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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. It's like the whole last 5 minutes in the game never happened
  2. There were two guys holding again on that play but no way they'd call 3 in a row
  3. Was extremely worried about our defense before this game and nothing has changed
  4. Definitely hit the ground. Depends if they do some completed the action of a catch BS
  5. Irvin just said on nfl game day he's "never ever" heard of a player who was playing his former team rally other players on his team to beat them. I found that surprising
  6. Wow - that was about 1,000,000,000 times better than any 'Wired for Sound' I've ever seen. "Have some fun and do your magic" Thought it was cool too at the end where he let the defense choose from two options what they would run
  7. Holy Crap. Not Good. At least Tarpley will now hopefully be spending some serious time the rest of this week learning what the hell he is supposed to be doing if he does end up getting on the field At this point I'm all for bringing in Spikes. Even if weighs 300 lbs and comes stumbling in with liquor on his breath he's still got to be better than Tarpley. Where is Leon Joe when you need him?
  8. Getting a little uncomfortable with the number of injuries esp on defense this game - bradham, gilmore, brooks, steward (all this with Kyle and Aaron already out, oh and Carrington). Plus who knows how close to 100% Mario is. At some point there are just not enough starting quality players to fill in
  9. I was actually thinking about this earlier in the week. What greater motivation is there for the OL to get fired up than this
  10. Iff Mulligan fell in a parking lot of Bills fans would Lee Smith hear it?
  11. Never would have thought Gilmore would end up being one of the most talkative Wired For Sound subjects (which isn't saying much). Liked how he was giving it to Hopkins. Would have been interesting to hear what he was saying when he hurt his shoulder....
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