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Everything posted by Lost

  1. Just a personal opinion but I prefer the Bills D to be more aggressive and blitz often. It makes for more exciting games. Either we get in the backfield all day long and rack up the sacks and TFLs or we give up the big plays and the game turns into a shootout which we win anyway.
  2. It was an issue because they blew all my parlays by keeping JA off the field 😄
  3. This bothers me as well. I have haunting memories of the Bills bend but dont break defense of the 90s every time they start getting too conservative.
  4. Not sure if anyone caught these interesting soundbytes from Ken Dorsey's press conference on 10/31 but media pundits were pressing him about his decision to keep attacking on offense when they were up 17 against the Packers which led to Allen throwing 2 picks vs. playing more conservative by running the ball and winding the clock out the rest of the game. His response was "Our job is to go out there and score points and we're going to do that the best way possible with the tools we have until we're told differently." He also went on to say "When you're playing an offense led by Aaron Rodgers, when you start to get into trouble is when you stop being yourself by playing to keep Aaron Rodgers off the field instead of going out there and scoring points yourself." I couldn't help but smile when Dorsey said this because I for one love the aggressiveness of the offense regardless of score but I feel like it probably eats away at the soul of Sean McD a little bit when we're out there passing the ball in the 4th quarter while up by 17 points especially when it leads to 2 interceptions. I feel like it bothered McD even more so in this game because we were running the ball pretty effectively ourselves in the first half. So just curious what everyone elses thoughts are on the issue.
  5. No, I'd say this is much worse. Moss wasn't that bad in a log of situations and a fraction of the salary we're now gonna be paying Hines. Nearly $5/yr in 2023 and 2024? That's double what Singletary was getting at RB1. I would have rather resigned Singletary next season but I think this all but sealed his fate. 🤷‍♂️
  6. I don't think we should be singing praise to our LBers when they were giving up 7 yards per run. Hell even Aaron Rodgers had arguably a better passing game statistically than Allen did last night.
  7. Makes ya wonder how players like Emmit Smith had such a long productive career. They just don't build 'em like they used to
  8. Well Dalvin Cook is pretty good and also drafted second round so if that's any indication. Hope you're right @HOUSE
  9. Love the Shakir but I am still a bit skeptical of Beane's 2nd and 3rd round picks this year. Time will tell. Of course we can't nail every pick and so far we have an over performing 1st rounder, 5th and 6th rounder. Not too shabby
  10. Honest question, What if the renderings are complete trash and receive major backlash from fans? What are the chances they do some redesign work vs. just pushing their design no matter what.
  11. Bills aren't in a position to throw draft picks at a few week rental. They have a lot of expensive talent on this roster already and a few more marquee guys we're probably not going to be able to re-sign. We're going to need lots of rookie contracts overperforming for the next few years and it would be foolish to throw them away for one of the highest paid RBs in the league who's already been quite injury prone. On the flip side as @Scott7975 pointed out there's little to no risk for bringing in OBJ for a quick SB ring off his injury if he's willing. I still don't think he's a guy the Bills would resign next season though. I just can't get behind this mindset. Going all in is a flashy term these days since it worked out for the Rams last year. Look at them now though. Imagine we cripple our salary cap only to fall short somehow. Now we just screwed another 2 years of Josh Allen's prime window. If going all in could guarantee success, sure. but that's not reality.
  12. Its funny sometimes in the video Gabe makes a sound when he catches a pass from JA as though he just took a right hook to the chest from Mike Tyson.
  13. I'd say very few of the Bills turnovers were from the Bills taking too much risk. Almost all of them were just bad execution on routine plays. Allen isn't like Brett Favre type who would almost regularly throw lazer balls into triple coverage. Josh for the most part makes the correct open read and tries to hit that man.
  14. Re: Milano score. There was one play on the first KC drive where Mahomes threw a pass to Hardman and Milano looked to be in position to make a tackle but he just kinda stopped and Hardman ran right by him. Milano is one of the best open field tacklers in the game. That play just looked weird though.
  15. What was Taron Johnson's score? He got picked on a bit early in the game but made up for it later with the play of his career. Siran Neals score seems a bit high lol. He had a rough rough day.
  16. I just watched the all-22 view of the game and I can confirm Tremaine did play a pretty good game as well as the defensive unit as a whole for that matter. Aside from a few costly penalties there really wasn't much to fault anywhere. There were only 3 or 4 times Mahomes really threw in his direction. The one to McKinnon when the Chiefs were pinned deep, I thought Edmunds could have been a step quicker but the Chiefs got a lousy spot and ended up punting anyway. Another 8 yrd pass to Kelsey over the middle Tremaine was right there on him for quick tackle. Right after that he did give up one to Kelce for 20 or so yards when he was trying to read Mahomes and got too far underneath on the post route. Aside from that, Edmunds had the nice open field tackle on Chiefs opening drive as you mentioned, and a good QB pressure early in the second that helped lead to a punt. No big splash plays but he really was covering his zones/man well and just taking away the middle of the field for the most part. The big gainer to Smith Schuster was just a nicely designed play where the Chiefs had two lined up wide right and Benford got picked right off the line allowing Juju to get wide open on the quick slant. Edmunds might have been coming on a blitz that play as Schuster was already behind him when Mahomes thew the ball.
  17. Thanks, I'll be watching the All-22 later today. I wasn't paying much attention to Edmunds much of the game as I was yelling at Siran Neal most of the time.
  18. They were all assists. Also leading in tackles on a given week could simply be an indicator that you're consistently getting picked apart in pass coverage.
  19. I dunno but speaking of extensions, I can't decide if I'd rather see the Bills extend Poyer or Edmunds assuming there's no way to keep them both. Poyer is an easy pick for what he's bringing to the team right now but he's got 7 years on Edmunds. Tremaine started off the season great but he was pretty quiet against KC. I only heard his name once during that game and that was Tony Romo simply mentioning that he was on the field.
  20. For the first couple years of his career I didn't think it would ever happen, not because JA isn't capable but because the McD coaching style was supressing him to some extent. McD has typically liked to slow the game down and switch to clock management mode running the ball anytime Bills got more than a 1 TD lead in games so allen never really saw those big 400yd games. It seems the players mantra of not letting off the gas has started to rub off on McD this year. For instance the Bills were still passing the ball even while up 31-3 against the Steelers 2 weeks ago. Anyway, Josh is on pace for 5600 passing yards and 48 TDs this season with the Easier half of their schedule coming up.
  21. I hope Daboll and the New Jersery Giants sweep the Eagles under a rug and put this discussion to rest. Too bad they don't play 'til week 14
  22. I have trouble sustaining a conversation for more than 45 seconds. These guys are on point for 60 minutes straight.
  23. I dunno, I don't think KC got any worse from last year. They have a good rookie class in McDuffie and Sky Moore among others.
  24. What gives you that impression? I sincerely hope that's the case but everyone seems to be hyping him up for a HC gig.
  25. Allen seems like a more mobile Peyton Manning to me. He's reached a level where he can pick apart a defense with his eyes before they even snap the ball.
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