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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. I'm sorry, but if your response to this hiring is anything less than total outrage, you are an idiot.
  2. Ralph said they weren't looking for a "splashy" name. I am physically ill
  3. I just blacked out at my keyboard, woke up hoping it was all a nightmare, then realized this is reality. We are now guaranteed 3 years of losing, followed by another search for a coach. I am filled with anger and disgust.
  4. Is anyone surprised? Thats what anyone who bought into the marketing bs from the FO gets. Fake GM, 4th-tier HC. The only thing that could even make me feel a little ok about this is if Gailey brings ni some stud coordinators, but that likely won't happen. I'm just depressed now.
  5. Keep drinking the kool aid. That attitude is why we have been terrible for the past TEN YEARS
  6. I agree. The Vikings defense played an outstanding game in a big-time situation. Now that we have been shut out by all viable coaches with previous HC experience (which I would prefer) it does appear that we may have lucked out in that the best Assistant Coach available out there has actually been the only person willing to interview with us and still consider taking the job.
  7. Exactly. This is what I've been complaining about. There hasn't been any changes in the FO. They reshuffled the same guys that were here last year. The moves they have made this year make no sense. Fire the OC right before the season starts? Total desperation move. When we fired DJ before the season ended I assumed we had a logical succession plan in place. Instead, the FO has floundered around, looking for anyone who is interested in the job. They should have been sending out behind-the-scenes feelers as soon as they made the decision to get rid of Jauron. The ownership and FO have made a complete mess of this whole situation and they are failing this city utterly.
  8. Stupid? We are getting turned down by coordinators for a mere interview. How exactly has Ralph proven he is spending money to win? The PR move overpaying for TO designed to keep interest in a team that doomed itself before the season started by cutting its starting LT and firing the OC on the eve of the season? What chances exactly has he taken? Nix was hired from within the organization and we have no idea if he will be a good hire or not, though I am not worried about him at this point. You need to stop burying your head in the sand and pretending everything is going to be okay, because it is not. Your response is the typical ignorant ramblings of someone who is emotionally offended. Why do we need a proven head coach? Because we can't afford to spend another 3 years determining what we have in a new hire. You use Tomlin to prove your point? The Steelers were one of the best rosters in the league before he took over. When the media outside of Buffalo starts writing about how Buffalo's search for a head coach is embarrassing, you know there is a problem. In the end, I fear we will wind up hiring the least objectionable candidate. Do I hope whichever coordinator is hired turns out to be a great coach and turn things around? Of course I do. I have watched every Bills game for the past 25 years and I love both this team and the city of Buffalo. However, history has shown that our front office has no idea what to do when hiring coaches: Williams, Mularkey, Jauron. This team needs to turn things around NOW, before Ralph dies and all hell breaks loose when someone tries to move the team out of Buffalo.
  9. They should target LT in the 1st if they can. I would argue they need to pick up at least 1 high round rookie and a FA at T. We then need to focus on LB in the draft, as that is a position where it is proven rookies can make an impact. We nee da QB in the offseason, the question is, can we afford to lose picks trading for one? The best, most mobile QB in the world needs at least 3 seconds to throw the ball. We need OL. This is not going to be a quick turnaround. You have to start the rebuilding process with the OL. I would argue we need to convert Maybin to an OLB and probably switch to the 3-4, but I'm sure many people here will disagree we have the personnel for it.
  10. Sorry to see him go this offseason. Best wishes to him with the Eagles. He is a heck of a coach
  11. If we hire another coordinator with no HC experience I think it's clear the team is lying about being serious about making real changes to put a winning team on the field. The level of incompetence shown by the front office in the past 10 years is alarming. It is imperative that we as fans show our displeasure by instigating change. The only way the FO is ever really going to get it through their heads that the fans are hopping mad about the direction this team is going in is if we affect the team's bottom line. We have terrible seasons and season tickets still sell like hotcakes. I'm not saying people should stop rooting for the team, just that we should stop serving as financial enablers to our deluded FO. I will continue rooting for my Bills while watching them on tv, but I will not be buying tickets or Bills memorabilia until they show a true commitment to ending this cycle of ineptitude. I would encourage people to do the same if you want to see this team restored to the contender it once was.
  12. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. This is starting to feel like when the Skins would up with Zorn. We're working our way through 3rd tier candidates and we are still getting rejected.
  13. What do you guys think are some realistic expectations for this offseason? What moves would indicate that the FO is finally starting to "get it" for you? In my opinion, for starters, it would be hiring a HC who is capable of bringing in a staff of established, well-respected coordinators. Whether that is B Schott or a big name like Cowher/Billick, we need good coaching at the positional level to get our underachieving youngsters ready to play ball. Next. I don't want to see russ Brandon in a single press conference from here on out. I need to know that Nix is actually running the show. I'd also like to see us land 1st tier free agents. We have no chance at doing that if we didn't hire a decent respectable head coach, so that should be telling.
  14. I'd never "drop" the Bills as my team. That being said, I will not support them financially as long as Ralph continues to piddle away all hopes of a championship caliber team. He has mismanaged the team since Levy left as HC, making terrible personnel decisions. These decisions, along with his rumored Snyder-like meddling in player personnel decisions has directly resulted in 10 years of absolute futility. Ralph is now a shadow of the owner he once was and it does seem that he is no longer worthy of our support. That being said, wishing that the team I have rooted for since birth would uproot and leave is simply ridiculous and offensive to me.
  15. Fair enough. It was just a thought. I can understand the sentiment, but thought you may have been able to express it differently and avoid all the attacks.
  16. Crusade-"to campaign vigorously for something" http://www.thefreedictionary.com/crusade If you single-mindedly dog the organization with EVERY single post you make, it sounds like a crusade to me. Criticism is great, but this guy needs to change it up from time to time.
  17. Look At Me Please. This thread, though probably cathartic to write, is really all about your feelings. Self serving threads not submitted to further discussion are LAMPS in my opinion. I only suggest it because you may have gotten a little less condemnation if you acknowledged the fact from the get go. At least then people may not have thought you were taking yourself so seriously. Then again, maybe not.
  18. Sounds like a crusade to me. How many of this guy's posts have actually contributed to any constructive discussion here? I haven't seen him post a single neutral, let alone positive comment. Don't feed the trolls people.
  19. The Redskins will not be successful as long as Snyder is the owner. He's a midget with a Napoleon complex and no football background who thinks he should have an active role in coaching and player selection.
  20. I can't read this entire post. The whole thing is replete with grammatical incorrections. On a side note, I often wave in support of things. I do not, however, ever waver.
  21. Brian Billick, NFL Network Sorry folks, due to a scheduling conflict, Brian Billick will not be able to chat with us today.
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