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Casey D

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Everything posted by Casey D

  1. Well you could give football up then. My view is that losing is the worst feeling in the world, much worse than winning feels good. The best thing about winning is the absence of that feeling when you lose. I think particularly for Josh, he feels the same way. A reminder of the pain is always good to motivate you not to feel it next week. And that can be done only by winning. Then no awful "what ifs" that litter the Board today. But I think you will be just fine. Hang in there!
  2. Not really no. I was miserable all night and this morning. I try and work through it and stick with the adage that which does not kill you only makes you stronger. It hopefully applies to the Bills too!!!
  3. But you need to have perspective. Even as SB "favorites," the Bills chances of winning it all is/was only about 20%. That means it is 80% likely they won't win the SB. So just go with the flow and take it day by day, game by game. The journey is supposed to be fun. Not always-- but overall!! 🙂
  4. God this place is miserable. 20 years ago this place was like group therapy, everyone picking each other up. Now it is just a bunch of folks whining about how terrible everything is because of a tough road loss. Who did not think this team would have Jax 2021 type games this year? It just happens. All athletes have subpar days. Get an effing grip. I understand emotions overrun people after a loss like that. I've lived through 50 years of them. 6-2 and top seed in the AFC is still good. It won't be a cakewalk, but I never thought it would be. On to Minnesota. And cheer up for God's sake, this is supposed to be fun.
  5. I got 4.59, but the original point is he is a slow version of Milano. I was just providing facts.
  6. Bernard's 40 was faster than Milano. He may seem slow because he has to think too much instead of just playing.
  7. Yeah, but biggest improvement over last year was Hall, and he is gone.
  8. God you are an effing idiot. Stop being a troll. What do you think the point spread will be in December when Miami plays the Bills all things being the same as now? Miami plus 10-16? You know it's true, so stop with this pound for pound nonsense. And even if Tua proves to be serviceable, he is light years behind Allen. That alone makes the Bills roster substantially better.
  9. He's real good-- especially as a receiving threat. A grown-up Cook.
  10. It was a horrible second half. At this point that is all it is as they got the W. There were plenty of times last year where they looked a whole lot worse for entire games and lost, e.g., Jax, Indy. By year's end, that was all irrelevant. Taking this all in, we will be fine IMO-- and they will learn some things from this game. No athlete/team has its "A" game all the time. Just ask Justin Verlander about the World Series.
  11. Green Bay is not good, but they are showing a ton of fight and some character. Now let's end this.
  12. Absolutely. But to quote Seinfeld: "People, they're the worst."
  13. They both suck. I read it repeatedly in the game time thread. No revisionist history just because we got a lucky win.
  14. These are two excellent teams. After watching the early games, I am so glad we have one of them.
  15. For God's sake it was a 62 yard FG. Might as well kicked it for 80.
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