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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. ahhh the ignorance and not listening continues... and i really don't get it. it seems simple to me. when someone tells you they are hurting, you listen, and you do what you can to help.
  2. i'm not sure how you can be listening and your take away is "they got the name wrong". and i don't believe you, most people don't actually understand. how can they? they have not lived the same experience and they are not willing to listen to find out more.
  3. So much ignorance in here. My take away is that people who are willing to truly listen to others are few and far between. it is a damn shame.
  4. oh i am certain i have my moments. i think i have improved quite a bit in the past 10 years or so. as a musician and composer, active listening is pretty much a requirement in my life and i have tried to use that skill when engaged in discussion. I saw a documentary which inspired me and really got me thinking about listening to each other a few years ago. It was about Daryl Davis who is a black musician who engages KKK members in dialogue, inquiring about their hatred for him. He actually listened to them and their reasoning and was able to get them to listen to him too. Sometimes, once they were done talking, the KKK guys quit the clan and gifted their robes to Daryl. I wonder if you see much evidence of constructive discourse in these threads? I don't. Perhaps that's judgemental of me, or maybe it is simply an observation.
  5. i accused "a bunch of people". that said, he could easily be both. it seems most people around here are.
  6. These threads are all the same: a bunch of people with strong opinions based on what they are told to think, whilst being unwilling to truly listen to others who are contrary. It is a shame.
  7. It is a holdover of the bread and circuses from Roman times. They did it the same way with gladiators, trumpets and timpanis. Entertainment brought to you by your favourite dear leaders, with music for brainwashus maximus.
  8. seems mighty tricky to support both at once. he asks his players to buy in to the process, now it is his turn to show solidarity. not sure why he has to stand for you? he doesn't ask you to give you his all, or buy into his team philosophies...in fact i don't think he asks you for much of anything. Certainly not the same as what he asks of his players.
  9. Like all roots of evolution it is about survival. Those who did not fully trust their circle died young. Now that we have evolved beyond that we humans struggle with the forces of blind loyalty vs considering the opposite viewpoint. And really, you only have one brain you can only ever see things from your viewpoint. you have to make an effort to get your brain to see things from someone else's point of view. an effort many don't have the time or willpower to make. and i agree with @mead107 it cuts all ways.
  10. it is because people tend to have a very difficult time seeing things as others see them. they can only see something from their perspective. it is unfortunate, but quite human.
  11. If it is not offensive then it does nothing. It is a protest. It is not meant to be polite. getting a reaction of offense is exactly the point!
  12. McDermott must kneel. He's all about "all for one and one for all". How can he demand the loyalty of his players if he does not show them he has their backs? Get ready whoever is offended by knees, you are gonna be offended. Hope you can survive.
  13. Partisan politics at its finest. Complain about the other guy whilst being horribly ineffective. at least both sides are equally good at something...
  14. In the end Trump will be judged by comparing covid 19 in USA to other western countries. Not difficult to compare, there are many good sources at this point. We shall see. The media was always garbage and so they remain. Who cares, if you believe everything you read there is no help for you. News, bibles, papers dropped from balloons, proselytizers, town criers, it's all garbage.
  15. Watson is good. That's part of the reason it was close. Bills offense prone to mistakes, being cautious is a good option if not the best option. we saw those mistakes first hand, they were incredibly close to winning that game except for a few mistakes on the field by basically everyone.
  16. Only to lose, in overtime. You are correct but it was damn close.
  17. Even sifting through 20 pages to find a specific update is silly. No need to be sorry, I'm Canadian. if anything it should be me apologizing to you for disturbing your delicate sensibilities.
  18. And then all I need to do is sift through 90 pages for new content? I'd call that buried.
  19. So Josh has nothing more to learn from a vet because it's his third year? I disagree. It is irrelevant what year it is for him - he still has plenty to learn.
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