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Everything posted by DRA3196

  1. Neither of your points support your original position about other teams wanting to sign him. Comparing Clowney's situation to AB's is laughable. How the Raiders responded to AB's behavior is irrelevant to the point that AB will be wanted by other teams around the league. AB is all about AB and not about the team or the league. He has this delusional mindset that he is bigger than the game. It didn't fly with the Steelers and the behavior isn't going to fly with the Raiders and I doubt any other team in the league will want the distraction known as Antonio Brown. .
  2. This made me choke on my coffee. Don't you think the Steelers were looking to trade him for more than they finally accepted from the Raiders? Why didn't Pittsburg get more in compensation? No one wants a headache this big. Except maybe Andy Reid. who did sign T.O. But your talking about a player that is throwing his entire team and organization under the bus....2 days BEFORE the beginning of the season. A lot more teams will let him float on the waiver wire than line up to acquire his services.
  3. Anyone else get chills listening to the video? This whole situation is getting out of hand. Hard to tell where AB is mentally, but it sure doesn't seem to have anything to do with a football field. I agree with other posts. The dude needs some serious intervention immediately.
  4. Not many 6th rd draft picks lead the league in anything. Starting out his career as a return specialist and a #3 receiver on offense and then becoming a #1 WR. Throw in the facts that since he came into the league, he has had over 100 catches in 4 of his 9 yrs as a pro. That is more production than anyone could expect from a 6th rounder. You don't get that production or consistency without working tirelessly at your craft. At some point he put his heart into it.
  5. I am not certain what the circumstances were that led Beane to NOT sign AB....But THANK GOD!!! I have always respected his work ethic, but never liked his attitude. And he NEVER seemed like a fit for Buffalo.
  6. So we are now sending our "roster cuts" to the pats? Now they have our offense and defense. this should be interesting kudos to Beane for getting something outta nothing though. Let the regular season shenanigans commence.
  7. I think it is interesting. It could be something or nothing. We will find out on Saturday at the latest.
  8. Come on Defense...….Get the ball back already. I want to watch Wade score another preseason TD.
  9. I don't think Barkley has the arm strength of Uncle Rico, but his anticipation and touch is fantastic. They both know how to read a defense and where to go with the ball. Good comparison.
  10. Barkley is looking great. Couldn't be happier with him as our backup.
  11. I know it is (only) preseason. But If I were McDermott. I would be HOT!!! Penalties, turnovers. PATHETIC!!! Coming into the game I was hoping for solid execution. With Spain, Gore, Wallace, and now White going down. I just hope we get out of the game without any serious injuries. YIKES!!!
  12. a bit early for eating crow. Apparently the author wants to make sure he has a comfortable seat on the "Josh Allen" bus.
  13. Schopp has hated all things preseason football for as long as I can remember. After Peterman's fireworks last preseason and his subsequent flameout during the season opener against Baltimore, his opinion of preseason football has only gotten worse. Like others here have already commented. When Josh shows consistency and performs at a high level, people that doubt him will crawl back under their rocks, with a mouth full of crow.
  14. I can't say for sure how the season unfolds what our record will be. I will say I haven't seen a Bills team with this many playmakers or this much depth in decades. One thing is for sure. they won't be boring nor do I believe this is the "same old bills".
  15. At this point I think he is better than any FA QB, but only because he knows the offense. I would expect the Bills to look for a QB they can put on the practice squad once teams start cutting players. In no way do I expect Jackson to make it to the PS unless he plays lights out these last two games. I hope that Mcb learned from last years fiasco and have a plan in place before they cut him. A 3rd string player is only 2 plays away from being expected to perform.
  16. I believe it all depends on how much more patience the coaches and staff have with Jackson. If he doesn't improve over the next two games then I can see him being let go. But I don't think the organization wants to run into a situation like last year, where we started the season with only two QB's on the roster and ended up putting the team in a bad situation. Tyree is talented, but he had better grow up quickly or his NFL career could be over before it begins.
  17. I always appreciate Baldy's breakdowns because he is honest. good, bad or indifferent. great stuff. Thanks for sharing
  18. Get ready Bills fans. I billeve we are about to see something very special happen in Orchard Park, starting this fall. I for one am looking forward to the ride.
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