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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. The Pats face the most teams coming off a bye week - 3 of any team this year. So, the Pats aren’t catching a break if that’s what you’re worried about. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/05/13/patriots-face-three-opponents-coming-off-their-bye-weeks/amp/
  2. Sounds like the kind of place where the housekeeping staff says, with a spritz of Febreeze: “Covid? We ain’t got no covid here! - it couldn’t survive!”
  3. If I can hide in the closet. Yeah.
  4. FFS, will you guys get a room?
  5. Twin Spires took my money and then I took it back. Used PayPal and had my payoff in my bank account within about 12 hours or so. Took a little while for it to get processed by PayPal
  6. If I had a nickel for every time a woman said that to me…..
  7. The real question is whose Mom is hotter? Zach’s is tough to top (and I wish I meant that literally).
  8. Just seeing if we’re paying attention…
  9. I appreciate the effort to compare measurables, but it really has no bearing on whether Greg will be Maybin or Bruce Smith.
  10. Wait! Do we get a check from SDS if we up our post count? Yolo must be a millionaire! I gotta get in on that action.
  11. Maybe vomiting is a symptom of COVID.
  12. It’s his private property and he should be able to set whatever rules he wants. And if vaccinations are required to attend the games, it really shouldn’t be an issue.
  13. Adulteress? Misogyny. It’s a known fact adulterers lie 82% more than adulteresses.
  14. This. Covid gets a bad rap for everything. I’m pretty happy that it’s kept my family away for 14 months. 🤣 As for the draft, it’s so good to not be hoping the Bills will “win the draft” and get the coveted “A” grade from Kiper. If they come away with a few guys that we keep for a second contract, it will be a success.
  15. I remember OJ winning the rushing title in the last game against the Redskins. Larry Brown was out for the game and lost the crown because of it.
  16. That’s odd - I always feel better after a #2. Im 62 and got my second Moderna shot and that night and all the next day felt like I had the flu - aches, chills, headache. The second day after, am feeling fine.
  17. Having a close friend involved in the restitution program, I can say the 80% is statistically accurate but the total losses involved in that number is not all-inclusive. There are many, many victims who will never get back everything, and in some cases, will get nothing at all. A very sad state of affairs created by a man who showed no remorse. When he asked to be released early due to his failing health, they asked the victims for their input on the decision and it was overwhelmingly negative.
  18. ““Plaintiff was mentally beat, the pressure from Watson’s relentless instruction coercing her against her will left her powerless,” the lawsuit alleges.” That reads like one of those 1980s paperback novels with Fabio on the cover.
  19. Your zero rating in Madden is looking pretty solid, by the way
  20. Glad most of the full games I collected are all on YouTube now too! 🤦🏻‍♂️
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