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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I have an authentic “game worn” #15 blue home jersey worn by Kevin Drake of the Bills. Got it off the Bills website in the early 2000s. Kevin was a 2000 practice squad WR that never saw the field, as best I can tell. But he had a jersey with his name on it! Maybe it is actually “practice worn. He’s a prep school football coach in Alabama now. It is the traditional royal blue and the only stitching is the Puma emblem. Everything else is painted on.
  2. Really enjoyed reliving some special moments from that season. Great job with your recaps. Thank you. Also, how far back have you done these recaps?
  3. Interesting concept. Some good players there but unless 8-8 wins the division, I don’t see them being on top with this group.
  4. (….frantically searching for the 1999 thread on Flutie vs Johnson….)
  5. Actually, tundra is a misnomer in this case. I’m sure @ExiledInIllinois can speak more eloquently on the topic however.
  6. Gender Fluid would be a great name for an alcoholic sparkling water.
  7. It doesn’t make you a bad person. You were already one.
  8. I wasn’t aware you work for the Chamber of Commerce there.
  9. The trademark squatter owns that trademark already, according to the article.
  10. Some states are in the ganja business. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajherrington/2021/05/07/free-marijuana-for-covid-19-vaccines-proves-to-be-a-popular-perk/
  11. A new stadium is likely to have a much larger footprint than the present one. I expect they will add some property to the current layout. As presently configured, the space is too small, unless they raze the existing and build over top of it. As it is, the present stadium is butting up against property lines.
  12. I’d like to adopt one of Travis Henry’s kids, or get the mat that Kevin Kolb slipped on.
  13. I’m at the age when this is a welcome sartorial trend.
  14. https://www.cnet.com/news/this-company-sells-jeans-designed-to-make-it-look-like-you-wet-yourself/ Ever spilled something on your pants while out in public? Ever thought to yourself, "Sure, it might seem like I peed myself, but my pants actually look kind of cool now. I'm just gonna own this." Then maybe Wet Pants Denim is for you. If what it says is on the level, the company sells jeans designed to make it seem like you lost a battle with your bladder.
  15. Was just going to message you about this! Christmas has arrived!
  16. I’m an alumnus. Which teacher was it? I remember Enders and Moynihan? Neither seemed like pro players 🤣
  17. This thread really lifted my spirits. How about everyone’s favorite mass murderer? I’m kinda fond of Dahmer.
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