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Everything posted by Rocket94

  1. Sounds a little half baked to me. Why would we want him? He certainly doesn't seem to be a team or McDermott type player. Besides, I feel the Bills did quite well with Singletary...give this kid a chance.
  2. Those were fun years. We expected the Bills to win every week!
  3. That's one of those days that we all remember where we were!
  4. When I lived out west, it was always difficult to find good wings. Several establishments will try with their own renditions. One guy said to me: "You people from Buffalo with your hot wings."
  5. I know...it was never even seriously considered. I never liked the Rex hiring at all. Publicity bs...filled the seats. Sure Rex "Its personal" then we get our butts kicked!
  6. I know...it was never even seriously considered. I never liked the Rex hiring at all. Publicity bs...filled the seats.
  7. Ok...that way we get our DE and WR...then go 12-4 And win the division!
  8. Prisco has seen the light? He points out everything that we already know. I mean, I agree. One more good draft...just a matter of time.
  9. Joseph will be one hell of a linebacker if he does his homework. He already possesses all of the natural ability, speed and twitch necessary. This kid can be scary good.
  10. I agree...please do not relinquish a 1st rounder! As much as I want an edge disruptor, I like the way Beane is building.
  11. I know players are hard to find, but I would feel so much better having that one piece...a high quality and disruptive man on the edge.
  12. I am anxious to see how the edge is addressed. Obviously on the bucket list.
  13. Phillips and Oliver should develop a solid relationship. We have a good idea about Oliver already and Phillips play should elevate...he is still young himself. How can a player not do better with Oliver in support...he is probably contagious to be around.
  14. 8 tracks were awful, and my only 8 track was a portable GE Radio with an 8 track built in. Not bad sound, but the tapes were cheap. The machine would eventually eat the tapes!
  15. Yes...interesting year for Phillips. The table is set. Right on. Phillips should have more opportunity this year.
  16. I like Phillips. I don't know much about his alleged "taking" plays off, but now that he has a home...he can realize his potential. He does have distruptive qualities in his game. Didn't NFL.com compare him to Chris Jones or vice versa!
  17. I had take another look at some film of Milano. He moves around the field in pursuit like a 1st round pick. Joseph offers the same suddeness and twitch...speed! Fast LB's...I love it.
  18. Yes...if the Bills find that they really need him, Joseph may be utilized sooner than later...it is up to him how he catches on!
  19. Technically not that old either...then the effort factor.
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