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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. With all due respect 26 CB, a ,05 is literally one beer. If you have never driven a car after one beer, feel free to expound on "character ". Personally, I would not throw stones at that glass house
  2. You are right, but with our luck, this will be his breakout year and there will be teams throwing money at him.
  3. I suspect Dareus is going to want something equivalent to Suh, so we will see if settles for less, but he should clearly be the top priority. I think he is a better all around player and a case could be made for that. Gilmore will be the toughest to sign I think. Top CBs command stupid money. It is going to be tough to keep him if he has a strong year this year.
  4. I get your point and generally agree, but will point out that John Kryk, the author of the blog being discussed in the last few posts, is a legitimate journalist, and does know what he is talking about. He did a great job during the Bills sale process, in particular with exposing the warts in the Bon Jovi led Toronto efforts.
  5. Apparently no team is willing to pay his asking price yet. He is no doubt hoping some team will get desperate with a key injury as camp rolls around. Could well happen, then again, maybe not.
  6. Fine with this at this point. He is a good player, but at the backside of his career and not the right investment at this time.
  7. Sigh all you want but his absence speaks volumes about character and commitment. Other players are rehabbing from injuries but have been in town and participating to the extent they can. At the very least, meeting new teammates and coaches shows commitment. Whether he spoke to any Bills represnetatives or not is beside the point.
  8. Within 90 days he will probably be infected with the BN virus, carried by Sully and Gleason. I hope he has the proper antibodies.
  9. I have stopped taking anything Joe B has to say, particularly about QB play, seriously. The fact that the work so far has not been mandatory to this point is really beside the point. If the guy was serious about wanting to play for this team he would have been there. Unless he comes in and is the second coming at this point, he is done with this team, and probably with the NFL. No other explanation other than lazy. Watkins is still recovering from hip surgery, but he is in town. Lazy, unmotivated POS.
  10. Don't worry. Joe B and Rodak will be checking in shortly. Joe B to over-analyze every throw and Rodak to re-tweet Joe B's comments.
  11. Of the two bad choices I would say 1, but neither would really be successful in my mind. I have higher expectations, as I am sure most here do. In the end though, I just want to see some hard hitting, competitive and entertaining football being played by my Bills. I am certain we are going to get that at least.
  12. Could be either Rex or TP, or both. In any case, unfettered access by the media at this stage would be counterproductive. They report every little detail they see without any understanding of why they are seeing it, what the coaches are trying to accomplish, or what the coaches actually are seeing. Hugely distracting I would think. On the TP side, the BN has been adversarial with respect to their hockey columnists. I remember he approached them actually Day 1 of his ownership and they had a meeting where TP asked them to take a more positive approach in covering the team and they instead dug their heals in. I do not believe he is any fan of the BN, but I suspect this has more to do with minimizing distractions at this very early stage of player evaluation and teaching.
  13. Thanks. Should have looked that up before posting - my bad. Still does not seem likely, though. I think it is more likely they are trying to find out if Henderson can play the left side in case Glenn goes down. He is a probably a better candidate for swing tackle given his starting experience at RT last year. They need to coach somebody up for that role.
  14. Has Incognito ever in his life played Center? Don't think this is very likely.
  15. Could not agree more and posted very much the same thing in the EJ/press speculation thread. Last year was a complete waste at the QB position. Orton was not a long term answer and we wasted the opportunity to give EJ the experience necessary to make a determination on him. Now we are back in the same place. I blame Marrone mostly, but Whaley deserves some blame as well for caving on the issue. It seems to me that Whaley's plan was EJ or bust last year which is why only Lewis and Tuel we are on the roster as backups to begin camp. Marrone stomped his feet and got Orton, who he elevated to starter as soon as he could. Big mistake in my opinion.
  16. While projecting Manuel would have gone 13-3 is a bit over the top to me, I do think Manuel would have given the Bills just as good a chance at 7-5 over the remaining games as Orton did. Orton was clearly no long term answer and to me it was a very questionable choice to replace Manuel at that point in the season. The reason should be all too painfully obvious at this point. Marginal results in 2014, no playoffs, and an entire year of Manuel's development wasted. Now, with a team clearly built to win at all positions but QB, we have the same problem, and no more development time for a QB who everyone knew was going to take time to develop. I guess it makes me an "EJ dreamer" to think that a little patience last year would have put the Bills in a much better position this year, whether he improved over the course of the year or not. I suspect he would have. I am not going to bother to go through all the arguments which have been hashed out in boring detail a hundred times already. Suffice it to say that in my opinion, starting Orton bought the Bills nothing, and squandered the best opportunity at developing a QB drafted in the first round. Miami did not make that mistake and look where they are, despite Tannehill being awful to mediocre his first two years.
  17. Agreed. I am not sure why you even make this move. Essentially switching one scrub who will not make the team for another. Waste of time.
  18. Aboslutely a good thing. Most of these guys have no idea what they are looking at and report evry fart like it was the super bowl. Useless information at this point.
  19. Some individuals are just lousy human beings. Hopefully he will eventually find his way. There is no reason why the Bears, or the NFL, should be a party to it. It is about time they weeded out guys like this.
  20. The biggest fault in this logic is, of course, that there is no guarnetee Murray would have signed with the Bills. Chances were probably small in fact. Second, Kiko is not a pro bowl linebacker. He is a guy that, unexpectedly, had a very good first half of the season in his career. The second half was forgettable, and of course he missed his second season due to his second ACL tear. The final unsustainable argument in your logic is that Murray is anything close to McCoy in terms of career accomplishment. He had an extraordinary year in 2014 no doubt, but this is a major outlier to the rest of his career. This hardly makes Murray a "top tier RB" - just a guy with one great year with what many people believe was the best OL in football last year. The Kiko for MCoy trade is solid on its face, and could turn out to be the steal of the year. Murray really has nothing to do with it, but even so, i would not trade McCoy for Murray, even if you threw Kiko into the deal.
  21. Maybe the Colts will trade Luck for Dareus. They have a bad defense, right? (Where is the sarcasm emoticon?)
  22. The run defense started off very well, but starting at week 7, with 158 yards given up to MN, and 175 to the Jets the following week, the run defense was pedestrian to poor. Their ranking at the end of the year may have been better, but they are hardly dominant in that department. It was the pass rush and secondary that was the strength of that defense. Ryan has a solid history of excellent run defense. This team will be better.
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