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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Lol what is this crap? Whatever a Freddie Coleman is, I'm pretty sure he wont have a job tomorrow if he did this list on ESPN's dime as noted. I'm as anti PC culture as anyone, but a qb is a qb. I dont see race factoring into my judgment of how good or bad a qubby is.
  2. Not allowed to change helmets during the year. I'd love me some reds too. I was a big fan of the change to white helmets, but now I'm ready to go back to red full time.
  3. I'd say 4-6 ,weeks probably. But I'm no doc. Still better than a brake or dislocation.
  4. Best case scenario stuff here. Crazy that he did not have a fracture.
  5. No matter if the teams are good or not, the travel will be pretty brutal. But no excuses as all the afc east teams will have to do it.
  6. Hopefully Brady will be fully toasted by then. Win the friggin division as all the east teams will have the same trips. Thanks for pointing this out though as it does indeed suck a bit.
  7. Agreed, til you have a guy who burned you like they did today. Game was in hand, then they messed around with it again and dude almost took it to the house again after the last man got him after a 50 yard gain.
  8. Possible, but he booted it through once or twice today. I think those are set plays because they have worked quite a bit this year in getting good starting position for the d.
  9. Agreed, except for the Crossman wasn't that bad part. Stupid to keep kicking it at the 1 instead of booting it deep. That Grant dude was killing us. Yet they keep on doing it. Stopped one time after the td... Then bam kickoff to the 1 and 50 yard return. Silly.
  10. Corrupt officials? Corrupt Riveron? I miss those replacement refs in 2012 or what not. They woulda fine with a year or so under their belts.
  11. Sucks. That really stings. I'll be shocked if it's not a broken ankle.
  12. This sounds more like the Sabres than the Bills. Lots of deadweight on that team. Can't think of too many bad contracts besides maybe Star. Well yes, Kroft too now.
  13. I think the whole thing is pretty hilarious. Couldn't have asked for a better result from that game from the Bills perspective. As for Rudolph, theres a topic Off the Wall thread here for "most punchable faces." Now that I know what he looks like, I'd put him up for consideration there.
  14. Haha tonight's a win-win for the Bills. Steelers lose and Browns wont likely see their best player again this season. Great start to the week.
  15. True, but he did have that beast Garrett blowing up our line quite a bit as well. That was definitely shaking Allen up too. He was panicking a bit because of it. Which is fair for a guy who's only got 20 or so starts under his belt.
  16. Allen was a bit shakey this game, but he also stepped up with some major league throws. I still love the upside. Can we get the guy a big, physical, somewhat skilled (sorry Duke) receiver though? That would be so helpful to him. I still trust my eyes as well and feel the coaches aren't doing him any favors with the rb situation and play calling. Put the dude in a situation to succeed at least. Oh and saying he was a bottom 5 graded out player on the field that day is silly Joe B. Wheres friggin Lee Smith?
  17. Only win I can think of was Bills Vikes. I know they called the Jags playoff game we lost and I'm sure a Patsy game or two in there. Did he call Jacoby Brissett game we won too against the Patsies? Not sure
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