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Bag of Milk

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Everything posted by Bag of Milk

  1. Whats yiour take then? I feel I am being realistic about mine. Have you ever had a post that isn't a snarky one line like reply? Feel free to discuss and rate each position group.
  2. IMHO the roster looks horrible right now. McCarron is your starting QB We realistically have only one building block on the offensive line (Dawkins) Every one else is a journeyman at best. Historically, most any RB McCoy's age begins their decline, if not completely falls off a cliff. My guess is at this point next year we will consider his contract way too much compared at what level his production is at. No backup. Ivory? Overpaid, should never have been signed at that price. By any measure your FB and TE are overpaid in comparison to production. They are not ascending players. Wr corps i the worst in the NFL. Benjamin is a free agent after this year. Will he be healthy? What will he eamn to get paid considering he isn't a true number one. (Runs a limited route tree(though, I do like him alot, he is not a high volume WR) The DL line is solid. Though, Star was way overpaid, considering he is not a penetrator, just a run stuffer. He averages 2 sacks a year. LB, my god, a night mare. Possibly Milano can be a solid starter, I like him, but lets see what he can do this year. The other LB'S are as old s dirt. Love the safety's and Dvis and White at CB, though, we certainly could add another CB.
  3. Agreed, he has that look of so many of the big oversized DT's after they get paid. He looks like he already checked out.
  4. To be honest, on paper it looks like a sh** show.
  5. Maybe ......The Hall of Shame. Next man up.
  6. In reality the scouts and talent evaluators do the best that they can. Saying that the NFL is bad at it, begs the question who is good at it? It is an inexact science. No one has completely cracked the code. The best that I know of as IT related to QB's might be Ron Wolf when GM of the Packers. One year Green Bay went to camp with Brett Farve, Aaaron Brooks, Matt Hasselback, Kurt Warner and Ty Detmer. Even Bill Walsh for all of his greatness, pushed Trent Edwards into Marv Levy's arms with his glowing evaluation. Lookup any GM in the history of the league and you ultimately will be underwhemed by the number of hits they have compard to misses. In 1974 The Steelers had probably the greatest draft in history: WR Lynn Swann (Round 1), LB Jack Lambert (Round 2), WR John Stallworth (Round 4), C Mike Webster (Round 5) Four Hall of Famers in one draft!!! Out of curiosity I looked up their 1975 draft and they had 21 picks! (draft was 17 rounds) I could only identify one above average player. Incredibly disparity. Inexact science.
  7. The 2000 draft class I call John Butler's revenge. He absolutely despised Ralph Wilson by that point.
  8. Trust me, there is a reason why even the most seasoned and most intelligent players hire an agent. Lamar Jackson is NOT saving money he has been losing money every day he doesn't hire professional people to advocate for his interests. I'm a big Lamar Jackson fan and am rooting for him, but he IS not smarter than everyone else in the league. This is almost a 100 billion dollar industry he is entering, it's above his mothers pay grade.
  9. I love Lamar Jackson as a football player, he is so dynamic and fun to watch, he also seems like a really good kid. Not hiring an agent is going to cost him millions and millions of dollars. Agents do so much more than negotiate a contract, and he is finding that out quite quickly. If you were going to court in a case that could cost you millions, if not tens of millions of dollars would you not hire a lawyers to protect and advocate for your interests? Moms can be a great resource, but an NFL agent/lawyer they do not make.
  10. Speechless... A CB and the 6th rated QB at best? We have got to do better than that.
  11. He is back with his agent Erik Burkhardt from Select Sports Group. They are a top ten agency and they have the expertise, connections and know how to generate interest....yet again.
  12. The NFL is valued at over 75 billion dollars. Trust me, if the tape was the only thing that mattered they would not bother with the scouting combine and individual visits to team facilities. The fact is, tape shows who dominated at the college level, a level with less athleticsm and total skill. The combine and visits help teams project which of these players will be able to transfer their skills to play against the best of the best every game
  13. The combine information is completely seperate from the grades. These profiles (with ratings unchanged) have been up WAY before the combine and was not added by Lance. Thanks for playing.
  14. I appeciate Lance Zierlein giving is something to read, but, these profiles were completed before the scouting combine and subsequent pro days. This material was added to NFL.com over a month ago, thus, they are outdated. Not to mention, teams don't rely on Lance Zierlien to pick the QB (and most important player on their team) for their billion dollar franchise.
  15. I remember Butler, Nix and Adams really thinking they had a diamond in the rough in Hobert. It was not to be, as Biily Joe was last seen jumping off the Tallahatchie Bridge....
  16. Not faulting you, but have seen it happen on here for almost 20 years in a row! Fans being fans.
  17. What year is this? Is there not enough angst and pain without reaching back into history?
  18. What a shock! A mock draft on a Bills fans site has the Bills ending up with the QB that most fans want! Who would have thought?
  19. Even though he is taller than Drew Brees. Rosen's ability to process information, make all the throws, and threaten the whole field vertically and horizontally reminds me of him.
  20. I loved Mike Mayock initially on NFL networks. Through the years, either his plate has gotten too full or he doesn't grind watching tape like he used too.
  21. My least favorite mocks are ones when players that we know won't be there miraculously fall to the Bills. Why bother?
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