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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. Ok thanks. I hate Seattle preemptively now then
  2. I thought Okung was a lock there if he was available
  3. I dont think we get our OT in the 1st. I like Spiller, but I really dont like taking a RB in the 1st even if he's great. We have too many glaring needs
  4. Gotta appreciate it when people appear grateful for the opportunity to play in the NFL
  5. Why do people think we will trade down? Yeah different front office, but SAME OWNER. I don't see it.
  6. Reading that proves to me I know nothing. The most disappointing pick for me in the draft was our best one.
  7. You have an amazing talent for identifying sarcasm... ***holds up sarcasm sign*** Your "reality" must be a boring place.
  8. Longshot. Remember when he tried to introduce Pos at the presser? He stumbled over his name like 3 times and finally just said "well i call him Paul." I would be surprised if the man still eats solid food.
  9. Wrong. Yes, the Bills should have taken Ngata, but the pick was not bad because they "reached" the pick was bad because it was a poor choice to take him at all. I hate the "reach" label because it presumes you operate in a vacuum where: 1) You can trade back to a later spot if you want that player 2) pre-draft rankings are absolute and irrefutable. Ryan Leaf wasn't considered a reach when he was drafted. The term identifies where a player is projected to be drafted and then evaluates if the player had good value for where they were taken. The fundamental flaw with the system is that players are rarely drafted at the spot they are projected to go in. Other posts have addressed this issue. The best of the best prognosticators are wrong 75% of the picks they make. The only time I would think of using the term reach is if the player would have definitely been available with the team's next pick.
  10. Timmmah! We're dying here. You don't need to give us any concrete facts, at least post some conjecture and speculation about what you think the Bills COULD do. I'd rather hear it from you than from someone who knows nothing about the Bills, but read a scouting report and has a TV show. We're dying here!
  11. This post shows a lack of knowledge. Whitner is a Strong Safety. The Skins need a Free Safety and have 2 players fighting to start at SS, with Landry being the favorite and has a good amount of upside. Why would they trade for an older, more expensive version of a guy they already have on their roster.
  12. I want a LT/NT in round 1. That said: Rd1 Claussen, Rd2- trade for Gaither would have me more pumped up since Gaither is a proven commodity.
  13. Reports about his attitude come from people whose research on him involves reading what has been available in print and making determinations from those reports. It's not completely unreasonable for McShay and other analysts to make certain assessments via research alone, but intangibles such as leadership seem to be something you may want to have first hand knowledge of precisely because they are intangible. So the question then is, what is available on Claussen in print? He came to school as a cocky prick. Fact. He arrived in a limo and made some stupid comment to the effect of "4 years, 4 national championships." He then proceeded to be so battered starting as a freshman that by all accounts, he did a 180 and learned a great deal about keeping his mouth shut and just playing with confidence. He then proceeded to play through on some truly poor teams and did in fact take his beating without complaining and often carried the team himself. Charlie Weis was a piss poor head coach and there is a reason he was fired and ND had the record it had last season. The kid will be a solid NFL QB. He has a strong arm and has played in at times abysmal weather conditions at ND stadium. I don't have a problem with him being out pick at 9. But I would still rather have a NT or LT.
  14. The only reason I root for Donte is because I sprung for his authentic jersey when he got drafted.
  15. Excellent observation based on absolutely nothing. Then again, I haven't met you and could probably draw the same conclusion and be right, so i guess it's a toss up. I've met him multiple times and he's not a prick at all.
  16. I was just thinking about that. We've been picking in the same area for years now. It seems like the picks we don't botch (Whitner, Maybin over Orakpo, Lynch, trading up for JP) are almost as bad as what we lost out on when a team right before us scooped up our guy.
  17. IT WAS HIS SISTER!!!!!!!!!!! So let me get this straight. Underage? Check. Immediate relative? Check. Showed no remorse after the incident? Check. Anyone behind this kid makes me want to puke. That's not a bad decision, it's a reflection of a sociopathic personality. The kid should be in jail.
  18. As someone who has seen every one of his games I don't think he will be a bust at all. That said, we have much greater needs on this team. We MUST go NT/LT in the first if we can. I know we need a QB, but you have to build a team through the lines first. I wouldn't even take anyone who isn't a NT/T/OLB until the 5th round.
  19. Yes, by all means apply team play to 1 player's effectiveness. You admit you haven't watched him play. I watched every one of his games and I can tell you he is the only reason ND was even competitive for the last 2 seasons. You want to talk leadership by example? Rather than sit on the sidelines after a bad injury to his foot (a la MCCoy) Claussen played the last few games of a meaningless season with a metal insert in his show just to avoid messing his foot up again and he was scrambling for first down. Not to mention he played outside in a VERY cold stadium. Before you go attributing his stats to his receivers, tell me how much of an impact his old receivers are having in the NFL? The kid makes the players around him better. If that's not leadership, I don't know what is. Apart from being obnoxious (source: your post), your attempt at syllogism is logically drivel. Field general relates how? Clausen has lost in college, he is not defined as a loser. Nice try pops, don't strain too hard trying to think.
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