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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. I saw that too.....thot the same as #Azuco98 - this streak is ending.....not a bad thing tho.
  2. I despise coffee but have found that I like coffee flavored stouts. It isn't as overwhelming as you would think. Try it - ya just might like it. then again - maybe not. The beer doesn't taste like notdawgs, it is a play off the color. Red for a red ale and White for a white ale. Rochester based brewery where those damn dawgs are made. I hate em. I pray someone has already stated this but it was a DOH moment to me.....I happen to like craft brews......
  3. BEYOND cool vision.....I too would cheer my lungs out....
  4. This!!! Used to be a big Kiko fan - not so any more. What a giant d-bag he is....
  5. My own pix.....good brew but since then I have had much better. Time to Upgrade to Rohrbachs Space Kitty, my current fav.
  6. Interesting but no need to take reps from the current crop IMO......just saying.....
  7. Money can't buy brains......never has - never will.
  8. Wow. looks like my opinion was way off base. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like he hasn't changed a bit. I once did the autograph thing with him - NOT a pleasant experience. Did manage to attend one of the parties he threw after a win at home. Was a wild time and he really did mesh with the players. I was out of sight and out of mind but did have some cool conversations with Reed and Talley and a passing conversation with Thurman. Those were the days. Sad it seems he is a bitter angry guy when the spotlight isn't on and a different guy when the spotlight is on. Oh well - his loss in life.....
  9. Wow - one of those Kelly Haters eh? No worries we all have our own opinions as we should. I for one respect what he brought to the plate as a player. He was an arrogant SOB who was brought down to earth by his son's situation and then his own. Life either tends to mellow the SOB's or really really sharpen them. Looks like Jim went mellow....
  10. That is a GREAT comment!!! I gotta be guessing they won't be playing cover one too much....AND I ain't gonna call ya crazy. I really feel in my 30+ years of fandom that the Bills are making it back to the glory days of the early 90's......GO BILLS!!!!!
  11. I hear ya.....being an hour south of Tampa is a PITA too! I have found a decent bar where a smallish number of Bills backers are....thats a plus.
  12. Well that too but they gotta start somewhere. Basically I am waiting on seeing some FOOTBALL not the preseason variety either!! I agree - but most of all I am looking forward to the start of this season....pre season OK but I am looking forward to some REAL MEANINGFUL FOOTBALL!!!!
  13. I like what he Bills have done. I like the FA pick ups. I would think that they are not done yet, some diamonds in the rough yet to be found. Looking forward to MEANINGFUL football in September! GO BILLS!
  14. Sad the Bills only managed to drive that guy into the ground......round peg square hole......they screwed him and themselves with poor coaching decisions.....screwed.
  15. Just beyond coolness. As many have said - so so so happy to see the Bills heading in the right direction on all fronts. GO BILLS!!!
  16. For A nanosecond I thought you were still here in Sarasota.......I was ready to start drinking with ya! No worries - I will keep the seat warm down here.....ATL is WAY too cold for me....got a buddy who lives in Griffin GA, at the corner of nowhere and nowhere, on the street of nowhere in the county of nowhere.....omg - it gets cold there - hell it even snows there!!! No thanks........come on back down to paradise......
  17. Don't wait.....one of the #1 lessons learned after moving here was - WHY DID I WAIT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT WAS I THINKING???? PLENTY of work here if you wanna work.....PLENTY! Move now......when you show me the guy who is shoveling heat and scraping humidity off his windshields then me and youse can talk. Till then? If it is hot outside I stay inside and THEN I go outside at night. If it is cold outside then you stay inside until spring.....that mah man sux the big wazoo.....cold BLOWS chunks....
  18. I had a neighbor who seemed to be in Vegas every year in time to place a bet on the Bills winning the SB. There is a reason they don't win and it is all his fault. He goes to EVERY home game and a few away games. He is a lovable certifiable nut. In short - a Bills fan. God bless him. I say STAY away from the bet.....ya just never know.
  19. #1 reason I have moved. There are 3 Bills backers bars in my town....pretty awesome! PLUS I get to live in paradise.....Every. Day.
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