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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Thats some quality critique right there. Please....continue.
  2. Anyone catch the last line about legal status having no bearing on one being a citizen? Beautiful.
  3. Anyone else less than excited about Gabby Giffords being rolled out as a prop once again? I heard Ted Nugent is going. GOD, I hope he sits next to her.
  4. Theres a Code Pinko t-at I see driving to work all the time. Id run the hole off the road, but I dont want waste a perfectly good fender on her.
  5. Jesus Christ, no wonder youre pissed at people like me out for a bike ride.
  6. You didnt see ANYBODY in those threads giving glowing reviews and SJ and how great of a guy he is and how damn....he just needs to be signed "NOW".....regardless of his "quirks?" If you claim that, youre not being truthful. And I posted the links. Demanding I go in and cut, paste and re-post the actual quotes from them doesnt mean you automatically won the debate. The content is there....go read it. Again....lots and lots of Bills fans purposely decided to look the other way at SJ's personality and how he carries himself when it was time to sign him. And there has been zero critique since they signed him about his productivity. So now, he makes one quote and the armchair coaches and now, athletic conditioners here are gonna get all nuts and incredulous? Thats a load of carp. You married the "porn star" who you KNEW was also a raging bimbo. Dont whine now that shes not a Rhodes Scholar.
  7. Challenge Accepted: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/142916-the-education-of-stevie-johnson/ http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/141715-stevie-johnson-is-a-class-act-in-my-book-now/ http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/142136-maybe-stevie-is-better-than-we-thought/ http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/142144-if-stevie-johnson-is-not-retained-by-the-buffalo-bills/ And theres more, but Ill stop here. Apology Accepted.
  8. Ill say it again.... Everyone who questioned signing SJ because of concerns about his attitude and how he carries himself was shooed away. SJ, despite all the red flags about his off the field stuff was a MUST SIGN we were all told. Well, here we are and lots of the same people who DEMANDED he be signed NO MATTER WHAT his attitude is, are now ticked off. I say you have no right....You bought the whole hog, not just the bacon.
  9. No, youre just a B word. Im sorry....is that a THREAT? Quick!!!! SOMEONE CALL THE COPS!!!!!! Actually, I WANT you to come at me at Hammer's. Knowing the good man, I know he doesnt tolerate nonsense. So Ill just stand there, laugh as you try to take a swing, I duck, you fall flat on your ass and then you get carted off and banned for life from his lot. Enjoy the rest of your games from the "Family" parking section! Ill be doing bowling ball shots and will blow the horn in your honor! Um...let me let you in on something.....I lied. I dont have a close friend who died. Seriously I dont. What threats? Where???!!???
  10. A) WHAT WORDS, sister? Still waiting on that one. B) My friend had a killer sense of humor. If he saw this he would be laughing his ass off, babe. C) Yeah, Im kind of a hack. D) Hey, what time should I expect Jesse Ventura to come over tonight to give me a "talking to?" I need to know so he can sign my picture of him and the Iron Sheik and I have to pull it out of storage.
  11. Ya know...after much thought maybe TYTT is right and it was a conspiracy. And I know who was in on it, BROTHER!!!
  12. Telling you to take a long walk off a short pier isnt a "threat" honey. And you ask me to own my words. WHAT WORDS???? Where did I threaten you with physical harm? Where did I mention your family? The cops...yeah...Im sure they are chomping at the bit to go after a party in an anyonymous internet spat about the cause of 9/11 (becuase...you know...those NEVER happen)....that took place one morning and someones [sniffle] wittle feewings got huurwt [sniffle] when she was told to take a flyin' leap. But after the cops laugh you off the phone, maybe you can get Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones on the case!
  13. Ah, so you dont like it when the lives of others are minimized for a cause, do you? PWNED And where did I threaten you? Where did I say "Im going to" or "I will?" And where did I EVER mention your family? Oh....I DIDNT. So not only are you a truther hypocrite piece of **** punk, youre also a liar. Im done with you...rot in hell.
  14. Youre not telling the truth. Becuase I never said they were close. Or that I suffered pain. Youre making **** up. Rent yourself out as a crash dummy.
  15. Not youre not. Youre just trying to one-up me. Its not working. Attend a public school in Belsan.
  16. Ill go back to this point... When everyone clamored that we HAD TO sign SJ, his immaturity and "quirkiness" or whatever the hell you want to call it was purposely overlooked by the fans and the team. So now we cant get pissed when it comes to light in a way we are uncomfortable with.
  17. Please go on the same vacation Daniel Pearl did. Where do you live, !@#$er? I live on Long Island. I have been to the funerals. I have friends who were there. Who worked in those buildings. People I know and grew up with died in them. The next day, the train station parking lots were filled with cars from people who would not come home. Then there are people like yourself..who REFUSE to believe ACTUAL EVIDENCE of what took place. Who callously write off EYEWITNESS accounts from people, some right in this thread like Tom, just so you can go on with your "cynic" side that makes you feel "special" and like youre "smarter" than everyone else. Even IF you do have a high IQ, which I doubt, that doesnt make you any less of a total piece of ****. P.S. As far as my life...Im living in a great area and working as a senior manager for one of the best firms in the Country in my field, thankyouverymuch.
  18. And if the Bills lost another Super Bowl on a borderline judgement call flag, youd be committing Hari Kari right about now. The refs are NOT going to throw a flag there unless the receiver gets mugged so bad its indisputable. Will never happen in that situation nor should it. And moreso, the refs were allowing that kind of contact all game. Suddenly, on the last play they are going to change? No way.
  19. Sorry, thats incorrect. Here is the ACTUAL transcript: SJ: "The only time I worked out was my rookie year from after (the) combine, just to get in the league. I went down to L.A. and worked with Travelle Gaines, and ever since then, I've only did work with my wife running around the block and playing basketball. That was all I did." JR: "Why? Do they not insist you have some kind of off-season conditioning program? Throw the weights around?" SJ: I probably shouldn't be saying this. Yeah, they give us the booklet and stuff, but I get it and I put it in a drawer. I really don't do it." JR: "Stevie, you made it through an entire interview without getting into trouble man, until right there, I think." SJ: "I'm sorry, I'm just being honest, man. This year we've got a new staff, and you know, I've had three seasons with a thousand yards, and that's like without doing, like, real football work. So you know, who knows what happens if I really put in work? Maybe I can eclipse a thousand and go into twelve hundred, you know, maybe thirteen. Maybe I'll be even more energized to finish out games, and we'll get things done, you know. So I'm going to be working hard from next Sunday to April 1st when we go back." So they gave him a booklet. Not "binders" representing a formal training program. SJ then goes on to realize that he could do better and plans to change his offseason program to see if it makes a difference.
  20. !@#$ing around with Legos before you go out and get a paper route is hardly "studying."
  21. Again, nobody ever said he plopped on the couch and ate Doritos for two months.
  22. I dont beleive a word youre saying becuase if you are who you say you are, youd have something to say about rest and recuperation.
  23. This is going to be a one and done thing: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/ny_nj_plan_for_half_ass_halftime_h2ju81jB7Z75Rw6DyFPvSI?utm_source=SFnewyorkpost&utm_medium=SFnewyorkpost Fine by me.....I think its a lousy idea.
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