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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Bills fans with duck callers might be enough to make Hodges quack under pressure.
  2. My kid and his wife got one and he's thin downed but still can crank the weights. My daughter-in-law, well I look at her and feel like I shouldn't look at her like that. That bike has transformed them. They are lean, but it is a healthy strong look.
  3. He's a whiner, but will probably get in the HOF 1st time round. His side arm delivery looked weird, but he was effective. Him in the debate of being the GOAT - that is just silly talk.
  4. In high school (73-77) steroids were available but the body acne was hideous. Those guys also had roid rage too. Stayed as faraway from them as possible.
  5. Poor thing don't have those puppies now. At least she let us enjoy them when she could. (my wife just went through a 1 1/2 year of breast cancer treatment)
  6. Allen has one more season to show his mettle. The Bills should draft a QB this spring early on.
  7. Thank you Dr. Freud. Can I make payments or do you want cash up front ?
  8. Go there, be low key and when the Bills win go quietly back to your vehicle and party like it's 1999.
  9. Multi-millionraire athletes can do so much good for those up against it. .....and a lot of them do. Bless those who do.
  10. Be it 1 game a season or 16, when Gronkowski was on the field defenses were perplexed. Greatest TE ever.....so far.
  11. I was a grunt/low man in a union shop. Never said no to anything. I out earned my wives. My back finally blew out at 54.Ten screws, 4 rods. But life is still good.
  12. I wish, but no, they wanted it. My 3rd. and present wonderful wife just completed 1 1/2 years of cancer treatment. They each have Bachelor degrees.
  13. What I wouldn't give to bowl a game once more. Carrying a football is like nothing comparatively.
  14. Women get TMJ like 4 or 5 times more than men. My two ex-wives and present wife all developed it. I don't know why.
  15. Moss was a pee pot player. Squirting a referee with a water bottle. He pouted when he was on a bad Raiders team too. But he was one of the best WR's ever. He cheapshotted Milano.
  16. All the praise heaped on Allen on Thanksgiving was negated yesterday. Daboll certainly is not a proven commodity either. That was a winnable game.
  17. Still hoping for that participation trophy for most comments in a forum ?
  18. A self portrait of ones own brain exploding, hope all is well.
  19. Bills O-line couldn't handle Ravens pressure. Some bad passes to be expected given that. The glaring drops aren't. Difference was Ravens touchdown on a turnover. The Bills had opportunities to win the game.
  20. It's one of the simplest no brainer calls in the game, count to 11. To miss that is inexcusable. McDermott should still be furious.
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