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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. i'm sorry, i don't know what you mean. what is hypocritical about suggesting you listen to each other?
  2. me? i accept i am wrong, quite often. i also absolutely accept that most others have a different life perspective. that's the reason I try my best to listen. it is a part of how i get along with others. try it, it is rather freeing. i do not deny gay rights. i do not tear children away from anyone. i do not yell "all lives matter". and i am surely not a republican, nor am i a democrat. i'm a canadian. i look sadly upon my friends to the south. Republicans and Democrats. sad because your country is a great one, so much to offer, yet you are bogging yourselves down in self-righteousness. all i am suggesting is you listen to each other. does that really deserve the rebuke you lashed out with? is that not something you should consider? or is it now 4 years of hell because "they" did it last time? you do see how that is a never ending cycle, yes? it just screams of childishness. obligatory: sorry. then you are not really listening. listening requires you to actually engage. asks questions to clarify. dialogue.
  3. yep, poor politics on both sides. it is really too bad.
  4. why not try really listening? not agree. just listen. see where others are coming from. accept that their life and perspective is different from yours. accept that you can be, and are, wrong. accept that your blanket statements are not helpful. there is so much more, start there. and if you can't seem to figure it out, find a role model who does have it figured out.
  5. Just telling it like it is, this thread in particular. Thankfully most people are fine.
  6. i am sad to report there does not seem to be a sane person among you. the "other side" are either nazis or communists - gimme a break. macron can be right about some things. trump can be right about some things. heck, people you hate can be right about some things. how that is not obvious is beyond me. your hatred is blinding you. ALL of you.
  7. @westside2 i'm not sure who you are meaning to troll, but it is working on everyone. and i must admit it is pretty damn funny. yet more evidence that the "sides" are closer to each other than they think. togetherness!
  8. Why protest? Why fight any efforts? Because that is the way the game is played. If trump is going to throw everything he has at this (lawyers, lawmakers, etc) then the dnc would be fools to not respond in kind.
  9. absolutely they did. totally agree. and now it seems it is the R's turn. see, you have more in common than you want to believe! togetherness!!!
  10. the pandemic definitely wasn't Trump's fault. neither was the rather poor response, most of the world was not ready. and the Ds hammered it as if it was his fault which is par for the course when you are in charge. i think it was wrong to do so, morally, but strategically you really can't blame them. however, the vaccine is not Trump's either. or God's for that matter. we have awesome science humans for such things.
  11. i am glad to see this written down. i hope you and your country succeeds.
  12. i find it hilarious that you think you are so different from each other. don't worry guys, there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around for all of you.
  13. Whoever you embrace, they are likely racist. Most people are.
  14. Oh go right ahead, consider it a consolation prize. I certainly won't pretend biden is any great shakes.
  15. Ah right. Everything is exactly the same. Here comes that subprime mortgage crisis again, maybe a resurgence of Somali pirates? On the good side we will have analogue tv broadcasts back for a bit. But one thing i am confused about - who wins the nobel peace prize this time? Obama or Biden? Happy 2008!
  16. Ok we learned it. I don't see anyone around here touting biden as some amazing statesman. he is rather blasé and most people know it. Now what?
  17. most people are racist. both candidates are pretty lousy, douche vs turd like always. both have deluded followers. in the end, people vote for many reasons, some the way you describe and many not that way. so what? politics is not a game "the people" can win. for that you need a true revolution, and even then...
  18. Are you a wizard or something? You have this amazing knowledge that no one else seems to have. Or, you are full of crap. I wonder which?
  19. well, we already know about voter suppression, gerrymandering, "lobbying", and all the other things parties implement to game the system. if it is not cheating, at best it is an extreme abuse of power...semantics. as for actual cases of fraud in past, there are a plethora of examples: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/#choose-a-state https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwifu6n19OvsAhVJbs0KHQ1nBT8QFjAJegQICxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.demos.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpublications%2FAnalysis.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2ckvbztoYNwlAC31hWVjow https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2008/10/relax-john-mccain-stolen-elections-are-as-american-as-apple-pie.html or read a book, (hardcover if that's what you need): Deliver the Vote: A History of Election Fraud, an American Political Tradition by Tracy Campbell or a journal article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40972109 it goes on and on...
  20. both parties cheat. in every election. this is not new. it is a given. win big or be at risk of losing this way.
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