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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. I wondered this as well. Did MM actually think we would stop them 3 and out the way our D was playing all day? And if he did, did he actually think we'd follow that up with a quick score, an onside kick and then another score? C'mon mike. Pathetic. PATHETIC. See - this was a decision that hasn't gotten a lot of attention because of the horrific playcalling and the overall bad play by the team. Just awful and depressing.
  2. that's why we'll win this week. we'll respond big this week to all the naysayers.
  3. I watched that Monday Night game thinking the same exact thing about how JP could run that offense. It sure seems like JP is about as athletic as Plummer. And that entire offensive gameplan on Monday was all Plummer making plays with his feet and arm on the run. Now if JP can only learn to hit his receivers on stride, then we can seriously discuss this topic. Until then - let's watch him develop.
  4. argh. was hoping roscoe would've been upgraded. maybe next week!
  5. and if JP throws it within 10 yards of the receiver. seriously, i agree. if JP settles in, we'll be somewhat okay. let's see what happens this week - could be a good start.
  6. i guess he's their only decent option. word had it they were considering quincy carter. which is worse? sucks to be them. if are D can get back on track at all, vinny returnining to the jets is good news for the bills. and don't blast me for saying that because we're still only 3 games in. the bills told me to say that seriously, beat the jets twice, beat the phins twice and we're in it for the AFC east. ok i'm dreaming, whatever.
  7. I used to like this feature but the answers are more and more pathetic every week. I agree 100%. Willis must have pretty bad conditioning if he can't catch his breath every 3rd down considering he doesn't run EVERY 1st and 2nd down. Just doesn't make much sense. Willis should be there on one of the most important downs in football.
  8. I'm not quite sure if I'm buying what you're selling to me. Wasn't it quite obvious what should've been done with Travis Henry after last year? It wasn't Tom Donahoe who discovered this great idea. He had no other choice considering McGahee's performance in the previous year. Add in the fact that Travis didn't want anything to do with the Bills. I don't mind TD as much as other people do around here but I'm NOT giving him credit for this trade. It was an easy decision. The one good thing he did was be patient and not settle for a 5th round pick. High pick? 3rd isn't bad at all for TH considering he's more of a burden these days than he is an asset. If the rumors were true about Jacksonville, we should've taken a 2nd from them.
  9. I thought the same thing the other day. Watching that Chargers/Giants game yesterday made me realize 2 things; 1) LT (lad. tomlinson) is scary. He is going to light our D up if we do not do something to improve our RUN D. I don't care how weak or strong the Giants D line is, when there weren't holes LT made some. Besides that he was shaking people left and right. If Warrick Dunn and Cadillac lit us up, I can only imagine what LT will do as he is regarded as the best back in the league by many. But that game isn't for a while. 2) How far behind are we? The Giants should not be better than us considering they had just as many problems as us last year and the year before. But they look sharp. I guess a good QB makes the ultimate difference. With a good one we couldve stole that game yesterday. And the Chargers and Panthers are the scariest 1-2 teams. We have to play both this year. We'll see how we match up.
  10. It's hard to take the quote seriously considering Atlanta's secondary was more than depleted. And their best cornerback (D. Hall) in was playing through an injury. Add in the fact that they were missing a starting defensive end and you have a very vulnerable defense. Our offensive line didn't give JP all the time in the world but there were 3 or 4 critical plays where he DID have time and just didn't connect. (i.e. - First drive - Eric Moulds WIDE OPEN.. EASY TOUCHDOWN...NO BLITZ TO DEAL WITH and still... INCOMPLETION.. argh!) I'll give you Tampa but to say Atlanta is a top notch defense right now is a stretch. We are playing a pretty weak defense this weekend though, in New Orleans. I'm still giving the kid a chance. Let's not give up on him. Let's hope he settles and his accuracy improves. If his accuracy doesn't improve then there's no reason to believe this kid is any better than the list of QB's that have failed here. Plus an O-line would help.
  11. i think we'd all be happy with those results from JP.
  12. 2 games. 4 attempts. clean up time? same as jp last year coming in during the new england game. soo..... favre's first year starting all season wasn't so bad afterall.
  13. thank you and thats why I said I'd keep my mouth shut earlier. i didn't want to be the one to point out how embarassing joe's statement was. he doesn't watch much bengal football, ya see.
  14. he did? when the steelers needed a touchdown to tie the game, I think he handled himself quite well. what did JP do when presented with the same situation? nothing. ben had one less turnover and 2 more td's and you still insist JP had a better game. except JP didn't come through when we needed him. is it fair to expect that of him? probably not, but to imply JP may have had a better game than Ben, that's just dumb.
  15. wrong thread, pal. you should know, you're the one who started it.
  16. did he have a great game? no. did he lead his team from behind to tie the game? yes. is it his fault Tom Brady was 12-12 in the 4th quarter? is it his fault the pats had a nice kick return and Brady did what he always does to put the Pats in the position to win it? is it his fault mr clutch made his game winning field goal? you, my friend, obviously are confused about the game of football and cannot admit when you're wrong. you made this thread in an attempt to justify JP's performance today. you know it. and you still haven't answered Dickersons question from earlier. if you call ben's performance today "shiat", what would you call JPs game?
  17. was this thread ever about pittsburgh losing the game? nah. it was about Ben playing like "shiat"
  18. why don't you answer dickerson's question? or you can keep trying to justify you're embarassing posts. as im writing this, big ben just lead his steelers down to tie the game. yep, he's playing like "shiat" you should really just give up posting for the day.
  19. EXCELLENT question. But beware, this guy will insist JP is the next ELWAY/FAVRE.
  20. As much of a Roscoe believer I am, I don't think he will help our office much. Maybe offense, maybe.
  21. lol, so Angelo Crowell is the solution? Right? Because Spikes doesn't mean much to this team in your opinion. And JP is the next Favre/Elway, according to you.
  22. Apparently you haven't watched much football yourself. Favre blew sheep? 3227 yards, 18 td, rating 85.3 hehe you're funny. The problem is JP hasn't showed much potential. Those guys showed flashes of brilliance. JP could very well turn out to be good but he hasn't showed us ANYTHING. If you can't see that, that's your fault. I'm still rooting for the kid but I need to see SOMETHING soon. Accuracy isn't the D's fault, or the O-Lines fault.
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