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Everything posted by JakeFrommStateFarm

  1. Brady has been a monster this season. Loooks like Allen is below Ryan, Winston, and Wentz
  2. I'm starting to think that Buffalo fans are the dumbest fans in the league
  3. I think it was June Jones that pioneered the 4 and 5 WR no RB set. He called it the Run and Shoot. He ran it where ever he coached including Hawaii and the Falcons. It was never successful as the QB took lots of hits with no RB blocking. It went from being called the Run and Shoot to the "Chuck and Duck"
  4. Brady also said he's playing until age 50. So that means no superbowls for any other team until 2029
  5. So are you a taxpayer that lives in Buffalo who is willing to vote yes to have your taxes raised ? Or are you an out of state fan that has no skin in the game ?
  6. All that the politicians you mentioned will do is put a tax hike on the ballot to fund the public part of the stadium. If the voters vote the tax hike down, the Bills will move. That's exactly what happened in San Diego. The voters voted down the tax hike at least 4 times
  7. Trufant would be a steal. We should move on this immediately
  8. In the age of covid a practice squad player could make a huge difference. The rules have changed.
  9. Trubisky is not the best backup in the league. Foles is better. Minshew is better. Should I go on ?
  10. I agree. Fromm clearly outperformed Webb. A blind man could see that
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