than twice this year.
  17. with a name and appearance like that I'm surprised he didn't turn out to be a wrestler. i can just picture it, vince mcmahon screaming "and now... TAKEO SPIKESSSSSSSSSSSSS"
  18. As per his column "1st and 10" on espn.com 2. Buffalo Bills at Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Scouting report Figure this one to be a low-scoring game. The Bills have a great defense and a young quarterback, J.P. Losman. The Bucs frustrated Vikings quarterback Daunte Culpepper last week. Losman is years way from being in Culpepper's league, even though he has the talent to do it. The Bucs will cause different problems for the Bills than they did the Vikings. The Bucs pressured Culpepper with rushes and stunts in the middle of the line. This will be the first big test for Bills left tackle Mike Gandy. He draws Bucs defensive end Simeon Rice. If Gandy isn't up to the challenge, this could be a three sack game for Rice and cause serious problems for Losman. Bills coach Mike Mularky will try to protect Losman by running the ball with Willis McGahee, but it's important the Bills have the lead in the second half. If Losman has to drop back and bring the team from behind, he could be in trouble. ................. Not much more than what's been discussed on here. That Gandy v. Rice battle does scare me a bit. Did you see what Rice did on their splash page? hehe. Seriously, I hope Gandy holds his own. He forgot to mention that the Vikings are overrated on offense but the Bucs deserve their props considering they did take on a more potent offense than we did. Unless our D was just THAT darn good. Clayton has always had weird takes on Bills games and players. In the middle of last season he insisted that Travis Henry was still the better running back and would return as the starter on WGR.
  19. Agreed. I hope Fletcher retires as a Bill. What a 1-2 combo, Fletcher and Spikes make. Both players make each other that much better on the field.
  20. What an excellent read. Thanks for posting the article. I don't know how he survived that time period doing what he was asked to do. I remember the time we were looking for a new coach and it was primarily between Mularkey, Weis and someone else (Crennel, Coughlin, Fassel) and he was the last guy i wanted because of the pittsburgh connection and other ridiculous reasons. I was begging for Weis. As it turns out I couldn't be happier that he became our coach. Even if he doesn't turn out to be the greatest, he's done a good job thus far and seems like he knows what he's doing. The only thing I was critical about was his lack of decision making when it came to personnel (taking Henry out sooner) because he seemed like he hesitated because of how new he was to the team which makes sense, but I still didn't dig it. I think he's turning into a pretty darn good coach.
  21. While watching this I keep thinking "Maybe Posey means more to this D than I think." Maybe not but he comes off like a likeable guy. The story about the Linebackers tallying up fines for the year is pretty funny. SPIKES IS AWESOME. We have to beat Tampa!!!!! Sorry, this just gets me excited.
  22. I agree with that. Indy may have gotten the only Bruce Smith available in a long time in Freeney. Here's hoping Schobel continues being a BEAST. And let's not forget about Chris Kelsay [motion: Double pump of the fist/forearm after a big sack]
  23. 10 sacks sounds about right. We'll see though. It is a new year and he FINALLY has support on the other end (Kelsay being a force). That makes a difference. It was just one game, but if the Defense resembles that unit I saw on Sunday, then maybe he could have a great year. And we'll all be giving TD some crazy props for re-signing him to a long term deal, right?
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