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Casey D

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Everything posted by Casey D

  1. I have no confidence in you. You are an a-hole for the ages. Congrats.
  2. This is as good as we could reasonably hope for. No way Oliver on a wet field.
  3. Nope. It's been grass for about the last seven years, although they have gone back and forth.
  4. Live in Bethesda. Weather not bad. A little rain, not cold. Should be fine.
  5. For every Marty there is an Andy Reid or Bill Cowher or Bruce Arians. Look, I understand you, I just think it is way too early to say his career will end in failure. But we can agree to disagree.
  6. But I have to say your view is a bit myopic. McDermott has coached a team from a laughing stock to an "it" franchise in the NFL in five years. Of course he cannot do it without players, but don't you think he is responsible in significant ways in developing the roster we now have, with a clear vision on the type of player and team he wants. To be sure, his gameday decisions can be questioned, but all coaches eff up gameday decisions. It's the nature of the beast (pun intended). At bottom, you choose to see the glass 10% empty instead of 90% full. Given the overall skill of NFL coaches, and the coaches the Bills have had over the last 20 years, McDermott is a godsend. You are someone who looks at a supermodel and says, "but what about that mole."
  7. There was no panic-- just sheer exhaustion.
  8. Also, the schedule is way more favorable after the bye. We get to 4-2 and we have a great chance at bye. Even a shot at 3-3.
  9. Behind a paywall, but it is an amazing read on the game and the adversity the Bills and Allen almost overcame. The gist of it is that the entire game plan went out the window due to injuries and heat exhaustion. Lots of plays they would have liked to call could not be used. Execution was all effed up because the guys on the field rarely play together. Despite all that, Allen still got them within a win, and six key mistakes-- anyone of which went differently likely would have ended the game with a W-- cost them. That does not do the article justice, but there it is.
  10. Weather predicted to be 69 and 45% chance of rain. After yesterday, that sounds delightful!
  11. If Miami can't beat Buffalo today with all the injuries, they will never beat Buffalo. Loss today is no biggie under the circumstances and we get them in Buffalo in December.
  12. Yet despite all this anxiety, the Bills are still 4.5 point favorites on the road against the mighty 2-0 Dolphins. Go figure.
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