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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. I think every one of your first 4 picks will be gone 20 picks or so earlier.
  2. The Bills blew a 16-0 lead to an “incompetent” coach. What does that make us?
  3. Uh, Mahomes and his #1 WR battled injuries all year. Unlike the year before when they were both healthy all year.
  4. Here’s a fun point: In January, the NYT wrote an article that stated there was no evidence that COVID19 was “readily spread by humans and it has not been tied to any deaths.” I guess Trump did the right thing by not doing anything, seeing as there was no evidence of harm.
  5. You can say the moves are stupid. I don’t disagree. I just disagree with rolling on the floor at the Texans’ misfortune after Deshaun Watson just wiped his ass with our team.
  6. Why was such an incompetent team supposed to beat us?
  7. I don’t hate Tyrod the man. There are very few players that I hate as people, that’s mostly reserved for the scumbags of the world. But I hate, yes HATE, Tyrod the player. He is like watching paint dry, but paint in a color you hate.
  8. If the Chiefs lose Chris Jones, will you laugh at them as well? The Bills make the playoffs and get bounced in the first round, and suddenly we’re so high and mighty compared to the rest of the AFC. Absolutely unbelievable. Let’s stick to laughing at teams we didn’t lose to last year, like the Dolphins and Jets. Getting too big for your britches early is not becoming.
  9. I answered those questions a page ago. Stop being silly.
  10. It should be added that we are in an unprecedented time. It may come out in a year than HCQ is worthless in COVID. It may come out it has done more harm than good. Some physicians may be more hesistant to use it due to the lack of evidence than others. It’s a situation in which we do not have all of the answers in a field where we can barely expect to have some of the answers. That’s why discussion of its use should be held with your physician keeping in mind your own personal circumstance.
  11. This is sad now dude. If you want to rejoin the debate: https://www.kaptest.com/mcat Start here and we can talk in about 8 years.
  12. Alright, I think that’s it. Hope it was at least educational for the rest of y’all.
  13. Lol, there’s the white flag. Everybody wants to play doctor but not everyone wants to read no heavy ass books. Listen pal, there’s a lot more to practicing medicine than googling side effects and going, “it’s not safe!!!!!!!!!!!” Every medication has a risk of side effects, including the antibiotics you take for a sinus infection. Everyday in this country, septic patients with chronic kidney disease are started on vancomycin, even though vancomycin has a significant risk of nephrotoxicity. But that risk is assumed, because you may die without that antibiotic. Everyday, cancer patients take novel immuno- and chemo-therapy drugs without proof of efficacy because they have very little hope of survival otherwise. HCQ as an example, has very low risks associated with it relatively speaking, especially in a short course. One of the most notable side effects, which is related to the eyes, takes MONTHS of therapy to occur. It’s a medication that has been around since the 50s and one that we know very well. When using it in a COVID patient, you would have a discussion about the risks and possible benefits, including the fact that it hasn’t been well studied. But like above, regardless of the lack of clinical trial data, most patient’s on death’s door would take the chance on a mostly benign drug. And ultimately, it’s shared decision making between both the patient and their physician. No one is forcing COVID patients to take HCQ. You don’t know what you’re talking about, which is okay. The easy solution is to shut the ***** up and stop trying to play doctor, because you suck at it.
  14. You can’t accuse me of dodging questions while you yourself are actively dodging my questions. Ideally, we would have the luxury of waiting for clinical trials to investigate efficacy, sure. Did you know that every year, thousands of Americans with treatment resistant cancer take trial medications that haven’t undergone significant study in attempt to save their lives because they don’t have 10 years to wait around? Yes, other medications may be effective. Not sure any of them have as much support as HCQ does at this time. Answer these now please.
  15. How many people in the US have died from COVID-19 in the last month? How many have died from the side effects of HCQ? Do you really want to put lupus patients on a drug that “could lead to heart failure?”
  16. When someone is in full on respiratory failure, on a ventilator, do you think they want to wait for a clinical trial?
  17. There is no FDA approved treatment for COVID-19. HCQ is currently under investigation due to some small evidence suggesting it may be helpful. Outside of HCQ, there is nothing else besides symptomatic and supportive care.
  18. Right now he is googling methotrexate so he can list out all of the potential side effects and then say Trump is killing lupus patients. If I need to kill someone in a bridge collapse, now I know who to call.
  19. Plaquenil is first line for Lupus, but it is not the only medication used to treat lupus.
  20. Methotrexate for starters. Costs about 15 bucks for a months worth or so without insurance. What was your complaint, again?
  21. Oh, and HCQ is used as a controller medication. Lupus flares of the life threatening variety don’t wait 2-4 weeks to respond to that medication. That’s why God invented prednisone. MD big boy.
  22. There are 9 million other ways to treat lupus regardless.
  23. Hi, sort of an expert here. I know several instances personally where HCQ was used with good effect on COVID patients. What is your complaint?
  24. A turn of events? We haven’t even played the season yet. Imagine how silly you’ll look if the Texans win 11 games again next year and the Bills only win 9 or 10. I guess knowing the phrase “counting your chickens” makes you a defeatist lol.
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