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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. they won't bench favre until he retires. the guy can throw 32 int's and still be in the game. the pack has been hit with an unfair amount of injuries. last year was favre's last playoff appearance ever. they need to rebuild, badly.
  2. im still in awe that despite all of our horrendous defensive and offensive performances this year, there are some people around here thinking we have a chance against the Pats in PRIME TIME. im one of the most optimistic Bills fans and I still don't think we have a prayer tonight. im still going to be rooting for the bills like i do everyweek, but if we can't beat Oakland on the road, then how will we beat New England on the road, in prime time? i hope it's not a blowout. i can deal with any other outcome, aside from a blowout. despite my worries - GO BILLS.
  3. I agree. I hardly think this is some sort of fallout. You can bank on Willis saying plenty of more ridiculous things.
  4. I think there's a misconception with Holcomb; it is he can't throw the deep ball because he's got a weak arm. I tend to think the truth regarding that is he loses accuracy with the deep ball so he tends to dink and dunk it more. His offensive line hasn't given him much time when we do call for the deep plays. If you're an NFL quarterback, you have to be able to throw the ball downfield. Even Pennington, who's probably got the weakest arm in the league could toss the ball at least 40 yards. Everyone points toward Holcomb's big game against Pitt in the playoffs, when speaking of his limited success. In that game, he did go deep quite often so he's definitely capable of throwing the longball. For a variety of reasons, it just hasn't happened yet. I'm not trying to defend the guy because I'd like to see Losman get his reps but he has been getting ripped for his arm a lot lately. He isn't that old. You think the guy would be in the NFL if he wasn't capable of throwing beyond 25 yards? I have a feeling we'll be forcing the longball in the next few games.
  5. I always hate when someone puts egg on my hands.
  6. right there. clueless, or confused, or just flat out foolish is how the Bills roll. that being said, I'd still rather see Peters than Jerman, who is Arena Football material. Maybe CFL, maybe.
  7. Didn't someone once say on here; some people on this board take things too seriously?
  8. The problem is the Pats have already had there bad games. And they weren't even that bad. They're 3-3. I don't think they'll have a bad game against us in prime time after a bye week. We will have to play our absolutely best game and I'm not sure if MM is capable of producing that kind of performance from his players.
  9. to all the pat williams naysayers... despite edingers 56 yarder, pat williams was given his 2nd gameball of the year this past weekend. tice put him over as being all over the place again and making a lot of plays amongst other things. must be doing something over there!
  10. I think about that question all the time as I watch Notre Dame on Saturdays. Say what you want about the guy but his players play like they belong with the very best. Watch that USC game for proof. He's got them believing and playing pretty darn well. Imagine what they'll do when he gets his draft class in there. He's turned around Brady Quinn's career, that's for sure. Last year Quinn showed flashes of potential but nothing to the extent of what he's done this year. The playcalling is wonderful, in my opinion. They also take advantage of their big receiver, who has also blossomed this year. They run a lot of plays that just make sense. No outsmarting their opponents with tricks. I always wonder if he wouldve been able to do the same with this Bills team.
  11. I was convinced our offense was going to have a solid day after that first drive. Looked like they knew what to do against that D. I don't know if saying I was fooled is fair because our defense just gave up anything and everything today. After our offense went 3 and out on our 2nd possession, it seemed like everything went downhill after that. Maybe losing a coin toss will help
  12. You've signed up to this board for one reason - to bash Willis McGahee as much as you can. Did he do something to you in the past (decline an autograph?) and this is your way of getting revenge?!? Last time I checked Willis doesn't play offensive line, offensive coordinator, defensive line... err every defensive position I mean. Willis is not the reason we lost this game, clearly. Anyone who was watching the game could see that though.
  13. I think you're exaggerating a bit by saying MM quit on his team "weeks ago", that would obviously be career suicide. You just don't do that. We do agree that he's made some questionable calls this season. It was quite the image seeing London Fletcher on the bench almost in tears, and the offense all looking at each other as if to ask "what do we do next?" What will be the next friggin' spark for this team? Cheeseburgers and Kelly Holcomb just didn't do enough.
  14. One more thing; how did we pass on Charlie Weiss? How did any NFL team? Edit: Ahh yes, the Pats were still in the playoffs so it made it difficult to commit to a coach so "late" in the football year.
  15. Some hard to swallow facts/opinions: 1) Jerry Gray is seriously, seriously overrated. His schemes are AWFUL. The only thing he's capable of is throwing out as many blitzes as you possibly can. Half the time when we DO blitz, we rarely get penetration. Pathetic. 2) Our coaching staff try to outsmart their opponents but often outsmart themselves in the most crucial of moments. See 4th and 1, Shelton carries for no gain. 3) NO PASSES OVER 15 YARDS. What era of football are we in? Someone remind the coaching staff, or Tom Clements, or Kelly Holcomb (whoever is responsible) that in order to win a game, or have a chance to keep your offense going that you must ATTEMPT to throw the ball beyond 15 yards. Considering their top corner was INJURED AND OUT along with another defensive back (presumably another starter) we'd have opportunities to throw downfield (draw a flag, make a play, ANYTHING!!) and do something. 4) Our defensive line is one of the worst in the league. Period. The only kind of sacks we get are garbage ones that any high motored white guy could get. Why was our best guy on that line, Sam Adams, out half the time? Too out of shape? Lack of "maintaining his gap"? The best defensive lineman we've had in the TD-ERA was a left over from the Butler Era and his name was Pat Williams. 5) There is no point in continuing to start Kelly "Dink and Dunk" Holcomb. It's a tough business and I feel bad for the guy because it's not entirely his fault but we have to develop JP because this team has proved it's not a playoff team at all. It was nice getting 2 wins at home against Vinny T and Gus Ferrotte but back to reality we are. If we can't beat the 1-4 Raiders (now 2-4, of course) on the road, then who can we beat? Will New England be any easier? hehe. Just wait until we get to the Chargers, Chiefs, Panthers, Broncos and more. 6) I seriously question the decision to punt when we were down by 2 touchdowns, with less than 7 minutes to go. Then we get an offside penalty in our favor and have a better chance of converting and we still punt. Did MM realistically expect our Defense to get some sort of turnover the way we were getting schooled? What a joke. What was the result? The Raiders ran up the rest of the clock and scored another touchdown. I could think of more but I'm done. Just needed to vent.
  16. but...but... but... we're 3-4. half game out of first... ahh nevermind
  17. "Damn You Mularkey, I want a Cheeseburger too!"
  18. You're forgetting something serious here man - Not only if Willis IS better than LT, and our receivers catch everything, Mr Holcomb finds that extra arm strength, the D plays like demons, AND Roscoe is our version of Carolina's Steve Smith.. We will not only win the rest of our regular season schedule - we will run the table and win the super bowl. </RaiderFans Logic>
  19. The people on that board have already chalked this game up as a win. I've seen some questionable early predictions on this board but the fans over there act like there's NOTHING that can change the eventual outcome (in their mind, at least) of tomorrow's game, a Raiders victory. That's kind of funny coming from a team that is dead last in their division and only one victory in the season. Oh yeah, also throw in the fact that they'll likely be without their very best player. I hope Willis runs all over the pathetic Warren Sapp and Raiders D. All of the images on EVERY friggin' post is just annoying. Thank goodness this site is different. I'll leave you with quite the optimistic outlook from some idiot on that board: if we could find our grove offensively with Morant and Gabriel mixed in with some more agressive play calling it is quite possible we could win 8-9 of our remaining games. Sun 10/23 Buffalo W Sun 10/30 at Tennessee W Sun 11/6 at Kansas City W Sun 11/13 Denver W Sun 11/20 at Washington W Sun 11/27 Miami W Sun 12/4 at San Diego L Sun 12/11 at NY Jets W Sun 12/18 Cleveland W Sat 12/24 at Denver L Sat 12/31 NY Giants W
  20. I think we all agree this is a definite must win situation. And it's a bit of a scary game because playing in Oakland is never fun. I think this is a perfect little test for this team; we can find out if we should hold out some hope for this season or if we should not overrate this team yet. I think we win.
  21. I agree. If it moves the sticks and is an indication that Willis is just running all over them, I'll take the 165 dink and dunkers.
  22. From Roscoe's BB.com interview ------------ 6) How has your life changed since becoming an NFL player? "I grew up in Miami and attended the University of Miami. Miami is very warm throughout the year and a fun place to be in. Buffalo is the complete opposite. It is very cold and I'm not familiar with many things off the field. During the time that I have been in Buffalo, I have mainly focused on training." -------------- Talk about taking the anti-JP Losman approach. I understand he's just being honest but that could rub some buffalonians the wrong way. I'm sure he didn't intend on dissing Buffalo, but whatever. So Buffalo's the complete opposite of a warm and fun place to be? C'mon, it isn't that bad here.
  23. Dudes' you're forgetting that MM is breaking out the Cheeseburgers for this game. AND A TEAM WALK! (as per buffalobills.com) No way we'll lose now. We're 1-0 using that tactic. In all seriousness, without Moss I think if we're ANY bit of a good team we should win this game. Road game or not. If we plan on making ANY noise this year, it must start this week because it does NOT get any easier after this game. Here's to hoping Roscoe plays, Willis stays determined as ever and runs for 200, and Holcomb throws for more than 165 dink and dunk yards. GO BILLS!
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