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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Yea, but then you aren't fixing what is the problem. If I have a limo and it breaks down won't run replacing the driver isn't gonna make a difference.
  2. If the Bills players come out flat I'm questioning the players first coaches can only do so much to prepare the players but it's on them to get the work done. If they can't get focused to play a primetime game to start the season they don't belong in the league let alone on one of the top teams.
  3. Think that the lack of offfensive line talent and the money a top OT can earn makes ìt easier for guys like Dawkins to keep their jobs even when they don't even appear to care enough to work on getting better. Think about ìt. When the Bils finally get an upgrade and move on from Dawkins he likely can get a few 1 yr contracts with any team that is still looking for better OTs so unlike rbs who are a dime a dozen and can't find work easily. At the very least Dawkins will draw vet min pay. Likely at very least 1m a year to sit on the bench as a backup swing tackle somewhere. Hardly any incentive to work hard to keep his current job. I just don't get any sense he even cares about football.
  4. Jets defense is scary when they bring in their office supplies. Particularly scary are their staplers, with the hole punchers a close second.
  5. Yes they can do alot in scheming to help the line and keep pressure off Josh. However preseason isn't the place to display those schemes and plays. They are practicing those plays, but I'd have been more upset if they showed all the shiny new plays in a meaningless preseason game and gave the Jets a bunch if tape to counter those. Much rather have the Jets scrambling to find counter moves on GameDay where perhaps the counter is something their younger players don't have7 any experience with so they fail to implement the adjustments and they lose the game to a superior Bills team.
  6. I'm very concerned we can't win the preseason with this level of buy-in. And not sure we have won any if our off seasons since the Bills let Rex go with a few years left on his contract. So at best this season we can win the reg season to be 1-2 for the year offseason preseason reg season so even if we win the post season leaves the year at an unimpressive 2-2 record. Hope Terry is letting them know that is unacceptable and that continued employment will only be in their futures if they fix the off and pre seasons going forward.
  7. Thought we were at 90 with signing the rb and the ot mcGhin And isn't it ir in preseason they are done for year. Can get injury settlement and sign with another team but not the team they got ired from?
  8. Any IR moves now are lost for season? Or does the 4 week or whatever it is kick in during preseason? Don't recall the exact details on ir in season...
  9. With signing this LB White what player is off in corresponding roster move?
  10. So maybe Buffalo is letting them spend on rbs and then we just watch them in our rear view mirrors on way to SB.
  11. Or perhaps he has a scheme that he feels will work but he doesn't want to show it in preseason so the Jets can gameplan around it. I'm still expecting our offense to keep teams off balance and playing catchup. Leaving the defense to not have as much worry on a run game.
  12. Yea we are just all ready for real football and always have to remember preseason is not real football only real opponents that you gotta play smart against as theý won't hold back on a hard hit.
  13. Yes there are so many conflicting reports. One minute Brown is paralyzed and can't move then he's fine and while not looking great he's doing just enough. They need to find the strongest sumo wrestler and teach him what to do and plug him in there. Not especially pretty but if it get the job done I'm OK with s fat guy in a diaper.
  14. Heck you fix an oline then it almost doesn't matter who you got at rb.
  15. Doesn't help when you read it back it sounds like seize enough not to stand out as the wrong word.
  16. Buffalo is my hometown so I'd never cheer against any home team in any sport. As such I don't require the Bills to be good, I do require them to represent Buffalo well. I enjoy seeing them win of course and want to see them win the Super Bowl but it is not the priority for me as they will always be my hometown team that could only change if I suffer some catastrophic memory loss but id imagine I wouldn't even know what the sport was in that case.
  17. You mean seize control. Cease control is to give up.
  18. Edmunds didn't make plays he just prevented some being attempted xause he intimidated the qbs. Those attempts are not suddenly automatically completions of throws that are suddenly game beaters. Don't know if they will hurt the Bills on the scoreboard, likely time of possession may get shifted some but I still am confident Kosh and his guys can outscore any team they face if they solve the protection schemes to give Josh ample plays to choose from. I don't begrudge Edmunds his chasing the money, seems more likely with generational talent. In Edmunds case wonder how much coaching he willingly accepted over how his mom had him practice. I always thought heplayed more by how she trained him than what the Bills staff wanted him to do. Just as Zay Jones had his training and growth impacted by a interfering ex nfl player that insisted Allen was a no name non talent and Zay was a HoF talent. I would hope they stay away from talent with JAGS in their family tree who spent some time in the league. Seems t8hose players are torn between the Bills coaches and conflicting advice guidance from the nf0l alumni in t heir families.
  19. I'd like to see the league setup a ol training facility to train up nfl capable olineman. They need a better supply system on lineman.
  20. This is true and yes I Don't care if they do anything in preseason and if they showed anything but vanilla od find that to be bad coaching. Just the lack of discipline is my pet peeve but then if they were on point then failed to execute it be a whole different set of fail so I just want the reg same as on to get here so we see what this team really has.
  21. Yea Dawkins would be on PUP list until he was medically cleared. If he lost some strength from his bout with civid all the more reason he should have worked on gradually conditioning his body to regain and even surpass his previous ability.
  22. Get a top oline don't need Hopkins the wr Corp will be improved just on protection giving routes as much time needed to get open
  23. Perhaps he needs to shovel out any teammates if we get any snow this season.
  24. Certainly cannot especially as I really believe much of the preseason is scripted and posturing to change some perceptions out there. I just would love s team that is so talented that they can just go play their game and no one has any answers even with tons of tape
  25. choice. That he was doing a promo for nfl France or so he was told so he couldn't show up fully dressed? Just speaks how casual the workplace is for the players and I'm not a big fan of pampering already pampered stars who make way more than any effort they give truly earns.
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