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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. Same here. Have not seen anything from the guy in the limited action we have seen.
  2. No solution gets this right. Change the rule to 15 and they still get it wrong, just cost less yards. Even if it becomes a sky judge ruling those guys can get it wrong less but how do you determine when you review? On any given play there can be some bumping etc. Do they review every receiver on every pass play? Or review only the plays called then it does not help for no calls like on Diggs. When I get pissed at refs like this week I want them to just get rid of PI altogether. Just let it be a free for all so at least the refs cant impact the outcome. Will change the game quite a bit obviously. You will need big physical WR's and TE's or run plays to create space.
  3. Bills beat Pats they are basically guaranteed. Well assuming they win the "easy" ones. With Bills going to 3-1 there are really two things that stand out that could help knock the Bills out. 1) NE loses to Indy. Sadly we need to root for the Pats here 2) KC loses to CIN Sucks to be dependent on both NE and KC.
  4. Josh plays first half. Bills up 28-0 and Mitch plays second half.
  5. I will say it again. Exactly why we should have been all in for the measly $275K for Z Cunningham. LB is one of our thinnest positions.
  6. How did I imply we won in spite of him? Said nothing close to that. Someone commented that we would only have 3 wins with out Josh this year. That is what I disagreed with. We won many games this year not needing him to be great. We win those games with Mitch as QB. Do we have a chance beating a good team with Mitch? Not likely. With Josh we can beat any team on any day. With Mitch or another avg QB we can beat most bad teams on most days.
  7. Not if the first half team shows up. The same one that played vs Jax, Indy and Ne. Not Indy or pit
  8. Our defense played well the second half today and last week. Would you have taken the D holding TB to 27? I would have expected we need 30 or more to beat them. Early bad play, conservative nonsense cost us. Not on the D or Allen.
  9. Allen is the best player on this team. I don’t blame him for the 7-6 record. If we are being really look at our 7 wins. Go watch the replays if you need to. With Mitch we are minimum 6-7. The D dominated in those wins and the opponents played awful. Honestly I can’t recall a game we have won that was a game that you would say both teams played well. Hence our record in close games.
  10. That sucks. Bad call on refs but someone left there zone. Still a first down but not td.
  11. Disagree. What games have we won this year because of him? Not saying I don’t want him but that just is not true this year. He has kept us close but a bad loss does not count any different than a close one. We are 7-6 and our 7 wins were mostly easy ones.
  12. Refs killing us. No pi calls. The spots. Our own fault for the start but refs not helping at all.
  13. Should have either gone Allen again or quick slant or hitch.
  14. What are these last couple calls. Come on. Keep the quick slants and hitches.
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