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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Wow. Top 10 for Darnell Wright. Didn't see that coming.
  2. Cardinals just traded from 12 to 6. Hopefully Hopkins wasn't part of that deal.
  3. With all those picks, is Arizona looking for even more picks for Hopkins? And if they are, this year or next year's Draft?
  4. It could. But it could just as easily be a Trade that's done tomorrow. I was replying to someone who was saying that if it doesn't happen in the next couple hours - it won't happen until much later, possibly into the season.
  5. The reported asking price is a 2nd Plus. The 2nd Round doesn't start until tomorrow.
  6. I'm confused by the Titans trade on a number of levels. Arizona is giving Tennessee #3 and Hopkins and getting #11? Like what else is involved from Tennessee's end?
  7. I mean one of the Top 4 Prospects. Do you have a Crystal Ball? You don't know who will or will not exceed expectations.
  8. I'm going to lose it if we Draft a premier WR prospect in Round 1 and everyone is upset because they're not Hopkins.
  9. Get off that. All Miller has said is Hopkins wants to be here and he'd love to see it. But if Beane determined the price was too great and/or prefers a long term cost controlled deal with a Rookie - it is what it is. This fatalist Hopkins or Nothing mentality is ridiculous. A 1st Round WR could turn out to be better for us than Hopkins would be. You don't know. It already has and it's embarrassing.
  10. I never saw this as realistic. It just never made sense to me from a financial standpoint. He'd have to essentially agree to play for nothing or Beane would have to do very uncharacteristic things with the Cap that has never been his M.O. - all the while Arizona straight up giving him away. That being said, I think a lot of people are jumping the gun assuming it's a done deal to Baltimore. It's not dead yet.
  11. You won't be ecstatic - that's not happening. We have too many needs to trade a 1st and a 3rd at WR. Especially when we already have a Top 5 WR on this team. Especially since the financials it would cost to make Hopkins work would mean we'd have to fill all other needs exclusively in the Draft. This isn't Fantasy Football or Madden. It's Flowers or Hopkins. It cannot and will not be both.
  12. This has always been obvious. If the Bills take JSN, Flowers, Johnston, or Addison tonight (and I'm hoping those are the only one's they're looking at at 27) - they aren't trading for Hopkins. You don't spend a 1st on a WR when you already have Diggs and then bury them at #3 WR for multiple years. Especially with the holes we have on this team, the financials it would take for Hopkins, and the added Draft pick(s).
  13. If the Ravens were to be considered out of it simply because they have OBJ and need to get him targets then that would mean we would have to be out of it because we have Diggs and he needs targets. I think the Ravens are out of it because they just had to give a giant bag to Lamar, just gave 15 million to OBJ, and the cryptic posts that people were reading into being Hopkins was actually just Lamar getting his deal.
  14. Definitely not a friend congratulating another friend on their magazine shoot. It has to actually mean he's becoming a Buffalo Bill.
  15. Gonna take a lot more than Hopkins wanting to be here and Beane being 1% interested.
  16. I think he's just wishing. They're old College Teammates. Very likely just seeing the rumors and/or talking to him and hearing he wants to come here.
  17. This thread is going to lose their minds if the Bills take a WR at 27. 27 for 34 is the trendy predicted trade proposal by fans and pundits as of late. But I still think it's going to cost more than just moving down 7 picks. Probably also a 4th or a 5th. Same thing that happens anytime something somewhat meaningful is said. Fans freak out. They start looking for any info and cling on to random Twitter accounts that say what they want to hear to gain followers.
  18. Wow. A TBD Poster who's a Jack Campbell fan and thinks we should reach for him at 27. Shocking.
  19. I think it's either Lamar got a deal done with Baltimore or somewhere else. Pacman (if he's to be believed) checked into it live with his "source" and then delivered the "news" about Buffalo and KC. So I don't think it's about Hopkins - but who knows what's true or not these days.
  20. Players on the last year of their contract don't fetch much. We absolutely wouldn't get a 2nd for Oliver and we'd be lucky to get a 3rd.
  21. Yes. And that's normal. Do you see a rash of teams trading away players in the last year of their Rookie Deal? No. The reason for that is two fold: 1.) Teams aren't into trading for players that only have 1 year left on their deal unless they know the player is going to sign a long term deal with them. And the team trading them isn't likely to do it unless they know for sure they aren't going to re-sign them following the last year of the deal. 2.) When you Draft a player, you have them under a cost controlled Rookie deal for 4-5 seasons. You want to get at least that when you Draft a guy. Teams don't want to get 1 less year of that Rookie deal investment. Is it impossible? No. But it's not foolish or weird to lose a Free Agents and get "nothing in return". It happens league wide every single year. Beane has talked about wanting to re-sign Oliver after this season. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But I don't see him not at least getting the 5th year he signed him up for.
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