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Everything posted by Turbo44

  1. He is missing a chunk of time?? My understanding is he’s back by training camp or at worst the regular season. Hope I’m correct
  2. Someone above mentioned it but I’ll second it - Dawkins was on the NFL channel on Serius and said Josh went rgoue on the play, nobody knew he was going to run a bootleg. When he saw Josh go outside, Dawkins had to disengage his block so he didn’t get a holding call. Looking at the replay it Looks like there wasn’t much room for Singletary so Josh might have saved the game.
  3. We have Josh Allen, NE does not have Josh Allen i love Josh Allen more than any man should love another man Yep only ones left were Bills fans
  4. Crazy thing is he was an UFA this year and nobody wanted him - he came back for veteran minimum. My guess is McBeane may be tired of Beasleys antics and he won’t be brought back next year. Star (hope you enjoyed your personal time off) and Beasley will be cut and we’ll sign a speedster WR.
  5. They swallow the whistle cuz there too p&ssy to make the proper call but then invent a PI on Wallace on 3rd down in OT that doesn’t exist. Maddening and pathetic
  6. Bad non call but that hold was way less obvious than Diggs getting dragged down by his collar late in the 4th or having his jersey grabbed earlier vs TB. Still refereeing is borderline pathetic.
  7. It’s been a tough one - after the KC game we’re on top of the world then the Tennessee heartbreak and the Jax unexplainable. A win Sunday makes everything good though
  8. Man do these referees suck- between the phantom holding call on Seattle And the obviously missed PI call that should have been called vs LA, the refs basically handed the game to LA. I could care less about the two teams and this game but this is downright embarrassing
  9. Belicheat locks all players in the facility all week and allows them out only for practices, meals and bathroom
  10. Playoff specialist on Network said if Cleveland wins tomorrow they become the AFC division leader and knock cinci to 8th with us remaining 7th, as we were before this week’s games.
  11. And the bills hold the tiebreaker so who cares? The Bills have a lot to worry about, Miami isn’t one of them
  12. Not sure how injured they’ll end up but the Pats lost 2 WRs in the 4th who didn’t come back - #15 and That former 1st rounder disappointment. Meyers also got hit hard and limped off for a play. their TEs will be tough. It they may be down a couple of WRs
  13. 4th and 7 is a tough get but kicking the FG ended the game imho. Reich going for it on 4th wasn’t the right decision either but it worked
  14. NFL upstairs dq’d Pittman for no apparent reason. It also allowed them to have matching penalties and not penalize NE 15 yards and affectively end the game. Douchebag NFL at it again.
  15. Wentz is so bad and his team is still up by 20. Throwing behind his target every time
  16. Walker is my sons friend (he goes to Wake Forest and walker transferred to Michigan State from Wake). Freakish athlete and really nice kid but I’m still not sure I’d use a 2nd rounder on a RB. Walker was tragically underused at Wake.
  17. Diggs isn’t a #1 wr….interesting john Brown is a street free agent if sanders is injured for a while. Not the worst choice, knows the offense a And was a deep threat
  18. I’ll trust what my eyes see and what Mcaulie (a former official) says about the three calls/non calls.
  19. Games aren’t rigged - sometimes refs just suck and are inconsistent. This was the most inconsistent reffing I’ve seen in a longtime. We couldn’t overcome it in the end….came close
  20. Is it a good game plan to have no RB runs in the 1st half? Even a few runs to keep the defense honest would have helped not kill your qb
  21. It’s good to be able to overcome refs during games but if you don’t think they had an affect on today’s game not sure what to tell you. Calls tend to even out but not tonight - they were way out of wack.
  22. Did you not see the blatant PI on Tb on 3rd down ignored by the refs on Diggs at the end of the game then they ignored the one on diggs in OT. Fck the refs
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