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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. So the Jets had a higher draft pick back when both teams needed a QB, turns out it didn't help them as many Bills fans feared.
  2. Any player that could be a surprise cut this year based on savings and being expendable?
  3. He got covid and got some heart condition from it one of the known side effects covid can leave in otherwise healthy young people that get covid.
  4. You would hope, but then you and I are Buffalo fans so I'm guessing you are from Buffalo area. As such unless you prove otherwise you are automatically assumed by any Bills Mafia to have utmost respect for players health and well bring outside of his athletic contributions to the teams success. Miami certainly shows a disregard for player health with the heat issues on visiting sidelines. And keeping Tua in game after obvious concussion. Hamlin incident did bring safety to the forefront, it's hard to judge how long before other news distracts from importance ofsafety. .
  5. No I'd welcome it if it's based on performance. If White is not able to regain his ability that his contract was based on then if he refuses to restructure to a more fair rate then that's on him and lack of honest awareness of decline in ability doesn't inspire confidence that that player is gonna improve going forward. Though to be fair Tre White is pretty highly self motivated. I'd see him taking a lower contract to stay in Buffalo. Morse I think he is aware he is on borrowed time and with his concussion history I think he would retire anyway. Have to see how others play þhis season as well.
  6. Which is why I hope they don't extend Dawkins. Heck I'd even love his agent asking for a restructure to help the Bills and they just laugh and say no thanks. Dawkins deserves the same commitment he shows to being in best shape in order to keep Josh and our offense in best shape.
  7. In this case it might be good that he signed with the Giants with Daboll and Shoen there. We know it would have been ignored on some teams. Miami comes to mind.
  8. That would help but it helps all teams. So then u get idiots like Cleveland giving Watson fully guaranteed contracts. Would that still be true if Watson were to get into more legal issues and perhaps even be caught and sentenced to jail? I'm sure that nullifies the contract, and it certainly bears watching if he plays badly.... Could very well see him get setup, but by a disgruntled Browns fan, so the evidence in the tape she provides is enough to send him to prison for a number of years.
  9. If they rèstructure Dawkins it better be with an easy cut if he doesn't regain his form as he plays his way into shape. And maybe add in some kind of workout clause tied to any money they will pay him so we see if that motivates him.
  10. Yep that seems to confirm that loss of Rusty Jones played s large part in the Bills downward spiral. Probably the biggest reason I get so upset with seeing Dawkins show up so out of shape and to a lesser degree even Josh and Gabe could stand to do a bit of work to tone up maybe there's some good exercise he could do to strengthen his ankle muscles to be a bit more durable in that area. I used to always mess up my ankle playing softball then I just started using a good elastic ankle wrap to add support.
  11. Thus here. I can care less what the national opinion is about the team I love. Plus it's easy to lose the edge if you buy into all the hype. I will enjoy seeing the Dolphins melt down as payback for the heat melt down the Bills suffered last season.
  12. And curse the day rusty left to the Bears iirc. Wasn't it donahoe?? Think rusty leaving was the big reason we were in a drought, we were always very low in injuries with rusty too. Seems Buffali does well with some people with initials RJ. Rick Jennerette Rusty Jones Rick James Hoping DK is the next initial combo that does well in Buffslo. Dalton Kincaid Dawson Knox It would be interesting to know where the connection between his family and the Seymour and Northrup Knox branch connect. Granted at some point we are all related by some common ancestors, and no this isn't an advert for ancestry dot com. Just simply a fact.
  13. Show me the baby..... in football term that means the Lombardi.
  14. Yea he went thru a couple per year if I remember correctly. He certainly never slaved iñ getting himself in top shape once he learned what worked for him.
  15. If you go by sack rate per game Jj edges Bruce out by half of 1 per cent. If he had played at his same level longer he certainly was on a pace to break the record. Again hard to keep motivated with the wear and teR you take, especially if you earned as much as these guys do. You almost have t be motivated to break the record and perhaps even enjoy the punishment.
  16. You are assuming that Matthew is the one that will continue as the future owner of the Bills? Could very well be that Jessica runs the team in the future. Likely it will be run as a family business and don't know which if any of the 2nd generation will be the one that carries on running the team for the family. Jessica's husband works for the pegula sports and entertainment so maybe he runs the team in future alongside jes s ice when she no longer is competing as a top women's tennis player.
  17. Plus you see him routinely beat double and triple teams. Not many top athletes can be as self motivated as Bruce was for as long as he played. 19 years is a long time to be playing pro football especially any players in trenches offense or defense. They take a lot of pounding.
  18. Nah as Josh says they are grown men if they need someone to tell them how to keep in shape than I don't think that player is very coachable to begin with.
  19. Ah figured there was some thing or this would have happened alot more than it has
  20. Yea you wanna be on top of a newly forming oasis and keeping it trimmed otherwise the world be swamped with jungles.
  21. Yes he's paid well so no reason he can't hire a chef to cook his meals and a trainer to get him in top physical shape for the start of camp where he'd only need to get back use7d to the hitting and such of football again. Easier to remaster one skill than to have to get in shape at the same time, which could even raise risk of injury.
  22. Anyone who is so good they are very unlikely to fail then hey they should be able to pick and choose as their leverage permits however there's not too much in life that is a guarantee especially in a spirt as violent as football is. Otherwise you'd have guys with deep pockets like Pegiula with his connections to his Alma mater Pittsburgh paying the OT there that's considered to be the top OT in next years draft to maybe have some injury and maybe fall in draft to where the Bills could draft him? Heck why not just pay the athlete to not enter draft to pursue other interests then change their mind after drsft to sign as fa with team he wants. Not sure how such an occurrence would be handled some kind of waiver claim??? Elway only had leverage çause he was a top baseball prospect as well could have played baseball if things went any way he was not ok with.
  23. Could be he is the source Stephen A Smith is alluding to. He certainly seems to be trying to sell a controversy. Must have some major income off his clicks to be fishing so wantonly for more.
  24. Yea he looks good but I doubt any of the preseason games he had to deal with gameplans so his 0 sacks in preseason action is not as if he was taking on Bruce Smith in his prime and in a regular season game.
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