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Bag of Milk

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Everything posted by Bag of Milk

  1. We saw in this city what happens when a team tanks and doesn't promote a winning culture. The Sabres still haven't recovered yet.
  2. We are desperate for WR's , I am all in on giving anyone with potential a shot. Much less Snead, who is young and has been productive in the past. Bring him in!!
  3. Every thread must go through Sammy Watkins on here. People have to stop letting Sammy live in their head.
  4. That's a valid question. But if this had happened to Gibran Hamdan, all bets are off!
  5. Is it a bad time to bring up that we passed on JuJu Schuster in the second round to take Zay?
  6. "At least he didn't eat anyones face" Has it been confirmed that he hasn't?
  7. Well due to recent developments, I would say yes, yes, we will be signing a WR or two.
  8. "I'm going to fight for Jesus?" Would much rather have heard him say: "I am going to fight for the process" P.S. Does Allen Hurns read twitter?
  9. After the Eddie Robinson "experience" I have had enough of coaches on the field.
  10. If you are going to post, please back up your words and make a list. Thanks.
  11. OK bud, Love the comment. But if age is just a number, then tell me why there are not more 36 year old linebackers in the league? Especially playing for defenses that emphasize speed. I look forward to your list, after all age is just a number...
  12. This is one that baffles me. I liked Dansby years ago. But then again, I liked Ted Hendricks years ago. I thought we were looking for speed, speed and more speed at LB.
  13. Here is Gabriel's take on Manziel when he came out: 'If I had to compare Manziel to another NFL quarterback I would say he is part Wilson, part Brees and part Brett Favre" LMFAO. Do you respect that?
  14. "The quotes are anonymous, however they may very well be planted to throw others off. Really can't trust anything except straight news this close to the draft" I would stress that you make an exception for Bob McGinn. He recently retired from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, but as easily been one of the most skilled and respected newspaper writers of this past generation. I always look forward to reading McGinn's draft material, as no one, yes no one, is better connected around the league. He is a must read this time of year and in upcoming columns will post about each position group.
  15. Thank you for the posts Norwood For Wall of Fame and 1billsfan. The "We are doomed" had their day, glad to see reasoned posters are prevailing. The beauty of drafting is that it is an inexact science. No one knows which one of Rosen, Darnold, Allen and Mayfield will be busts, but history has shown that at least 2 will, and they probably aren't the ones you are thinking of now.
  16. Gabriel is a clown, easily my least favorite "expert" Gabriel on Johnny Manziel in 2014: "If I had to compare Manziel to another NFL quarterback I would say he is part Wilson, part Brees and part Brett Favre. It obviously remains to be seen if he will have the success of those players."
  17. I wouldn't lose sleep over Jeremy Hill. The Bengals thought so much of him that they drafted Joe Mixon in the second round to replace him. Have you watched him run the last two years? 3 speeds- Slow, slower, slowest. As far as a Corey Dillon comp? I don't see it. Dillon was a beast!! Incredible production, a work horse back for many seasons,. Hill had a phenomenal half season as a rookie and has not been any more than average since. Not to mention that New England's offense has evolved quite a bit since then 2006.
  18. I think I'd rather have them sign Eddie Robinson, at least he can be a "coach on the field"........
  19. I am incredibly pleased with Beane. A witch? I might have used a different word, but I feel you. Just don't call him the dreaded "Master Poker Player" that so many on here called Tom Donahoe during his reign with the Bills.
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