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Everything posted by Boxcar

  1. How can you possibly not include Drew Bledsoe? What's perplexing to me is that Cam got 14 million while clearly being a much worse QB than Fitz, who got 10. Lol Pats.
  2. I'm only commenting on the last part, but if you guys have never had good mushy peas, you don't know what you're missing. I can eat a straight bowl of that stuff and my wife isn't even using marrowfat peas, which are hard to find.
  3. I think you mean Mr. UN LIIIIIMMMITTTED I'm unhappy with a team that competes for a SB every year, therefore please trade me to the Bears. Makes sense. This will never not be funny, and true
  4. They have more than a John Ross level of cap space to fill it. Guy sucks. I'm very much hoping for this as well, but it's just really off that Beane never approached him to take a pay cut. That tells me something is up...but of all the more budget friendly WR options, how are any of them better than Smoke? Especially since he knows the system. He isn't just fast, either, he runs great routes.
  5. Hyperbole on the stats as OL stats are very nebulous, but PFF has him rated as much better for the run than the pass, which doesn't really mesh. He's a below average lineman and won't be getting better. I'd have much rather gotten Kevin Zeitler at the numbers he got than Feliciano at his. I just don't feel comfortable with Feliciano as a starter. Let him work running downs but we needed an upgrade there. Ike Boettger is probably basically the same player as Feliciano and no one is calling for us to pay him 5 million per year. There were a few who were clamoring to cut Mitch Morse and have Mongo start at C...I think that says a lot.
  6. Holy jeeze, Feliciano is wildly overrated here. Maybe they didn't want to roll the dice on being able to lock up a FA guard who is better? Or maybe it's another one of those "culture" signings. My basis for this conclusion is every stat ever, btw. Let the thumbs down roll in.
  7. I think he deserves to be the third highest punter in the league, the problem is that we don't use him enough. Still though, it's really not breaking the bank either way, and last thing this team needs to scramble to find a punter. We have a good thing going, not to mention as a place holder, he's done a great job for Bass.
  8. Zeitler. We can afford all 4. Give me Zeitler, Verrett, Ebukam and Arnold.
  9. I agree, I was all about Jenkins or Leatherwood but now I think Etienne might be the best on the board. The acceleration is insane.
  10. Omg I was not expecting this, amazing! Totally fine on the numbers, too. Milano is really good.
  11. 1. Being QB friendly can be learned. I believe he was getting better near the end of the year, but I distinctly remember times where he ran his route and then stopped. One of those times, I think Josh even tried to throw it to him but he wasn't paying attention. 2. He doesn't have breakaway speed. Are you arguing otherwise? This is only a concern because he's been used as a deep threat. He has tremendous body control, and I hope he takes the next step, but I really think JB is being underrated here.
  12. No, I'm not doing that, I even threw in compliments ffs. I'm pointing out legit flaws as to why he isn't a one for one replacement. You can't definitively say that Davis will improve year 2, and with the Bills where they are, it isn't really wise to go into the season with a somewhat questionable commodity. Was the hyperbole necessary?
  13. Because Davis showed flaws that could be exposed if he becomes more of a focal point. For one, he wasn't very QB friendly. He tends to run his route and then call it a day, which doesn't work. Two, he doesn't have Brown's breakaway speed. I love the way he can contort his body mid air and make some great catches, but I don't think he's as good as Brown and might get exposed. Hope I'm wrong. I like Davis a lot, but I would have loved to see a full year of Beasley, Brown and Diggs.
  14. Getting cut from a really good team while you aren't really being overpaid has to sting. It sucks. I'm not really a fan of the direction they've taken to create cap space so far. They still need a John Brown type receiver. Tbf neither did Beasley. Neither of those guys were close to 100% when they returned.
  15. I meant specifically regarding Star's contract, which is I think indisputably not very good for the Bills. Well, I mean, even if you believed he was the worst player in the NFL, cutting him still wouldnt make any sense.
  16. Yeah, it would cost 4 million more in cap space to cut him. This is a case where of he wanted to retire or something, the Bills would want to ask him to go along with a fake injury all season. Pretty brutal contract. They already restructured him last year, which is why they are in the mess they're in now.
  17. The only people who have any right to be upset with hunters are vegans, who you then proceed to ignore.
  18. Jefferson was mostly playing out of position. I have no idea why they went with Butler instead.
  19. It seems incredibly clunky to have a player forced to choose between getting paid what he's worth and having a winning team around him.
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