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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Perhaps she’s lost weight since you dated? ?
  2. Dunkirk Don, Hossage and Darth Ice. And one of the chicks was Sue in NJ
  3. Can’t believe that guy tossed a flip flop like that. He could have put someone’s eye out.
  4. Did you see the Bills defense while you were over there? Apparently they caught a flight out in time to show up for the second half.
  5. That kinda scares me, seeing as I’ll be attending next week’s game as a guest of a Vikings player.
  6. This seems a little over the top. Davis quit a game - he didn’t put people’s safety or their welfare at risk. It’s more akin to an actor quitting a play during intermission. In the big picture - it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things like you raise.
  7. I blame this on the fact Davis had the stink of the Colts still on him. Didn’t they hire a coach that quit before his press conference?
  8. I think when a home game is televised on CBS at the early slot, they cannot put a Fox game up against it, so the only option is to show the late Fox game - which is the AZ/LA game. CBS has the doubleheader so there’s only one late Fox game to show.
  9. Hands down - Ben Dreith “Giving him the business down there” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yu-1tqk_jek
  10. Phew! By “we” I thought you meant all of us on TSW.
  11. https://giphy.com/gifs/seeso-snl-saturday-night-live-cheri-oteri-3o7TKwJgF0v0JX5gys
  12. Having hallucinations instead of screwy dreams!
  13. What a great job. Although the vaccinations are probably a beeotch. I hate shots. And I’m in central New York. Internet and cell signals are spotty here too. I feel your pain.
  14. They go with the lyrics pretty well. That video made made me want to watch the Snow Bowl game again
  15. That’s awesome! What kind of work do you do and is touring slums a hobby or part of your work?
  16. Was that produced by the Bills or Black River Entertainment? Seems like more a commmercial for Abby than the Bills
  17. Sounds like she can’t hold a steady job. Definitely NFL coaching material.
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