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Everything posted by Boxcar

  1. Wholeheartedly agree, but there wasn't a team with a delusional GM between us and Watt.
  2. Hyperbole to build hype? I don't know. All media figures love getting attention. In MLB, this is basically JP Morosi's entire career.
  3. Yeah, was gonna say the same thing. People were on this before she said anything. Speculating on Mack isn't her fault, though, that was just wild Bills Mafia dot connecting. Still, Ertz was hurt last year (on top of all the other nonsense in Philly) and he's not that old, so there's a nice potential for a bounce back season. I'll be happy. I just don't understand how you go from pursuing JJ Watt to saying "ahh ***** it" and committing to Mario Addison. I feel like there must be something coming on the edge. There has to be.
  4. It's 20+ pages based on like 4 short tweets. Eventually, you run out of conspiracy theories.
  5. I've never found her to be a trolly type. She doesn't really have a history of it. The rumor could be completely wrong but that doesn't mean she doesn't believe it's true.
  6. I will "clean up" comments A) we don't, but people who find men attractive do. B) no one tied her competency to her appearance. I called you a dinosaur because of your fervent opposition to computer models, not because you find her unattractive. I actually agree that you should be able to have an opinion on her without judgment. I also don't really think that was an attack on your character as I don't know anything about you other than what I read there. Chill out, friend.
  7. Wasn't that quick. Also, are we no longer allowed to comment on the attractiveness of a woman? Wasn't sure society had devolved to that point yet.
  8. I love Beane as much as the next guy, but what the hell just happened here?!
  9. Finding a woman attractive is not the same as being a simp. If you don't know what a word means, best not use it. You know which creatures survived when the dinosaurs went extinct? The ones that adapted to the changing times.
  10. At face value, this isn't even close to sexual assault. The continuous use of the word "masseuse" is also throwing me off, because massage therapists and masseuses are different things. There's also really only one area that isn't potentially touched by an RMT, so if she was asked to massage his ass, that's completely legit. My god, even assuming all this is true, him asking for the lady to jerk him off is worth a six figure settlement?!
  11. If this was about seeking justice, why the hell would there be no criminal charges or allegations? Just a civil suit for money? Doesn't smell right. Also, a masseuse is someone at a rub n' tug. My sister is an RMT and they don't tolerate being called masseuses.
  12. Journalism in 2021: I love journalism in 2021. Instagram post from shady lawyer comes across desk, no need for investigation, just blow it up on Twitter. Also, pardon my ignorance, but isn't sexual assault a crime that would involve...police? And not just a civil suit?
  13. I believe guys like you are referred to as "dinosaurs" If I was a Lions fan, probably would take a lot less than most other teams to get me to switch tbh.
  14. Maybe she saw how awesome we are and just wanted an excuse to jump on the bandwagon
  15. Couldn't you just open his instagram page in an archive from a couple days ago?
  16. I just want to point out...if no one knows what the rumor is, then it isn't a rumor. It's a secret. Use more accurate words, Cynthia!
  17. It's weird. Ertz had a really bad year once Carson Wentz became the worst QB in the NFL. I just can't figure it out.
  18. NP, I will make a note that you don't enjoy attractive women and keep that in mind for future posts.
  19. Hot math chick that does analytics stuff for NFL Network
  20. That doesn't sound exciting at all. Do I need to temper my excitement in order to keep my penis?
  21. To be fair, you were probably expecting the Bills to go 2-4 or something last year, so....
  22. I'm sure that Smoke being distraught over being pushed off a team he didn't want to leave isn't going to make Beane hold a grudge. If anything, that should make him feel better. Smoke really wants to be here, so I hope this is correct and he dips his toes into FA to find it's not as receptive to him as he'd thought. I like Gabe Davis and Hodgins is interesting, but neither is the caliber of player a healthy John Brown is, at least not yet.
  23. Is it? The amount they are paying these guys is far above what they were projected to get. Meanwhile, we locked up our cornerstones for below market deals.
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