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Everything posted by JMM

  1. They deserved to lose this game in sooo many ways. As for the last play. You CANNOT go late over the middle in that situation. You just CAN'T. And then a horrible throw. He has regressed so much. That was a rookie play. This team is going NOWHERE.
  2. He was down, but Motor has to find a way to stop these damn fumbles
  3. I'm hoping that this will help Josh go back to playing within himself as he did to begin the year. Get rid of the ball quickly, hit your outlets. Only run if you have to. Whether he will or not, hard to say. He's such a warrior.
  4. This seems pretty straightforward knowing how McDermott approaches injuries. If he doesn't practice tomorrow, he will be OUT. If he does, it's still 50/50. If he practices Friday, he's playing. I fully expect him to not practice tomorrow, be put, then be back against the Browns.
  5. Well...that was predictable. Tanny in they win that game
  6. Obviously he's not on the level of a Kelce, and he had the tragedy with his brother in the beginning of the year. But I was very hopeful he would take the next step this year and be more involved. He certainly has the athleticism to for instance get down the seam but you never see it. My question is this a scheme issue? For those that watch closely or have access to all 22 what routes is he running? Is he getting free release or are they holding him in to chip or block in support of the O line which is weak on the right side? It just seems to me this could take some pressure off of Josh and eventually open things up for the wrs as well.
  7. He's so out of rhythm, put him in no huddle!! Get him back in rhythm and put Jets on heel a bit!
  8. This could have been a blowout, now it will be nail biter. D line needs to pick it up!! Miller is a ghost today. And despite some great physical plays Josh just looks off. And the whole O other than Diggs is very low energy
  9. That's simply unstoppable, you can't account for a qb that can run like that with power
  10. What is going on with Davis and the drops this year?? The guy always has had GREAT hands, makes no sense
  11. I'm kind of lukewarm about this trade. I was hoping for a power back that would compliment Motor and Cook. It sounds like his build and skill level is similar to both?? I can understand if the Bills see him as Rb1 next year. I still worry about getting the tough yards in the playoffs and hopefully the SB. And yes I do realize our best power runner is a fella named Josh. I was hoping for Hunt. Are my concerns for a complimentary power back overblown?
  12. A win is a win. Very ugly, terrible tacking, old BAD Josh in second half. To me again, the biggest takeaway is that we need a power RB, that can get tough yards and grind when you need it like in the second half tonight. I really hope Beane can get something done. Probably a pipe dream, but imagine Jacob's on that team.
  13. Bills have been awful on 2nd. Josh boneheaded, D can't tackle. Just awful.
  14. Wtf??? This is bad Josh this second half, throw the damn ball into the stands!!!
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