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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Huh? Calling him a Muslim because of his weird protest and urging violence against him is not just tasteless - it's dangerous and wrong.
  2. I see Kaep's views as incoherent. But at least he's not calling for violence. The tee shirt is. So is "tackle the Muslim", whether or not it was said.
  3. Creating a picture of someone in a gun sight is a horrible thing to do. If my kid did that, I'd be livid. Is it illegal? Probably not (although arguably it's close, as it seems to be promoting a specific act of violence). But whomever did it is a horrible human, as is anyone who purchased one.
  4. Yes I really believe that. You can make a "wanted" poster without putting him in a gun sight. Fascism in Germany began with seemlingly "innocuous" symbols like these. We are living in dark times and "over-sensitivity" is the least of our problems. People want to be free to express their bigoted views, which many see as justified.
  5. So if I'm offended by that tee shirt, I'm an over-sensitive pansy? Because "it's just words?"
  6. When did "the right to bully" become a cornerstone of our country?
  7. From what I could tell the 49ers were run blitzing like crazy and the Bills were trying to exploit it - but didn't execute.
  8. You know, I keep hearing this - but then yesterday we saw the double option, we saw EJ running the keeper, we saw WR reverses, and we saw unbalanced lines and lots of pre-snap formation adjustments. It was plenty "cute" and looked a lot like some of the concepts Roman was trying to install. But better, crisper, and far more effectively run and timed. Maybe Lynn is just an all-around better OC?
  9. Again, my issues with Gilmore are (i) he loses focus 2-4 times per game in coverage; and (ii) he's a horrible form tackler. He's a great cover corner but those two deficiencies keep him from being elite in my book. In any event, I have no doubt they'll try to re-sign him but they will not overpay. They'll put a number on him and stick to it and if he leaves because he can get more, so be it.
  10. Bosa does look thin but man - if he can add to that frame, he could be Watt 2.0. His power and explosiveness are elite.
  11. Bosa dominated and the Chargers' D is somewhat complex - but not as complicated as Rex's. So it really depends on what kind of shape Lawson is in, and, perhaps more importantly, how familiar he is with the playbook...
  12. Good stuff. Here are some of my thoughts: - Tyrod showed me something yesterday (and against the Rams). The huge passing numbers aren't there, but what I see is a patient QB going through reads, using the entire field (including the middle of it), and making checks at the LOS. These are subtle signs of tremendous improvement that many fans seem to be ignoring or just not noticing. He's becoming a full QB. - I've seen talk here about Tyrod's footwork not being good enough. First of all, his footwork within the pocket was excellent yesterday - he was side-stepping and re-setting, keeping his eyes downfield and making accurate throws on the run. Now, it's true that he still is a "wrist-flicker" as a thrower, and doesn't always step into his throws. But for whatever reason it doesn't seem to cost him anything in terms of accuracy. His TD throw to Hunter was a ridiculous little wrist-flick off his back foot which somehow caught Hunter in stride, 30 yards downfield. I've never seen a throwing motion quite like it. - As good as the offense and running game was yesterday, I still think they miss 2015 Karlos. - The run blocking yesterday was an absolute clinic. It was a complicated power-running, pulling scheme tailed for a non-power back, executed to perfection. Richie had his best game of 2016 (I've thought he's looked just average so far this year, but not yesterday). Cordy was ridiculous in pass pro. Wood was a beast yesterday. The timing was perfect and the holes were enormous. Aaron Kromer is an unsung hero on this coaching staff. These guys are playing lights out right now. - Some nit-picking: Preston Brown has struggled in pass coverage/drops for a few weeks in a row now. Stephon Gilmore continues to be my least favorite Bill - he plays soft, unfocused, and selfish. I won't be sad to see him go. Jerry Hughes was a beast yesterday but as always, you have to take the bad with the good - he freelanced quite a bit and left some big holes that were exploited by the 49ers for big runs; the missed safety was classic Jerry. Corbin Bryant continues to look terrible to me this year - they need Dareus back ASAP. Bob Woods killed me yesterday when he angrily and intentionally ran into contact as they were closing out the half - it was a stupid, selfish play that got him injured and cost the team valuable seconds (he could've just run out of bounds to stop the clock). Last "negative" - the Bills' D is somewhat held back by its safeties. With better safeties this defense would go from "very good" to "elite." They need to find a replacement for Corey Graham, who loses track of WRs downfield and no longer has the speed to beat running backs to the edge. - Game Balls: Kyle Williams, Zach Brown, Shady, Richie, Tyrod.
  13. He does not drop the ball. He runs his routes right. He's a willing and improving blocker. He's faster than Lee Smith.
  14. I think he's the modern QB. The guys coming out now are just not pocket passers for the most part. The college game has changed and today you saw two offenses displaying college concepts.
  15. And his brain. His decision-making and vision have improved siginificantly.
  16. Tyrod was great today under tough conditions. He was precision-passing using all of his receivers. Anyone saying otherwise has an agenda.
  17. AARON KROMER They could teach run blocking using films of today's game.
  18. Remember when we all thought Shady was out for the year in the second quarter?
  19. Lots of run blitzes by the 49ers. A better QB would burn them..,
  20. What a disgusting display. Why did they stop running the ball??
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