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Sierra Foothills

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Everything posted by Sierra Foothills

  1. Who said he wasn't who? Him? 😅 Are you occasionally startled when you look in the mirror to shave? Does your wife recognize you as yourself or as Billy Shaw? Are you the real Pete Gogolak? If so, how's Charlie doing? 23rd round! That kinda puts the Brady 6th round thing in a new perspective.
  2. I mostly agree but I can't see them going interior D-line. Ed Oliver, DaQuan Jones, Jordan Phillips, Timothy Settle, Eli Ankou, Brandin Bryant... it seems we're set here unless someone becomes disproportionately available. As for Quessenberry and the O-line, it's hard to project the puzzle pieces but so much of that is dictated by injuries anyways. When the smoke clears I believe they'll be an improved unit and that's all that matters.
  3. Three years of Spanish in school and 20 years of living in California and I still can't put a complete sentence together.
  4. Well I hope that makes them feel good. Let me know when you talk to them.
  5. The above is true. There's an obvious double standard at work here. These two episodes by Von Miller are not the crimes of the century but they are disappointing for a guy in his 30s.
  6. McBeane McDermott Are choosing McNuggets not McKiper McShay
  7. Yet again... I said "disturbing and disappointing." How does that equate to "huge problem?" And people are free to judge me however they want.
  8. I ask some questions and you take it "I have all the facts?" Is it your lack of reading comprehension or your lack of deductive logic which draws this conclusion? Here, let me help you... disturbing and disappointing ≠ outrage... do try to keep up... if you need a math refresher let me know. And what outrage are you talking about? Who's outraged?
  9. Are you? Why do you ask me? Is disturbing and disappointing not clear enough for you? Not sure what you mean. Do you think the Bills knew about this? If they did, do you think they'd determine it's not a big deal?
  10. This is disturbing and disappointing. I wonder if the Bills knew about this prior to signing him?
  11. Thank you for embracing the spirit of the original post and adding to it. 👍 Nice topic and thanks for your hard work. If professional writers who cover the team provided similar content we would be complimentary of them. I know you had an alternative motive but I still appreciate the effort. BTW, Penn State does have a blue chip draft prospect, WR Jahan Dotson.
  12. It's more than just that. Colts owner Jim Irsay looks to me like he's been on tilt since the two game, season-ending swoon which cost his team a playoff berth. Some recent quotes: "Colts Nation, don't you worry ... We're gonna get The Horseshoe at least two Lombardis this decade. As sure as the sun rises and the seasons change, it's coming! Don't you ever doubt that, ever! You will see greatness! Believe and you will see." “Here in the desert now. And feeling the pain and disappointment from this season. It certainly is something where I apologize for. And we have allowed, and I have allowed, doubt, fear, and a lack of faith to slip into our DNA. And it will not stand.” “Every walking step in this offseason is committed to getting the horseshoe back to where it should be,” Irsay added. “We understand what happens and I understand what happens, and it’s unacceptable. I promise you one thing. Anyone walking into the 56th Street complex this year will be walking in with all chips in. Period. If you don’t want to put all your chips in on the table for winning the next one, then don’t walk in the building.” “This commitment starts with me,” Irsay concluded. “It starts with my self-analysis. And I can tell all of Colts nation this is something that every day, every hour, every minute we’re working to fix. It’s unacceptable, and it will not stand. Thank you.” Irsay has a "win at all costs" attitude which is not a bad thing for an NFL owner. The problem is that he has a "win at all costs today" attitude which is not conducive to good team building. It almost seems like he's stuck in the mindset of believing the Colts are just one good player away. They're not.
  13. I'm sure the Bills had a price on Nelson and possibly even a standing offer. I believe the Bills have prices on and probably offers out to other free agents CBs. Aside from Stephon Gilmore, Joe Hayden, Trae Waynes, Kyle Fuller, Chris Harris, Janoris Jenkins, Bryce Callahan, Jason Verrett, AJ Bouye, Xavier Rhodes, Greg Mabin and numerous other veteran CBs are still unsigned. While it's a foregone conclusion the Bills will draft a CB they'll also likely sign a veteran free agent. It could happen before the draft or shortly afterwards. There's enough of a glut that the Bills don't have to overpay or rush a free agent CB signing.
  14. Is there any present-day equivalent to the guys who used to do the Youtube channel DraftBreakDown? It seems like maybe some of their people moved on to FFAstronauts... As BADOL posted upstream with the Jordan Phillips vs Clemson video you would be able to watch every snap by a player in a game, which is infinitely more valuable than watching a highlight video. The videos would visually highlight the subject player or players before each snap and then let the play roll. Anyone know of any football geeks that do this kind of video?
  15. This is the best response to the question. I would add that you have to view these on a case by case basis. For instance on the surface the Edmunds and Poyer situations might appear to be similar but only those in the organization would have a good idea of how well it would be received if the team drafted a rookie and traded away the veteran in either of these cases.
  16. Again, my statements are not about whether Edmunds is worth keeping or not. Nor are my statements about whether he is a good player or not. I'm NOT addressing those questions. I'm questioning what effect if any replacing him with a rookie linebacker and trading him away might have on the locker room. Some here are arguing that it wouldn't have much negative effect but those same people are basing their opinion on their own belief that Edmunds isn't any good. That opinion is irrelevant. What's relevant is how valuable his teammates believe Edmunds is.
  17. I considered what you wrote before my first post and had two thoughts: 1) I think it's more likely that his teammates view Edmunds more highly than you do. 2) There's 2 scenarios... drafting his eventual replacement and (per the original post) drafting his immediate replacement and trading Edmunds away. My concerns regard the second scenario where a rookie replaces a team captain before a season in which the team is supposedly all in on a Super Bowl victory. In this latter scenario I can definitely imagine a lot of surprise and bewilderment amongst the players... basically a WTF? reaction.
  18. Last week I posted this: NFL fans tend to overreact to pretty much everything. The majority of this board was writing off Singletary last offseason. Moss had a good college career and a promising rookie campaign. This year he has to compete against Duke Johnson for snaps. I could easily see Moss having a bounce back season where he plays significant snaps in a contributing role. Whether it's Moss or Duke (or Singletary) I believe the Bills will see greater contributions from their number two running back this year than they have so far under the McBeane Administration.
  19. Moving on from Edmunds is similar to the idea being floated that the team move on from Jordan Poyer. In each case there are a lot of people here who aren't considering the impact that trading away a respected team leader would have on the locker room. FWIW, Edmunds is a team captain and a guy the Bills traded up to pick in the 1st round. He's been an exemplary teammate, doing everything expected and asked of him within his powers. If the Bills are so coldly calculating as to trade away a respected veteran leader for the promise of a rookie, isn't that risky in terms of the locker room ripple effect?
  20. You seem like you're pretty young. You guys are 100% correct... knowing what caused Haskins' death won't fix anything. People still pull out of the mall parking lot with their baby in the infant carrier on the car roof. People still leave their pets in the car with the windows closed on 90 degree days. Knowing what caused Haskins' death won't save a single life. That's not how the world works. I'm sure he was told as a kid to look both ways before he crossed the street.
  21. Apparently the idea of a remark being "tongue in cheek" is being missed by some. Of course Howard knew Allen was the Bills QB, the Bills played the Bucs in an epic OT struggle in week 13. However I'm not sure why he had to "look at it on paper" as far as judging how good a team the Bills are.
  22. The "Face of the Franchise" is getting wrinkles... Happy Birthday Isaiah!
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