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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. “We have other needs!!!!!!” ”uh maybe look at these two positions maybe?” Does not compute. Is LB a need or not? How good do you expect one of the DB’s at 54 to be? Nick Chubb was not a “blue chip” prospect. He was just a running back who ended up being very good. He was the 4th RB taken in his draft. Henry was taken 41 picks after the RB before him. I’m not sure what the argument really is here besides, “if they draft an RB in the second, he better be good.” Yeah, thanks.
  2. I think there are RB’s with that level of prospect who are potentially available. Henry was pick 45. Lol.
  3. We shouldn’t draft a backup QB because TBD posters might be meanie heads is galaxy brain stuff. Is Beane hiring?
  4. This almost never happens. Maybe we should draft multiple HoFers in the 6th and 7th rounds and flip them to every team for multiple firsts. This is a strategy, I am very smart.
  5. This is a meme to end all meme’s. Since 2011, the Pats drafted: -Ryan Mallett, pick 74. “Flippped” for a conditional SIXTH -Jimmy G, pick 62. Flipped for pick 43 -Brissett, pick 91. Flipped for a WR with 800 yards in THREE SEASONS with the Pats. This is the “peak” of this “strategy.” Lol
  6. I’m confused dude. You were like freaking out that WR may not be BPA at 54. Now we have other needs other than RB? What “homerun” RB did you expect to see in this draft that would be worth 54, a Zeke Elliott clone? Who exactly do you want at 54?
  7. Sure it is. This thread is about PSE. The failure of their Buffalo revival is part of it. That giant One Buffalo restaurant with 2 people in it for lunch is part of it. How much money do you think they have pissed down the drain for that?
  8. It doesn’t really address that you shouldn’t take a better RB prospect. Everyone knows the RB position is devalued.
  9. I love it because it’s chaos. Nothing else really makes sense either. If you fumble out of the bounds in the end zone, you can’t get the ball in the end zone. Going back to the 20 doesn’t make sense, you turned it over. You shouldn’t get extra downs if you fumbled on third down. It’s one of those weird rules that is kind of unchangeable.
  10. So analytical that you haven’t even posted anything in regards to the OP.
  11. Doubt they’ve seen any ROI in the DT buffalo revival. It’s still a ghost town, even at that restaurant.
  12. Safeties give you 2 points and the ball, which is potentially a 9 or 10 point swing. Safeties being worth a defensive TD and not the turn over takes away from them IMO.
  13. I mean, the Covington Catholic student sued 3 orgs for defamation and CNN gave him a nice tidy settlement. Maybe journalism has always been this crappy, but the amount of quick “breaking news” stories and then quiet retractions is breathtaking. At a certain point, these transgressions pile up, and if you don’t start becoming skeptical, you’re an idiot.
  14. What station do you watch on? https://deadline.com/2020/04/coronavirus-cnn-msnbc-donald-trump-1202907481/
  15. His tiff with EJ was so overblown. Skurski brought up drafting another QB. EJ, rather than saying, “the organization invested in me and it’s up to me to prove I’m the QB of this team and that’s what I’m going to do” he ASKS Tim Graham if he thinks they should draft a QB.
  16. Obama used Twitter a little but I think as like scheduled Q&A’s. Twitter is so clearly a weapon for disinformation and was heralded as the death of journalism/truth by many YEARS ago. Wawrow has railed against the rampant desire to be the first incorrect journalist for years.
  17. I don’t really care about the President right now, as that’s offtopic. The topic was journalism, and these dudes trip over themselves to be wrong. They were wrong about Kim last night. Brian Williams built his career on complete fabrications. They are wrong a frighteningly amount, about all topics, and their reprints and retractions get very little traction compared to the erroneous crap they spew. Do all owners tell their employees they are funding their lavish lifestyle in internal memos?
  18. What does ROI to fund lifestyle mean to you? He’s the President. And whether you hate him or love him, the MSM has been laughably bad in the US since the advent of Twitter.
  19. No, but they should try to not embarrass themselves at every turn when the general opinion of journalists is at an all time low. Especially when they say the story is “confirmed.” Lol Lol if that’s real the Pegula’s are ***** morons. People say they want a lot of things. But most of all, people really want to be lied to.
  20. Don’t look now but the two star anchors of CNN and MSNBC both reported that Kim Jung Un was on life support/brain dead last night and then just deleted it. Journalistic integrity is dead.
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