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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. California Road isn’t bad; if you hustle out of the stadium you can be on the road and not hit the backup that starts on the Thruway just east of the 400. I can usually be back in the Syracuse area by the end of the 4:00 game.
  2. No, he would be our long ball threat. 🤣
  3. Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed watching this game that I remember all too well. The amazing thing to me was how few commercial breaks there were back then. There were a couple TDs that they didn’t go to commercial after. Even though the recording didn’t include the commercials for the most part, the number of breaks compared to today’s broadcasts is stark.
  4. I’m thinking pole vaulting would be more fun. Land on a table mafia style.
  5. For the lots on California Road, what’s the route to the stadium? There used to be a path through the ravine and into the parking lot. I know there is now a fence to eliminate that route. Is there another short cut in, or is the only way via the shoulder of Southwestern Road and into the stadium that way?
  6. Switching from Cream Ale to Genny Light. I’ll be in tip-top shape in no time.
  7. I’m gonna miss John Brown. Really liked watching him play.
  8. What if this is all a dream that my mind created? Anything I do could upset the apple cart. DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING when it comes to the Bills game!!
  9. Don’t do something radical for an opener. Try the watch party with a Game Pass replay and make sure this thing is gonna work.
  10. Do these types of lawsuits always read like a picture of Fabio is on the cover? ”It was a rainy night….”
  11. This sounds like a speech one of the characters gave on the pilot episode of the Sarah Silverman Show 🤣
  12. Now that there’s a real QB contract on the books, probably will see more of these types of decisions where, other things being relatively equal (or somewhat close), the cheaper option is chosen.
  13. I miss more than posts during my blackouts. But no, I haven’t experienced what you’re describing.
  14. It has diabetes. Can’t kick that poor old shim.
  15. They are all just meaningless labels. Like male and female.
  16. You shut your damn mouth! A bison smoking a pipe!
  17. They are nice because they actually wore blue helmets at one time. Creating a blue monstrosity and wondering why it doesn’t work is because……it doesn’t.
  18. Didnt this happen last year too? I remember it took forever to get the full list.
  19. Agree. He’s similar to Andre in that nothing about him stands out - but he does all things well and with an excellent QB and luck staying healthy, he could accumulate some impressive numbers.
  20. “Tackled at the 5; I scored! I mean, I planned to score!”
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