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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. It’s catnip to the insane Bills fans though. We had a few back in the day who said EJ still had more upside and potential when he was competing with Matt Cassell.
  2. These remind of those ridiculous “Would you trade EJ for Tannehill” threads some troll would always start.
  3. I love Milano but the choice is easy. It’s a Value Over Replacement analysis. You can barely find OT’s that are good backups in FA. Decent LBers are always available.
  4. If you can intubate and throw an A line, they want you in the ICU.
  5. Kaep is out of the league, but everyone else who protested with him is still in the league. What are some key differences?
  6. Ooph, even worse. May start having to brush up on your critical care lol.
  7. Oh that’s right, surgeons. Hopefully they don’t ask you guys to cover the ICU lol.
  8. Incredible. 4/4. I was shocked at Rodgers myself. Peyton and Flacco I think were easy, but Rodgers has been a perennial pro bowler for so long I was shocked he didn’t make it.
  9. Oh *****, forgot Wentz didn’t play. There’s a fourth then.
  10. No. But even so, if that means you draw the conclusion, “beating women = ok,” well then.
  11. Here’s a fun stat. Since 2009, only 3 QB’s of the Super Bowl winning teams didn’t make the ProBowl the same year. Conclusion? You have to be in the better third of QB’s to win a SuperBowl. Guys who do that consistently end up making lots of money. Bonus points to anybody who guesses the 3 QB’s
  12. Yeah but you’re trying to draw a conclusion from 10 data points and you started out by throwing out 3 right off the bat. It’s just not great analysis. The Seahawks could have easily beaten the Pats and the Falcons also could have beaten the Pats. You draw can all kinds of faulty comparisons if you avoid using a reasonable amount of data.
  13. Forgot when someone was out of the league for 5 years for taking a knee. But cool posts!
  14. Why don’t you do SuperBowl appearances instead? I understand the goal is to win, but to win you have to get there and then you have double the data points to work with. Teams like the Falcons and 2013 Broncos should be included in this analysis to make a reasonable verdict.
  15. Yeah but I mean this dude didn’t buy in, had bad gap integrity and was the least productive guy on the DL. How’d he get offered the same money as Shaq? Why offer him any money at all?
  16. How was he not the most productive? I guess you think McBeane are also shopping for Bridges seeing as they offered $8M AAV for an future “underwhelming” player.
  17. I mean, hard to debate with “arguably best defensive lineman.” You could argue Oliver was better but not more productive. Phillips was #1 in sacks, 2nd in QB hits, tied for first in TFL, and #1 in solo tackles on our DL last year. I was encouraged by Oliver’s play last year, but JP stuffed the stat sheet last year. There’s a reason he went from a prove it deal to $10M AAV.
  18. Watching Tyrod is akin to watching a hockey team cycle the puck on attack over and over and over again. Just sitting there screaming “shoot!”
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